evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny

MarkyMark, we hardly knew ye …

Farewell, MarkyMark, farewell!


Are you sitting down? Good. Because I have some shocking news for you all: Our favorite MGTOW-blogger-who-believes-stories-in-The-Onion-are-real, the esteemed MarkyMark is, after five years on the front lines, calling it a day. In a post with the ominous headline Time to Wind Down …, Mr. Mark explains:

There comes a point when one gets over his anger at women, misandry, and so on.  There comes a point where, at least for me, I simply acknowledge that women are what they are, and nothing will change that.  How many times can I poke holes in their hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and double standards?  After a while, it becomes old.

But fear not! MarkyMark has one final mission to complete before he rides off into the sunset: He’s got some book about women that he’s going to literally cut and paste into his blog, bit by bit, a process that he estimates “will take at least 6-12 months, perhaps more.”

In honor of his fine service to the men of the world, I will be going back through his archives in search of good stuff.  Feel free to join me in this holy endeavor, and post your results here.

He also mentions this:

There’s also an archive of my rantings and ravings online, so now’s the time to find it.

I guess we’d better, huh?

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13 years ago

@ion- did you miss the part where he flipped the fuck out at her in front of all their coworkers because she asked once to cut in line, took a day off to freak out about his behavior, and when he finally apologized took the asshole route of apologizing for the way he said it, not for his atrocious behavior (yes, people notice when you do this).

and when she took the whole thing in stride he stalked her around the office taking notes for his theory that she’s actually a raging bull dyke? did you miss all that?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Remember, folks, going your own way = stalking a co-worker.

I just thought I’d mention that.

13 years ago

Out of sick, sad curiosity, what is “chameleon syndrome”?

Q. What is the chameleon syndrome?
A. A quasi-supernatural transformation, the chameleon syndrome is the predatory female’s unholy ability to become whatever the script calls for in “hooking” a man. She will adopt his viewpoints, his attitudes, his hobbies, and his dislikes. Her personality will change to suit his. She will enroll in classes, become a gourmet cook, stop smoking, switch religions, accept his friends, humor his jealousies, develop a relationship with his relatives, or whatever else is called for. She will change colors in the rocks like a chameleon! Of all the traits exhibited by predatory females, this chameleon
syndrome is one of the most lethal.


He sounds similar to a defendant in an OP here-the man had never hit her. Never even threatened to hit her in anyway.

But he knew literally every detail of her life, from when she left the house to who she went on dates with. Everything. It was incredibly disturbing and the judge issued the order because frankly no one should know that much about another person even if they were living with them.

13 years ago

Christ…the “Maria” portion of his blog is some of the most disturbing shit I’ve read all month.

13 years ago

I still am confused about the number of people who have trouble with the whole “people can decide who they want to fuck” concept. I mean, celibacy sucks, but I have known a fuckload of celibate men who are basically… well, sad and lonely and kind of insecure, not this whole “why have I not been given a Womanprize?” business.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Never mind “how would you feel if a woman talked this way about you,” let’s get even more specific (since she didn’t bring a case against him or even really do anything bad to him other than not-dating):

If you found a woman writing about you this way, would you want to date her?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Oh, so trying to get into a man’s interests and get close to him is a horrible, predatory “syndrome.”

I’m unclear on what the “predatory” thing is here, though. When I date a man, I’m hoping to show him a good time, not consume his entrails.

…am I doing womaning wrong again?

13 years ago

I know you’re trying Holly, but he’s just being willfully obtuse at this point.

13 years ago

The strange thing is that I’ve seen “chameleon syndrome” or something like it – but in insecure women who feel that Getting A Man is really important and that Keeping Your Man is far more important than being your genuine self (or even finding out that you have one). As with so many other MRA whines like not getting custody or being expected to pay for dinner, the solution to “chameleon syndrome”, or such aspects of it as actually exist, is more feminism.

13 years ago

He seems very sheltered I must say….

13 years ago

“And who gets to decide which sexual attention is unwelcome? The woman does, of course!”

No… the recipient. If it’s a man being come on to, it’s his right to grant, or refuse, further pursuit.

