Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.
If you’re staying in an abusive relationship because statistically you’re most likely to be killed if you try to leave, because you fear for your or your family’s safety, because you’re in deep denial, or because you don’t have the resources, I get that. “Just leave” doesn’t work.
If you’re staying in one because ohhhh it’s just a botherrrr to find another hot person to fuck … I have no sympathy. You’re an idiot. The end.
I guess that’s my line.
I get what you’re saying, chocominties, but and I’m right there with you, but I’d add that there’s a world of grays in between those two options. Like, gaslighting. Or verbal abuse. Subtle putdowns that make one party feel like the other person is doing them a favor by allowing them to stay in the relationship, since they’re obviously such a horrible person that no one else would want them. Or when the abuser makes hirself seem like the victim, and the victim seem like a horrible monster if xie left (in fewer words: emotional abuse).
The creator of the video kind of tried to include that element, I think, but did it in such a ham-fisted way that it’s hard to buy that this is a case of emotional abuse, not just a case of two idiots living in a house together.
Hey now! You stop using those shaming words on my NERF gun collection!
Hey David, do you think you could include a link to the forum at the top or something? Nobody can find it here because the only link to it is in that one post.
Can you imagine if a site on domestic abuse of women was plastered with images of menacing, blood-covered men?
Oh please, every stupid *** damn *** can make his own site, that doesn’t say anything.
Look at how ideologies work:
They are often started by some weirdos, cranks, kooks, … when they for some reason start to reach a critical mass they start to attract semi-respectable people who unlike the kooks don’t make serious tactical errors and have a better rhetoric, that is free of very offensive things that repulses average people. And then they have a chance to attract members of the intellectual elite and this is finally the breakthrough (a process in the opposite direction is of course possible, too.)
I don’t need to tell you which stage feminism and which state the MRM belongs to…
No weird kooks make sites about domestic abuse of women because there’s a mature ideology still there.
What about Pecunium, his main squeeze? 😀
Oh, no, Pecunium is not my main squeeze… no, no… how I imagine him?
… like that:
It is possible for someone victim of abuse to stay with an abuser if he’s afraid to be alone or is emotionally dependent. Furthermore there a people that have certain personality disorders that attract people that have other type of personality disorders.
In the case of the video, I’m not sure if the guy is an MRA : on his website, he doesn’t seems to blame feminism for all his problems or complain that he cannot get laid.
I had a quick glance at the website. Seems like it’s a guy who may have been in an abusive relationship who has set up a space for people to talk about similar problems. I didn’t see any misogyny or “all women are like this” kind of stuff (though I didn’t spend much time looking).
And I liked the “loser” bit of the video. That was funny.
Marc: Shall I ruin your fantasies?
Yes, I shall.
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/pecunium/2091534248/]Loch Lochy[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/pecunium/]pecunium[/url], on Flickr
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/pecunium/3350043761/]Portrait, Musuem of the GPW[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/pecunium/]pecunium[/url], on Flickr
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/pecunium/3192796856/]Deployment[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/pecunium/]pecunium[/url], on Flickr
Way to shatter Marc’s fantasies about you… Now he’ll never love you again.
Graham, hmmm. I was originally struck by just how strange this video is and didn’t really look at the guy’s site too carefully. Looking through it and through a few more of his videos right now it’s a mixed bag.
He doesn’t link to misogynist sites, and he does seem to be genuinely concerned about abuse by female narcissists (which is a real issue).
But there is also a lot of retrograde stuff there — rants about how women get you to hold their purses, and how this is an evil controlling trick; laments that “real men” have been wiped out; lots of slut-shaming; he sometimes seems to equate women acting autonomously with manipulation and abuse.
And of course his site concentrates overwhelmingly on female abusers; while none of he videos I’ve watched say explicitly that most women are controlling narcissists (as some MRAs/MGTOWers sometimes claim), it’s hard not to get that impression from his videos. IT’s a bit like the guys on the Men’s Rights reddit and their insistence on posting endless links to news stories about women committing crimes.
Kirbywarp: It’s the uniforms, isn’ t it? He’ll think I’m too dommy, right?
Should I show him my softer side?
Or perhaps my silly side?
Aaron, you mean like THE BIG OLD GRAPHIC LINK just slightly down on the right sid of the page?
Also, dude, bookmarking. This isn’t AOL.
rants about how women get you to hold their purses,
Really? this is too weird, like those guys who refuse to buy feminine hygiene products.
Like Carlin says, use this as a point of pride: “LOOK OVER HERE I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A WOMAN WHO TRUSTS ME. BE JEALOUS.”
There are all kinds of benefits to this.
I have ran into a lot of women that behaved in that way, not about “cars” thought but vacations, movies, food, etc. So I find the video accurate – still, its a comic.
Non-kooky sites about male abuse? You mean like Safe For All? Or 1in6? Or even (but God do they need to correct their stats) RAINN?
There are non-kooky organizations and blogs about pretty much every legitimate* MRA issue. Yes, including false rape accusations (the Innocence Project). Yes, including helping people who can’t get laid get laid (Captain Awkward! The Pervocracy sometimes! Hell, even some of the PUAs!). The Men’s Rights movement, as a whole, just offers up a bunch of noise that makes it harder for people to find the actually helpful advice.
*i.e., not skidmarks
Yohami, PUAs mainly attract women like that. and since MRAs believe that PUAs are dating experts (which they are not), MRAs say that all women are like that.
If it’s true that the guy who made this video really was a victim of abuse, then I’ll take back what I said before. But he ought to be aware that treating his experience like a big joke makes it that much harder for people to take him seriously.
no more mr nice guy,
Im not a PUA – sort of the opposite, but I get what you are saying. Fake and troubled attracts fake and troubled. I think a lot of the MRAs got screwed themselves by getting too involved with the wrong women, and then the virgin / inexpert portion of the MRAs repeat these stories as cautionary tales / excuses for their failure, without really knowing what they are talking about.
Still, I have ran into a lot of women like that. Not just women I have hooked up with or being in relationships but friends and girlfriends of friends and strangers and stuff on the media. Its grained in the entitlement and women > men mentality.
Narcissism isnt pretty. Supposedly there are equal narcissists in both genders, but I often see more narcissist women than men. Maybe its because I dont get involved with men in the same way or not paying attention. But, whatever the case, just reporting from my side of the globe:
I´ve seen a lot of women like that, so the comic is accurate.
According to statistics, the percentage of men that have Narcissistic Personality Disorder is higher than the percentage of women and the percentage of women that have Borderline Personality Disorder is higher than the percentage of men. The way the guy that made the video is talking about Narcissism I think he means Borderline.
Why Pecunium, you’re… dapper. *blush*
In seriousness, I feel for the guy if the events of this video actually happened to him. I just don’t see any claim that they did. If it’s only a hypothetical, it’s a pretty vicious one.
Why Holly, Thank you. I clean up pretty well.