Are you sitting down? Good. Because I have some shocking news for you all: Our favorite MGTOW-blogger-who-believes-stories-in-The-Onion-are-real, the esteemed MarkyMark is, after five years on the front lines, calling it a day. In a post with the ominous headline Time to Wind Down …, Mr. Mark explains:
There comes a point when one gets over his anger at women, misandry, and so on. There comes a point where, at least for me, I simply acknowledge that women are what they are, and nothing will change that. How many times can I poke holes in their hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and double standards? After a while, it becomes old.
But fear not! MarkyMark has one final mission to complete before he rides off into the sunset: He’s got some book about women that he’s going to literally cut and paste into his blog, bit by bit, a process that he estimates “will take at least 6-12 months, perhaps more.”
In honor of his fine service to the men of the world, I will be going back through his archives in search of good stuff. Feel free to join me in this holy endeavor, and post your results here.
He also mentions this:
There’s also an archive of my rantings and ravings online, so now’s the time to find it.
I guess we’d better, huh?
Ah… Ion. Who trusts 1: that MarkyMark is a reliable narrator, and 2: knows (from whence we can only surmise) how the actual deeds of MarkyMark were received by Maria.
Me, I don’t know what happened. I do have some reason to believe MarkyMark might have an interest in making it look as if everything is hunky-dory,and the only problem is Maria is a cold and heartless person.
something which most likely got everyone to sympathize with her and demonize him anyway
Wait. So you concede that sane people would have concluded that he was being a dick and she shouldn’t have had to put up with his shit, and you still can’t conclude that it might have been a negative experience for her?
How do you square that fucking circle.
@ Notzy: “in the cutthroat, dog-eat-dog sexual marketplace”
I, uh, don’t think you’ve gotten a really accurate impression of how sex works. For the record, if there are any dogs involved, you are doing it wrong.
Two things Ion: he has a posted dozens of very long blog posts over a year’s period of time. They range from being completely innocuous “there is a woman at work” to being obsessively detailed about things that are going to make an average person feel uncomfortable.
The second one is that he has verbally lashed out at her in public and has had to take time away from work to get over his anger at her.
The first would be grounds for a protective order-anyone who spends that much time obsessing about another person needs something to make them calm down.
The second one is an escalation of his obsession with her. The next step probably will be violent.
The only women I know who regularly crush men’s balls under their pointy heels are actually fairly attractive and usually charge $200/hr to do it.
This one Stuck up… is precious.
It’s him reading a personal ad, and going ape-shit. Why? Because she has a list of ridiculous standards (and pretty much unattainable for her targetted age range). What’s so funny is it reads like a lot of list from MRAs about what women need to do to be worthy of a real man.
But suppose (to take a purely hypothetical example) I had spent the last several weeks writing fanfic about a woman in Toronto I’ve never even met. That would be OK, wouldn’t it?
Well it is about Ami so I am torn on the issue. And is the fanfic really awesome?
Pecunium – That woman sounds like a terrible person with unrealistic and often offensive “requirements,” and she will probably never meet anyone who meets her standards.
That woman, not “all women.”
…I wonder how many personal ads reading “I’m an ordinary sort of girl just looking for a guy to make me happy, I’m pretty open-minded so give me an email and let’s see how we get along” he had to skim over to find that one?
Hahaha yeah, I read that one, too, Pecunium. Crazy stuff.
This is an MRA in their natural habit: In front of their comp, getting angry over any woman who has standards and isn’t jumping their bones.
It’s fascinating.
*This episode of “MRA Habitat” is sponsored by Sierra Mist*
summer_snow: I, uh, don’t think you’ve gotten a really accurate impression of how sex works. For the record, if there are any dogs involved, you are doing it wrong.
I know that I used to get all sorts of attention when I was walking the dog. I could have tried chatting some of them up.
Holly: yeah, I think the standards are silly, and I’d have rolled my eyes if I’d seen them, but yanno, it’s one person, and the amusement value of an MRA being all upset that someone is doing unto men, what they do unto women.. Priceless.
I suspect she will meet some guy, and like him, and all the “standards” go by the boards.
Of course it’s really awesome. It’s about Ami, isn’t it?
@pecunium- to his credit, in another post he actually makes a point about how he’s trying not to go after women who are out of his league. Of course, he does it by putting down the woman he can’t stop obsessing over.
Wow. The woman from the ad sounds truly repulsive. Maybe she and Mark should hook up.
But do they possess the other essential qualities of being both sexually enthusiastic AND chaste?
Hmm… well, they’re certainly up for anything kinky, but they don’t actually fuck when they’re getting paid.
So…. yes?
side note: when you try to set blogger to something like white text/black background, a box should pop up that says ‘are you sure, guy? geocities shut down for a reason, you know”
“But do they possess the other essential qualities of being both sexually enthusiastic AND chaste?”
Wha? That’s crazy talk!
Pam, are you trying to divide by zero? 😉
Pecunium! Holly! Look at this one!!!
All the woman writing the ad says is
And MarkyMark goes wild. How dare she! She’s asking for EVERYTHING! And offering NOTHING! Except her fatty body and her stupid womb-poop!
I’m sorry — not womb-poop. Womb turds. My bad.
Well Johnny, in this case you have either expressed or tacit permission from Ms Angelwings as she is clearly aware of the fanfic being written involving her. And it is also awesome.
Does “womb turd” mean what I think it means?
Bee – Clearly, the only way to conceive children is in a “hook up” (which is a terrible thing) with a “bad boy.” And having had hookups in the past, but not wanting them now, is also a terrible thing.
And asking to go on a date and be treated like a lady is asking for the moon.
Oh, and if I were really mean and unkind, I’d do like the animals in the wild do-kill the female’s cubs.
Holy shit, dude.