evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny

MarkyMark, we hardly knew ye …

Farewell, MarkyMark, farewell!


Are you sitting down? Good. Because I have some shocking news for you all: Our favorite MGTOW-blogger-who-believes-stories-in-The-Onion-are-real, the esteemed MarkyMark is, after five years on the front lines, calling it a day. In a post with the ominous headline Time to Wind Down …, Mr. Mark explains:

There comes a point when one gets over his anger at women, misandry, and so on.  There comes a point where, at least for me, I simply acknowledge that women are what they are, and nothing will change that.  How many times can I poke holes in their hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and double standards?  After a while, it becomes old.

But fear not! MarkyMark has one final mission to complete before he rides off into the sunset: He’s got some book about women that he’s going to literally cut and paste into his blog, bit by bit, a process that he estimates “will take at least 6-12 months, perhaps more.”

In honor of his fine service to the men of the world, I will be going back through his archives in search of good stuff.  Feel free to join me in this holy endeavor, and post your results here.

He also mentions this:

There’s also an archive of my rantings and ravings online, so now’s the time to find it.

I guess we’d better, huh?

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13 years ago

So… in MarkyMark’s world, no one ever changes their mind about what kind of relationship they’re looking for, and not killing someone’s baby is a special service that deserves praise? OK, backing away slowly now…

13 years ago

He describes himself as “very kind” on the basis of not murdering children? That has to win some kind of medal for setting a bar looooooow.

13 years ago

Oh, and being single after procreating is impossible. Good to know.

13 years ago

This one’s a fucking doozy,

A woman is raped twice while witnesses do nothing…and somehow that’s the fault of women in general stifling masculine traits. I’m not even going to get into the rest here…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

RobbiRobbi – I’m pretty sure what he’s getting at is that being single after having sex is impossible.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Alex – That one’s just disgusting. I couldn’t read all the way through his parade of “if a woman goes outdoors, she deserves violent rape” victim-blaming.

13 years ago


I understand; it took me two tries, and he continues all the way through to the very end! The best part? If she HAD not been listening to music, and gotten a creepy vibe from this guy well before he got near her, and she dared to tell anyone about it, the MRM would be up in arms because they would say it was yet another example of a woman assuming a man is a rapist when he’s probably just a “socially awkward” “nice guy”.

13 years ago

Holly Pervocracy, he could just admit he’s looking for a virgin rather than completely redefine “single”, but then I guess he’d miss out on the chance to imply that single mothers are disgusting liars.

13 years ago

Holly: It’s an example of the idea, “You poke it, you own it.”

13 years ago

…I wonder how many personal ads reading “I’m an ordinary sort of girl just looking for a guy to make me happy, I’m pretty open-minded so give me an email and let’s see how we get along” he had to skim over to find that one?

Depends on the city, apparently. There are some places where the dudes on Craigslist will flag less than perfect ads. So you’ll end up with five ads for 20 year old blondes, and all those other 500 ads with average women will be flagged/reported for deletion.

Cock/Cuntblocking, a totally awesome and not creepy-at-all pasttime.

13 years ago

So, after a woman has sex she is possession–or simply IS–a “used hole.” now are men who are no longer virgins just shriveled up fucksticks…or is the whole “used up” descriptor something that can only apply to the Bearers of Cooties?

13 years ago

vacuumslayer, I prefer the term “dirty dipstick.”

13 years ago

Gah… the comments after the, “she had it coming since she didn’t prevent it” post are just mind-boggling.

13 years ago

vacuumslayer: Men aren’t property, so they aren’t diminished by having sex. They are made more powerful, because they own more women.

I wish I was making this up out of whole cloth, but it’s an attitude that does exist.

13 years ago

I had to skim the Maria posts because the dude rambles on and on and ON about every tiny thought that passes through his skull, and also motorcycles, but they do make for an amazing tale. As far as I can tell, the order of events goes like this:

1. Mark gets a crush on his coworker Maria.

2. Maria politely rebuffs Mark’s advances, while unwisely remaining friendly enough that he can tell himself she’s flirting or lying or displaying “chameleon syndrome” or whatever rationalization he can come up with.

3. Mark gets pretty solidly turned down, triggering full-blown obsession. He ricochets between stalking her around the office, keeping detailed notes on her, and sour-graping about how he doesn’t want her gross old vag anyway.

4. After weeks of this, Mark suddenly loses it and screams at Maria in front of their coworkers for asking if she can cut in line behind him.

5. Maria baffles Mark by accepting his apology with kindness and understanding. Since this upsets his entire concept of women as evil hosebeasts, he can reach only one possible conclusion: she must not be a real woman. That’s right: Maria is a lesbian!

6. Mark goes back to stalking Maria, now with the aim of proving her lesbianity through such irrefutable evidence as her “unfeminine” walk (which he describes for several exhaustive paragraphs) and this one time she wore a beanie to work.

7. Newest development: Maria tells Mark she’s gay! On the plus side, he finally agrees to give up on trying to date her. On the minus side, he now thinks she’s having an illicit affair with every woman in the office, based on things like seeing her squeeze a female coworker’s bicep, but she was totally really copping a feel.

But none of this really captures the special tone of Mark’s posts, in which he tries to wedge everything this poor woman does or says into his bizarre personal theories about those deadly alien creatures called women.

13 years ago

@ Pecunium: Aristotle was under the impression that having sex with women drains a man of vital fluids and weakens him. Something about sperm being ultra-purified blood that takes a lot of vital essence to make.

That’s right, MRAs, sticking your dick in any part of a woman is like sticking your jugular in a vampire’s mouth. Please avoid us at all costs. Thank you.

13 years ago

Sooooo, these guys refer to women as property yet are butthurt when we refer to them as misogynists? My mind, she boggles.

13 years ago

I think shaenon deserves some kind of medal. Some Intratrons Purple Heart equivalent. Cuz, Yikes.

13 years ago


Ohh, I hadn’t even read the comments…now I have.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

For some reason, the “womb turd” letter made me feel sicker than anything else I’ve seen MRAs write. (Maybe because I was raised by a single parent?)

However, Spearhafoc’s Dr. Who reference has restored my faith in… uh… something.

13 years ago


Oo! Oo! And we should end it with:

until next time…

13 years ago

I just read this stuff to 13, who is a very nice guy and deserves better then wacky ol’ me. No I am not giving him up…anyway, he said “the reason I do not think like this guy is I have a soul…”

13 years ago

Guys, (and gals)

Ow. “Womb turd!?” The sound alone makes me want to… well, I won’t be vulgar here.

Google tells me that the term is not a common one… but I do see a strong resemblance to a favorite term (“crotch dropping”) used by. Um. How shall I describe them?

Let’s just say they’re a militant, highly excitable group of people who are child-less by choice… using their preferred term for their movement might summon them, and believe me, y’all don’t want to meet these people. They make the MRA’s look like Boy Scouts.

There are factions-within-this-faction who identify as feminist… but overall they’re just as misogynistic as, well, guess who? Because hating children implies hating infants, and of course hating infants implies hating mothers. Makes sense, right?

Yeah. Anyway. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if there’s some overlap between (these folks) and the MRA’s. Equally deranged, hateful and out of touch with reality, so there you go. Maybe MarkyMark picked up the term that way? Who knows… it’s a big Internet out there.

until next time…

13 years ago


Jesus fuck, shaenon, you actually went through all of that? All I did was skim the posts, said “Oh, this is bullshit.” and went through my day to preserve my sanity.