Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.
“Our disagreement is about what you think its important”
If this is about “modifiers” I already stated to death they are important
I get what you were saying with the plausibility now. To make humor you need 1) something for the rational mind to grasp and 2) absurd.
I have seen [some] women behaving like the one in the cartoon, so thats the plausible part. The two cars argument is absurd = the mix is humor. But, if you have never experienced such manipulation and you think its impossible, then you have absurd x2 = unfunny, plus a gratuitious portraying of a woman as abuser.
If thats the case, I get why you find it unfunny.
When I say I dont think the cartoon would work with two brothers, is because I havent witnessed this kind of manipulation between brothers (it might happen, though?) so with two brothers this is just absurd x2 to me.
But, remember I was the one proposing the two brothers as unfunny. There are many roles in which this can be a joke.
Make the two characters politicians with the senator trying to sell his employee car to get a new one for himself, and telling him “if you really care about your future” or whatever manipulation happens in politics, and its funny again.
The joke doesnt need sexual tension per se. The phrase “if you really love me” as a mean to manipulate, does. Thats why I think it wouldnt work with brothers. Replace it with “If you really care about mom/dad” and it might be funny again.
So. Out there, theres a bunch of manipulative people. The mechanics they use depend on the type of relationship they have with the people they are manipulating. Some of these people, are women, and the ones I have met, manipulate with the dynamics present in the video.
Thats pretty much my point. The humor is not about the manipulation, but the absurd part of it: two cars.
“Which means the real argument is, “are women like that,” dressed as, “this is funny”. Why? Because you defend the video as funny, only if it’s about women in relationships, not if it’s about generically abusive relationships.”
Nope, but that seems to be your assumption, which explains why you get defensive about it, even when Im not expressing anything like that.
No-one read my link here, either! The rejection! It burns!
I really admire the respect shown by summer_snow and Pecunium and Bee and everyone else who engages with them: I’d like to think MRAs are just deluded or ignorant and could come to see the error of their ways.
But having read the same shit over and over, and seen so many of them emphatically agree with the stupidest and evil crap, I think they have an investment in it they will never give up.
MRA arguments are a trip down the rabbit hole. Cause and effect never correlate, because they only want to make one point : “Women are bad.” If women are bad, they don’t have to take responsibility for anything themselves.
They want validation of their beliefs, but can’t find it because it isn’t there. So they dig in, deny, evade, bluff and make up shit. They are not trying to prove it to anyone else: just to themselves.
Yohami contends the video is funny because if it’s funny, that means the behaviour shown is real.
He wants the video to be satire because satire points out the wrongness in a real situation. He wants his personal view validated: that can’t be done if he acknowledges any other view.
He isn’t here to engage in discussion. He’s here because Manboobz is a threat to his beliefs, and he needs top prop up his ego and his mind set. Same with NOWslave and MRAL and Eoghan and Marc and all the rest.
The negatives men experience are not caused by feminism: they’re caused by anti-feminism. Patriarchy.
Feminism says: women are equal partners. Relationships are equal. Partners negotiate and accommodate each other. They have regard for each other, and the happiness of the other matters.
Anti-feminism says: woman is subordinate and inferior to the man. Relationships are unequal. One partner is trying to maintain power over the other. The happiness of only one person matters.
All that crap where women manipulate men through witholding/offering sex is a direct effect of anti-feminism. Put a human being in a cage, you will see survival behaviour. Survival behaviour is ugly.
Alimony and child support are a direct effect of feminism: but the fact that women are usually the main carers? Blame that one on anti-feminism.
All those men who couldn’t maintain an equal satisfying relationship with their partner because they were taught a huge list of things that men don’t do= anti feminism.
Anyone who seriously contends that the human beings they share the world with don’t deserve respect is no longer a contender for rational argument. They should be feared, or mocked.
Let’s do more mocking. Please.
I read your link, eilish! I was just busy playing whack-a-troll.
The men-buy-women-sell thing is a pretty accurate assessment of sexist gender dynamics, and one that usually stirs up the trolls hard. I guess MRAL’s still busy showering off the spit of disdainful beautiful women, but I’m sure he’ll stop by to tell you that you’re wrong and women rule the world of dating.
Have you ever read Figleaf’s two rules of desire?
“I’d like to think MRAs are just deluded or ignorant and could come to see the error of their ways.”
Is it delusional to want equal child custody? (If the woman is the primary caretaker, isn’t the man who pays all the bills primary caretaker to both his wife and children?)
Is it delusional to want a live child? (abortion being the termination of a seperate life).
Is it delusional to want to never be forced to pay alimony? (no services are being rendered what is this money for?)
Is it delusional to get employment based on merit and not gender? (How can forced quota’s ever be considered equality?)
Is it delusional to be admitted for an education based on merit and not gender? (Again we have education based on gender.)
Is it delusional to have education which fairly teaches and grades reguardless of gender? (Why change education when the US was #1 across the board in reading, math and science? Is being ranked mediocre at best a better situation so the acievement gap is closed?)
