evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny

MarkyMark, we hardly knew ye …

Farewell, MarkyMark, farewell!


Are you sitting down? Good. Because I have some shocking news for you all: Our favorite MGTOW-blogger-who-believes-stories-in-The-Onion-are-real, the esteemed MarkyMark is, after five years on the front lines, calling it a day. In a post with the ominous headline Time to Wind Down …, Mr. Mark explains:

There comes a point when one gets over his anger at women, misandry, and so on.  There comes a point where, at least for me, I simply acknowledge that women are what they are, and nothing will change that.  How many times can I poke holes in their hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and double standards?  After a while, it becomes old.

But fear not! MarkyMark has one final mission to complete before he rides off into the sunset: He’s got some book about women that he’s going to literally cut and paste into his blog, bit by bit, a process that he estimates “will take at least 6-12 months, perhaps more.”

In honor of his fine service to the men of the world, I will be going back through his archives in search of good stuff.  Feel free to join me in this holy endeavor, and post your results here.

He also mentions this:

There’s also an archive of my rantings and ravings online, so now’s the time to find it.

I guess we’d better, huh?

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Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I’m sorry — not womb-poop. Womb turds. My bad.

MRAL talks about women “shitting out” babies. Is this a standard metaphor among MRAs?

13 years ago

Hmm… well, they’re certainly up for anything kinky, but they don’t actually fuck when they’re getting paid.

So…. yes?

Good! For a moment there I thought they might not live up to Notzy’s standards!

Wha? That’s crazy talk!

Pam, are you trying to divide by zero?

Not to worry, ’twas just a momentary lapse of reason.

13 years ago

In what parallel universe do old wrinkled bulldykes with hairy armpits also wear pointy heels?

13 years ago

Argh! Closing of blockquote tag fail!!

13 years ago

Does “womb turd” mean what I think it means?


Are you looking for a ‘real man’ (read nice guy chump), so you can have someone to help pay for your bad boy BF’s womb turds? Now that you’ve satisfied your primal, sexual desires; now that you’ve gotten the bad boy to sire your children; you need a chump to help pay for them, isn’t that right, Little Missy?


I wonder if he would have posted it if her response was “I was married to a wonderful man and he was killed by a drunk driver two weeks after our child was born. I hope you are happy to have made this widow remember the difference between what I have lost and what I have to deal with now.”

Good lord, what a Rimmer. Actually that is an insult to Rimmer.

13 years ago

At what point, I wonder, does a young human stop being a womb-turd and become a person? How long does it take to erase the taint of a woman’s uterus?

13 years ago

“Does “womb turd” mean what I think it means?”


Holly: Also, all single mothers only want to go on dates to find a sucker to support their children, and even after they break up with said sucker, a judge will make the sucker pay child support for the rest of his life, because feminism. Also, all women without the body of a supermodel are disgusting slobs. Also, whenever someone says, “I have children, but if this bothers you, please move on to the next ad,” what they really mean is, “Please, person I’ve never met, never stop harassing me about your dislike of women with children.”

Also, I’m picturing a womb turd card!

13 years ago

@elizabeth- somehow i don’t believe him when he says he actually sent that to her

13 years ago

@robbi- depends. does the womb turd in question have a penis or a vagina?


Based on the responses to me when doing the online dating thing, I can actually believe he sent it.

13 years ago

welp, i just lost a little more faith in humanity

13 years ago

Now I noticed upthread that being a chameleon woman is “lethal.” Does that mean it’s actually killed men? Cuz, seriously,ladies–stop that! Stop chameleoning men to death!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Wild-ass guessing: I’m starting to think there are some guys (and MarkyMark is one of them) who really can’t tell the difference between “I am not attracted to this person” and “I hate this person.”

1. They react with exaggerated outrage and hurt when someone isn’t interested in them, because they perceive this as an attack.
2. When they are not interested in someone, they aren’t content to move on, but feel compelled to attack that person.

13 years ago

Bee: The first comment is almost at good:

I’d reply to her that I cannot be in a relationship with a single mother, as if I did that, then I’d be denying some other young woman out there the chance at motherhood.

And the odds on that are?

13 years ago

Sharculese, good point, if the whom-turd is in possession of its own womb, then the process just begins again.

13 years ago

Holly, sort of like this? (the gold background panel)

13 years ago

Holly, I think the vitriol partly happens because of the “Greek system” nonsense. If there is one linear hierarchy of attractiveness – you get spat on, as it were, by those above you, and can spit on those below – then “I am not attracted to you” translates to “I consider myself above you, O later-in-the-alphabet scum.”

To those who’ve spent appreciable periods of time in reality, this is clearly bunk.

13 years ago

Holly: A psychiatrist would have a field day with this guy.

13 years ago

What if a woman’s Chameleon Circuit breaks and she has to spend the rest of her life as a Police Box?

13 years ago

“What if a woman’s Chameleon Circuit breaks and she has to spend the rest of her life as a Police Box?”

That made me so happy.

13 years ago

Spearhafoc wins the thread.

13 years ago

Oh wow, I followed the link to MarkyMark’s reply to the woman with kids.

“You say you don’t want a hookup, yet you’ve HAD a hookup in the past, correct? So, if you had a hookup in the past, does that not mean you’re really open to them? Can we not say that, at one time, you liked and enjoyed them? So, Little Missy, why don’t you want to hookup now?”

Oh, MarkyMark. Never, never, never serve on a jury for a rape trial. Or have sex with women. Or interact with women at all, really.

“I’m not going to kill your precious, little womb turd; I shall simply avoid you and other women like you. Ergo, I’m being very kind; I’m the opposite of mean… ;)”

In fact, can you move to a remote island uninhabited by people, MarkyMark? That would be great.

13 years ago

Because if a woman puts out once she wants sex ALWAYS, duh.

13 years ago

I think I mentioned elsewhere the oddity which is marriage as a default state. This comment at MarkyMark sums it up.

Anonymous said…

Sigh. A ‘single mother’ is one of the most disgusting misnomer in recent times.

Pumped and dumped, got knocked up with kids = NOT SINGLE.

Divorced = NOT SINGLE.

Separated = NOT SINGLE.

Widowed = NOT SINGLE.

A ‘single mother’ should not describe herself as ‘single’.

Having been married (or in this guy’s worldview, pregnant) removes one from the realm of “single” and makes one “not-married”.

Which, if one says one is single, and is actually, “not married” one is “disgusting”.

And MRAs wonder when feminists say they are misogynist.