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Man Boobz Summer Video Fest 3: Sell your car

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends  will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.

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13 years ago

That is a bizarre video that involves a selfish person and a nonselfish person. It could be either gender making such a stupid request as to sell two cars to get a really nice car (actually I think men like razzle dazzle cars more? at least that has been my experience.)

The job thing is a little trickier as I have a career that will be demanding certain sacrifices from my partner-however I am upfront about it and let them know in advance of anything serious it requires those sacrifices.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Mmmm, satire!

13 years ago

Um. I’m not quite sure what to say to this. It’s so incredibly RE-tarded, it leaves me with a loss for words.

OK, one thing: if I were a woman with a t-shaped torso that’s made of some rubber-like material, I would not choose that dress–not flattering.

Also, she looks like a whore. [/mra]

13 years ago

I’m kinda attracted to the plastic doll woman. I wonder if she would date me? I’d get her an expensive car. And a riding crop.

13 years ago

Who does this? I think mras watch too much Hills or Jersey Shore or something, because I don’t know anyone IRL who acts this way.

13 years ago

Omg that sooooo true !!!


13 years ago

Wow. Which lo-ser nicked the piano stool.

13 years ago

OK, I’m weird, but I LOVE the voices on xtranormal videos.

Other than that, it was pretty dull. Things That Guys Who Have Never Dated or Spoken to a Woman Imagine All Women Do, for $400, Alex.

13 years ago

Okay, I laughed because of the voices. It sounds like a computer arguing with itself.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Wow, that fictional woman written by a man sure is a bitch. I shall never trust fictional women written by men again.

(I didn’t mean it, Buffy! Come back, Buffy! You’re not like the others!)

13 years ago

Suzie Squaretorso is pretty odd-looking, but she’s got some moves!

13 years ago

Finally! Thank you, Holly, for that bit of comment-y goodness! In this crowd of geeky, feministic people, you’d think there’d be a Buffy reference in every thread, but…

13 years ago

Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, not only has the creator of this video never spoken to a woman, he’s never tried to trade in a car. Have you ever tried to trade in a car? There’s no freaking way you could trade in two used cars and get one super nice, expensive new one for it. Either that, or I was screwed last time I traded in a car. But I … I dunno. I’m not seeing it.

The point actually seems to be less that all women are golddiggers, har har har, and more that all women are golddiggers who will not rest until the men they’re with are miserable, penniless, jobless wrecks without even a shred of joy in their lives. In other words, not just “I want everything,” but actually, “I want everything, but much more than that I want you to have nothing!”

13 years ago


13 years ago

“The job thing is a little trickier as I have a career that will be demanding certain sacrifices from my partner-however I am upfront about it and let them know in advance of anything serious it requires those sacrifices.”

OMG! Very first comment proves the point of the video.

13 years ago

Isn’t loser supposed to be one of the ultra-powerful “shaming” words that women/feminists supposedly use to control men, along with creep and creepy. From now on, every time a man doesn’t buy me something expensive I’m gonna spin around and shout LoserLoserLoserLoser!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

EWME – A) I don’t think she means sacrifices of her partner’s entire life and everything that they love.

B) Someone can always choose not to be her partner.

C) This is for her career, and not just her entertainment or so she can look good.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

RobbiRobbi – Oy, “shaming tactics.” The logic here seems to be:

-If someone disagrees with me, or dislikes me, this makes me feel bad.
-Therefore, they are disagreeing with/disliking me in order to make me feel bad.
-Trying to hurt other people’s feelings is bad and you shouldn’t do it.

The validity of the disagreement or the reason for the dislike are not important factors here.

13 years ago

I should dance more during arguments. Also put emphasis on the wrong syllables. You know, just to mess with the LO-ZER man. Who MUST SELL HIS CAR.

13 years ago

So, if she sucks that bad, leave her? Nobody should be with a partner who makes them unhappy, man or woman. Dickbag ex had a conversation similar to this with me, but replace [selling cars for one really nice one] with [give up your education and be my secretary/stay at home wife]. Yeah, sometimes relationships require sacrifices, but uh, it’s always your choice to be in/stay in that relationship if the sacrifices are something you’re not ok with making. I’ve told people my career may one day require me leaving the upper Midwest, even though I love it here. The ones who weren’t ok with it knew up front, and could leave.

FoSB is ok with it, cause he knows that his career may delay my moving back down to Chicago, where I could find a job much more easily(being a translator where lots of companies are HQ’d), and may mean staying in Wisconsin a bit longer than I’d like. Thus, he is ok with possibly making a sacrifice for me later on.

13 years ago

FoSF: Do you want to translate, or interpret? if the former you can do it from pretty much anywhere. I know a number of translators, one of whom just moved from Puerto Rico to Indiana (difficult trade off, rent got much lower, but healthcare stopped being single-payer). I know another who works out of Seattle.

Interpreting, that’s a whole ‘nother ball o’ wax, and needs to have enough people who need it to support steady work, that or you have to be able/willing to travel: a lot.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

In this crowd of geeky, feministic people, you’d think there’d be a Buffy reference in every thread, but…

do Firefly references count?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

I should dance more during arguments.

you don’t?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

How come the computer voices aren’t consistent? o_O

In back to back sentence the female char says “COM… promise” and then “compromise” w/o the enunciation or the pause… o_O

Also… do they rly believe women do this in relationships? Like more than maybe 5 in the world? (I have no idea if ANY PERSON does this, but I’m gonna be generous and assume this is based on real exp xD ) wouldn’t having 2 cars be better? I mean even in terms of her being a selfish b-… he needs the other car to get to work right? wouldn’t it benefit her for him to be able to work so she can like.. cheat on him behind his back and take all his money afterwards or something? xD

13 years ago

I have no idea if ANY PERSON does this, but I’m gonna be generous and assume this is based on real exp

Most likely, it’s based on something an MRA heard from another MRA, who saw something like it on TV and exaggerated it beyond recognition.

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