Is it delusional to have a mans taxes used primarily to benefit women? (Why does virtually all taxes go to women for health, education, employment?)
Is it delusional to want the same punishment for the same crime? (Equality certainly doesn’t hold women to the same accountability as men. Why is this the only part of the State where men are given extra?)
Is it delusional for a man to not be evicted from his home on a womans word alone? (
Restraining orders assume guilt, no trial, nothing. How is this not an infringement on a mans right?)
All this and so much more is the directly caused by feminism.
And here is the final word on the matter by feminist eilish, “Let’s do more mocking. Please.”
“no services are being rendered” – what does that mean?
How come you forgot VAWA and Title IX, NWO?
I mean, if you’re going to barf up your entire list of talking points in one comment, how could you miss beating your favorite dead horses?
What about the silky clothes, NWO? What about the sandwiches?
Magie: There is a divorce. Support is assigned. Now he’s not getting any blowjobs, no fucking, no washing, no dinner, and he’s still supporting her.
Never mind that alimony laws are gender neutral, and some form of need has to be shown.
Never mind that the rest of NWOs screed is based on lies, or non-relevant assumptions.
It’s after all NWO, a slave to the New World Order… a pathetically rebellious one, but a slave; with the mind of a slave, and the attitudes of slave. Worse, one who sees equality as slavery.
Yeah, and what about the pedicures?
“no services are being rendered” – what does that mean?”
What is being done to earn that money of course. I’ve found if I don’t do anything no one pays me. What does a woman do that entitles her to a mans wages after the marriage contract is broken? If I break my contract to work, (quit my job) they rightfully don’t pay me.
eilish: I just read the link … *sheepish* I should have read it sooner! It rang true in a lot of ways, including that, honestly, I think that if anyone had ever asked me, throughout my life, whether dating is a market or a social interaction, I would have said a social interaction, but if anyone had asked me about any of the issues Amanda parses in the article — Do you need to raise your value/lower your standards to find an appropriate date?, etc. — I definitely would have said yes to that as well. The traditional notion just runs really deep. You think you’re rejecting it, but you’ve only rejected the top layer; the roots remain.
Slaveman: It’s delusional that you think the imbalances that you listed exist in the way you think they do, yes.
OK. I don’t remember any services being specified in my marriage contract or wedding vows though! I have heard the word ‘alimony’, but not seen it in practice. I thought if you were unemployed on divorce you would just apply for the dole or single parent benefit until you found a job.
I’m sure you know Title IX and VAWA well enough by now, as well as the myriad of laws feminists have enacted which give women jurisdiction of a mans actions. At any time any woman can call the forces of the State to attack a man.
Just because of the majority of the 435 people who run this country are men, this in no way translates to any form of justice for the average man. Between men dying and being incarcerated in far greater proportions than women, men simply have no power. The only vote that counts in womens vote. That being the case the only issues of any value to a politician will revolve around what ever women want. Otherwise, none of these policies could ever have been enacted.
And as always the only thing feminism has to offer is hatred and mockery.
The comments are a clear example of womens hatred of men.
I’m busy doing part two of the Rape Prevention Tips List MST snark xD check it out on my blog when I’m done xD
But… *skims what happened* XD
we should set another over/under, I might need to rly push it up this time tho or the over would win easy xD
summer_snow: I came it across it a few days ago. Terrific work.
And oh look, in response to my declaration that MRAs can’t argue for shit, NOWslave has re-typed the MRA manifesto for us.
equal custody
live children
never have to pay alimony
access to employment based on merit
access to education based on merit
education that fairly teaches and grades based on merit
the ability to control where their taxes go, and make sure women do not benefit from them
same punishment for same crime
men not to be subjected to restraining orders
He forgot “women to accept all sexual overtures”
Oh the things MRAs ask for, equal custody, merit based society, where their taxes go, not being evicted from their home, ect. No wonder you find it so misogynistic.
Awesome Gish Gallop there, NWO. It says that the goal is to overwhelm your opponents with questions that cannot be answered. Well? Challenge Accepted. (warning: long post ahead)
“Is it delusional to want equal child custody? (If the woman is the primary caretaker, isn’t the man who pays all the bills primary caretaker to both his wife and children?)”
No, wanting child custody isn’t delusional. But you don’t always get what you want, especially if you don’t deserve it. In cases where child custody is disputed, mothers and fathers have an equal chance at getting it.
“Is it delusional to want a live child? (abortion being the termination of a seperate life).”
If you think an egg is a live child as soon as it gets hit by sperm, then yes. You are delusional.
“Is it delusional to want to never be forced to pay alimony? (no services are being rendered what is this money for?)”
No, but again, you don’t always get what you want. From wikipedia:
“Alimony (also called maintenance or spousal support) is a legal obligation to provide financial support to one’s spouse from the other spouse after marital separation or from the ex-spouse upon divorce. It is established by divorce law or family law in many countries and is based on the premise that both spouses in theory have a legal obligation to support each other during their marriage (or civil union) or upon separation or/and divorce.”