13 years ago

@ion- did you miss the part where he flipped the fuck out at her in front of all their coworkers because she asked once to cut in line, took a day off to freak out about his behavior, and when he finally apologized took the asshole route of apologizing for the way he said it, not for his atrocious behavior (yes, people notice when you do this).

and when she took the whole thing in stride he stalked her around the office taking notes for his theory that she’s actually a raging bull dyke? did you miss all that?

No, I read it. He’s definitely got some problems, but they’re mostly in his head. In other words, he actually did most of the stuff to himself. She didn’t suffer as a result of any of his actions. Whether he’d gone further eventually is a matter of speculation.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

If you found a woman writing about you this way, would you want to date her?

I have found that this tactic is actually really bad at getting men to empathize with the woman. I tried it once when talking about groping, and asking a guy friend how he’d feel if random women grabbed at him. He said he would love it, and it wasn’t until later that I realize that, in his mind, it was all attractive women doing the groping and grabbing. Ion will just imagine that someone like Megan Fox is obsessing over him, his ego will be fed, he’ll have some fantasies, and then conclude that we silly wimminz don’t know what we’re talking about.

13 years ago

How do you know she didn’t suffer? Talk about speculation. He freaked the fuck out on her at work, that’s got to be embarrassing and disconcerting at the very least.

13 years ago

It’s not just that she hasn’t filed suit. When he finally apologized for flipping the fuck out on her in front of half the office, she was like ‘it’s cool, everyone has bad days.’

and of course, that was just further evidence of how sinister she is.

what proportion of MGTOWs essentially come down to a single incident of an unrequited crush that becomes a life destroying obsession? 90%? 95? Do they pretty much have to go their own way what with all the restraining orders against them?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Whether he’d gone he will go further eventually is a matter of speculation.

Fixed that for you.

13 years ago

@missprism – right. in addition, i’ve known plenty of people, of both sexes, who have latched onto the interests of their SO either because their insecure or were just kind of shiftless and in need of definite interests.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

No… the recipient. If it’s a man being come on to, it’s his right to grant, or refuse, further pursuit.

Can you imagine if this was reversed?

“Baby, after work wanna take a ride with me and…”
“No, and this is making me uncomfortable.”
“You can’t say that! This isn’t making me uncomfortable, and that’s what matters!”
“Oh. Well, if you’re not uncomfortable, then I guess I’ll have to fuck you.”

13 years ago

MissPrism: Oddly, as I became more honest with my romantic partners about things like my active sex life, my crazy and my bacne in the shape of the Great Dipper, I also started getting more laid and more romantic relationships. Insecure Get A Man Lady might actually be shooting herself in the foot.

Victoria: Or the lovely men who are like “Guys can’t be raped! I’d love to be raped!” because they’re imagining rape of men as “passionate sex with a Photoshopped supermodel, except with handcuffs maybe”…

13 years ago

How do you know she didn’t suffer? Talk about speculation. He freaked the fuck out on her at work, that’s got to be embarrassing and disconcerting at the very least.

It’s not just that she hasn’t filed suit

So you two are saying… that she should have sued him? Because he yelled at her to stop trying to cut in line, something which most likely got everyone to sympathize with her and demonize him anyway? And she suffered because of this? I’m trying to understand your position here.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ion – I think that MarkyMark probably did not commit legal harassment (as long as “Maria” isn’t her real name).

He has, however, engaged in behavior that’s sufficiently off-putting on a social/ethical level that he strikes me as a huge jerk, if not a criminal jerk. And it makes me quite certain that by not dating him, Maria dodged one hell of a bullet.

I don’t think he should go to jail or be sued, but I think he’s a pretty bad person.

13 years ago

i also just want to point out that for no reason that i can figure out, the post about his tantrum starts with a totally unrelated story about a conversation he had about changing bike tires.

if the way he writes is indicative of his conversation skills, no wonder he strikes out a lot.

13 years ago

It’s just facts, MissPrism. All men, unless they’ve been brainwashed by feminism into liking old wrinkled bulldykes with hairy armpits who screech and crush men’s balls under their pointy heels, like a .75 WHR, thin, sexually enthusiastic, chaste, feminine woman. Pretending to be feminine is the only thing separating those girls from a life alone in the cutthroat, dog-eat-dog sexual marketplace. And anything that leads to more hot chicks is good by me.

13 years ago

Also, MarkyMark has a terminal case of oneitis and pedestalization. No wonder he can’t get pussy.