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Man Boobz Summer Video Fest 3: Sell your car

Welcome back my friends to the show that never endsΒ  will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with β€œSELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.

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13 years ago

Pecunium- I haven’t quite decided yet πŸ™‚ I mean, living near Chicago, I assumed I could kind of get in to being either. I know someone at Honeywell, actually, who could help me get a job with them, and they do a ton of stuff w/ mfg in Germany. I was going to decide that once I *got* my degree, as it’s been 4 years since I was even working towards anything >.< It's sort of up in the air. I always leave room for the possibility of either.

Ami- FoSB and I share a car- cause the one I'd bought back in 06 died a hard death this past February, and I couldn't afford to replace it. It's fortunate, because he gets a government vehicle for his job, so all I ever have to do is drop him off at work. But it's still a real pain for someone used to having their own car. If he didn't have the guv, it'd be a lot less convenient. I would never, ever voluntary give up having my own car again. I like to think most people are logical like that. And they probably are- MRAs just assume the worst in every woman.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@speedlines I have often wondered about some of the stuff that I hear/read from some of the MRAs… a lot of it seems to be “friend of a friend” urban legend stuff (like every guy seems to have a friend of a friend who tried to hold open a door and got assaulted by feminists…) xD

13 years ago

…wouldn’t it benefit her for him to be able to work…

Don’t you get it Ami, women are just so irrational. We’re even inept at being selfish. πŸ˜€

13 years ago

RobbiRobbi & Ami-

It’s the lizard brains.

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

@RobbiRobbi and we dance in order to win an argurment! lololololololololol

13 years ago

I just realized that their hands look exactly like Playmobile hands. There goes my childhood.

13 years ago

Yes, this video is ok, but his video titled “CASEY ANTHONY’S LAW CAREER !” is much better.

13 years ago

Wow, this video was viewed 220 times! The skidmarks video was a blockbuster compared to that.

13 years ago

Hey, he even has a website…

Well not the finest web design imaginable, but still a classic website, not some lazy blog everybody can make (like Futrelle)!

Ok, sorry, I don’t want to blame you, it’s not you fault…

because long gone are the days where it was possible to make your self-designed website without a five-year training as a web developer.

Ah, the golden years…

With the font-tag…

and tables…

So easy & clear… stupid CSS.

13 years ago

Hey, what’d CSS ever do to you, huh? No need to use shaming language!

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I wonder if some of the MRAs, like the guy who made this video, secretly believe that it’s better to be in a bad relationship than to be alone. It would explain why this guy isn’t breaking up with the so obviously selfish woman.

13 years ago

They’ve never been in any kind of relationship. They nurture these fantasies in order to convince themselves that they’re better off alone.

In fact, they ARE better off alone, just not for the reasons they think.

13 years ago

Hey, what’d CSS ever do to you, huh? No need to use shaming language!

Yes, of course, though we have CSS now, you can still use tables πŸ˜€ … but if you do, the CSS nazis will come and spam you how floating boxes are better and easier for layout and about separation of content and presentation… or something like that.

13 years ago

EWME: In the above scenario, the lady in question is not only demanding luxury items at the gentleman’s detriment she is demanding he change his life to accommodate her wants and needs and accusing him of what she is doing (being uncaring and selfish.)

In my situation, I am not asking anyone to do anything they do not want to do, I do not make the claim that if this person “loved me” the person would do it, and I make sure I let them know in time for the person to make a fully informed decision. If the person says no, I may be unhappy because I liked the person but I do not tell them they are a bad person for not being willing to make the kind of sacrifices my career requires.

13 years ago

Marc- Her thumbs are on backwards. That, plus the really awful ‘shopping around her eyes is sort of making my skin crawl.

13 years ago

Really, Marc? And I only think such nice thoughts about you. All the time. Mmmmmm, can’t stop thinking about Marc.

*files nails into points*

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

XD Bee, you need to share! >:O Stop being so greedy w/ the blood of men! xD

That’s awesome πŸ˜€

Now I’m curious how he sees the rest of us πŸ˜€ (will mine be an offensive stereotype? or awesome, like Bee’s? xD )

What about Pecunium, his main squeeze? πŸ˜€

More pix of how you see us Marc! πŸ˜€

13 years ago

Bee: don’t forget to put your thumbs on backwards

Ami: at the video-maker’s website, there’s puh-lenty of poorly photo-shopped images of women covered in (presumably) men’s blood. I’m sort of excited to see this develop.

13 years ago


That was priceless.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Can you imagine if a site on domestic abuse of women was plastered with images of menacing, blood-covered men?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

In FRA world, that would be my job! To advise them to add such images to their pamphlets! xD

13 years ago

@Holly- in my head, the MRAs are sort of like a bunch of boys embroiled in a game like capture the flag, or a Nerf gun fight, or something, against The Feminists. And they’ve got all these ideas in their head of what The Feminist’s tree fort looks like, in spite of never having been there. And, like little boys will, they sit there and make up more and more outrageous stories of all the weird, stupid, terrible things that JUST HAVE TO be in the girl’s fort, cause ew, girls are icky and alien. But if you were to actually tell them that, no, the inside of our fort *isn’t* full of the severed fingers and toes of our enemies, and no, we aren’t trying to beat you and make you wear frilly pink dresses and high heels to embarrass you when you lose*, they would and do cover their ears and go “LALALALA NO CAN’T HEAR YOU”, because they are way happier with their little summer-camp style battle and just staying in their own smelly tree fort.

*Unless they are into either wearing frilly pink dresses for fun (yeah, kickass!), or into being embarrassed, there is nothing wrong, and a lot good, with either/both.

13 years ago

When you guys said ” why don’t you just leave”, I immediately thought of domestic abuse

In which, of course, it would be best for victims to just leave, too, but at what point do we define what’s an abusive relationship where someone feels too emotionally attached to leave (immediately ) and one where you can just dump your partner for being a jerk?

I completely agree with everything everybody said, but I don’t know, I just felt weird about that.

13 years ago

I think the split enters where this is probably not a real relationship, and it’s a not-meant-to-be-funny parody where the author/creator is trying to be like “SEE ALL WOMEN ARE EVIL!”. Whereas if it was actually someone speaking candidly about being in an abusive relationship, or documenting it? That’s where concern would come in, and we’d be saying “Please seek the help of a DV center or shelter.”, or something like that.

I also feel that you can be in a relationship with a selfish asshole of either gender where it doesn’t cross a line into abuse. Not to mention the fact that the author’s website is full of photoshopped images of women covered in blood. I’m much less likely to take him seriously because of that, too.