The “services rendered” are towards the marriage (usually towards the children as well). This is part of the contract you create with your partner when you marry. If you don’t like it, don’t get married.
“Is it delusional to get employment based on merit and not gender? (How can forced quota’s ever be considered equality?)”
This is a stated goal of feminism, to not have employment be affected by gender. Forced “quota’s” (alright, seriously.. ‘s is for possesive, s is for plural) are put in place to enforce hiring by merit, and to combat employer bias.
“Is it delusional to be admitted for an education based on merit and not gender? (Again we have education based on gender.)”
See above.
“Is it delusional to have education which fairly teaches and grades reguardless of gender? (Why change education when the US was #1 across the board in reading, math and science? Is being ranked mediocre at best a better situation so the acievement gap is closed?)”
See above again. Also, you are religious, so you should know that science education is abysmal in the US, especially in the area of evolution. Most of the country (I think) doesn’t believe it exists. Attempting to use faith that you’re right, rather than facts, is part of the reason testing is so low.
“Is it delusional to have a mans taxes used primarily to benefit women? (Why does virtually all taxes go to women for health, education, employment?)”
[citation needed. really, really needed] Virtually all taxes don’t go anywhere, but a huge portion of taxes go towards the military (in the US anyway). Take it up with them.
“Is it delusional to want the same punishment for the same crime? (Equality certainly doesn’t hold women to the same accountability as men. Why is this the only part of the State where men are given extra?)”
See above, and the one above that. [citation needed], and if it is true, then yes, women should be held equally responsible.
“Is it delusional for a man to not be evicted from his home on a womans word alone? (Restraining orders assume guilt, no trial, nothing. How is this not an infringement on a mans right?)”
[citation needed so badly it isn’t even funny]
“All this and so much more is the directly caused by feminism.”
Yeah, good luck showing this one.
“And here is the final word on the matter by feminist eilish, “Let’s do more mocking. Please.””
Given your expected response to this long-ass deconstruction of your list, I think eilish has the right idea.
And NWO’s ex isn’t getting any services rendered to her, either. (I’m a slow thinker) 🙂
“Between men dying and being incarcerated in far greater proportions than women, men simply have no power.”
I thought you wanted equality under the law, with no bias with regards to gender? Well, guess what? Most of the crime committed? Committed by men. It’s not like police are just rounding up any guy off the street, the criminals in jail almost all did something to deserve it.
What is your solution, stop jailing men? Wouldn’t that be bias towards a gender?
About equal child custody:
“SHARED parenting after separation would no longer be the focus of family law under controversial changes recommended in a government-commissioned report.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/shared-custody-laws-fail-children-20100128-n1rx.html#ixzz1SzG2bf2V
About abortion: I was chatting with one of the surgeons at our hospital, she said in most of the terminations here, the ‘product of conception’ is dead, or could never have developed into a baby.
Look! Magpie said two nearly relevant things! 🙂
*already dead
Aww, don’t worry.. Either NWO has vanished again, or he’s reading my epicly long post and thinking about all the ways he could twist it to his own devices. You are absolutely relevant. 🙂
Good luck trying to convince NWO of the second one, though… He is absolutely convinced that a single cell and another single cell fusing together instantly becomes Johnny (never susie… wonder why…). Anything else is completely against common sense! Also the wife probably did something to kill off poor Johnny before it was removed. Anything else is against common sense!
Thanks Kirby. I’m not too worried about being relevant here, after all I don’t manage it very often in real life!
(I hope no one here is pregnant) the doc said ‘products of conception’ because there are a lot of ugly, unfortunate things that can grow inside someone besides booful bubbies. 🙁
“Why change education when the US was #1 across the board in reading, math and science? Is being ranked mediocre at best a better situation so the acievement gap is closed?”
Are you fucking THAT delusional? Seriously? When was the US #1 in reading, math or science? When? Never in recorded history. Ever. Secondary education in the US has always been a disgrace, for as long as anyone can remember. Except the reason it’s so abysmal isn’t women or feminism — countries that are in fact at the top in reading, math and science have rigorous curricula open to students of both sexes and focus on maximizing the use of students’ individual talents, not pigeon-holing them by gender, as you are arguing should be the rule. There are three culprits for the sorry state of American schools, in order of importance:
1. Religious wingnuts, who are opposed not only to the teaching of evolution, but to all science and indeed, all education beyond the (selective) reading of Scripture.
2. Ignorant, nationalistic wingnuts who think America is number 1 because it’s America, dammit.
3. Conservative greed, which relentlessly pressures governments to cut spending on schools and at this point, attacking public education itself — because God forbid a single cent of your money will go towards educating “someone else’s” children, whom you will nevertheless expect to take care of you in your old age.
4. Idiot parents, who think placing ANY kind of demands on children is tantamount to a crime against humanity.
Girls aren’t preventing boys from excelling.
I take it, with regards to NWO’s statement on US education, you are…
*puts on glasses*
Not Amused.