evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny

MarkyMark, we hardly knew ye …

Farewell, MarkyMark, farewell!


Are you sitting down? Good. Because I have some shocking news for you all: Our favorite MGTOW-blogger-who-believes-stories-in-The-Onion-are-real, the esteemed MarkyMark is, after five years on the front lines, calling it a day. In a post with the ominous headline Time to Wind Down …, Mr. Mark explains:

There comes a point when one gets over his anger at women, misandry, and so on.  There comes a point where, at least for me, I simply acknowledge that women are what they are, and nothing will change that.  How many times can I poke holes in their hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and double standards?  After a while, it becomes old.

But fear not! MarkyMark has one final mission to complete before he rides off into the sunset: He’s got some book about women that he’s going to literally cut and paste into his blog, bit by bit, a process that he estimates “will take at least 6-12 months, perhaps more.”

In honor of his fine service to the men of the world, I will be going back through his archives in search of good stuff.  Feel free to join me in this holy endeavor, and post your results here.

He also mentions this:

There’s also an archive of my rantings and ravings online, so now’s the time to find it.

I guess we’d better, huh?

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13 years ago

Oh noes!!!! Christopher from Oregon will have to find himself a new home on the internet!!

13 years ago

And it would be just as fucked a situation if genders were reversed.


I actually thought for five seconds that he died and was all ready to feel sad that a human died.

But alas, he is just shutting down his blog by spending another year blogging.

13 years ago

Aaaaaaaand we’re back with Ion’s assumptions that he knows what feminists think.

You mean because I quoted what they actually said and responded to that? Yeah, I’m telepathic alright. If you’re gonna jump in with lame insults, at least be aware of what’s going on, man.

Just one question – did you all actually read on his blog or elsewhere that he was “harassing” this woman, or was this just a natural assumption because he’s a man/MRA?

13 years ago

I read his blog.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ion – What I actually said (or at least implied) is that one does not have to denigrate men to elevate women, or vice versa, and that I believe in a world where both men and women have flaws and strengths.

…which part of this was hysterical feminist screeching misandry, again?

13 years ago

Ion, have you read what this man wrote about this woman?

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

…which part of this was hysterical feminist screeching misandry, again?

I’m guessing the part where you implied that pure, strong men are *shudder* equals to icky, icky women.

Maybe that’s why the MRM likes to scream ‘misandry’ when feminists start trying to talk about equality. The notion of being equal to something as awful (in their minds) as a *woman* makes them recoil in anger and horror.

13 years ago

Ion – What I actually said (or at least implied) is that one does not have to denigrate men to elevate women, or vice versa, and that I believe in a world where both men and women have flaws and strengths.

…which part of this was hysterical feminist screeching misandry, again?

Never used any of those words, but anyway, I was talking about this:

“Thank god! I’ve actually been hoping for more stuff about Maria. She’s a woman that he works with/is obsessed with, who avoided going on a date with him about a year ago by not agreeing to go on a date with him.”

“Not-dating is a common warning sign that can precede full-fledged not-fucking.”

“Wait, he’s doing blog posts about a woman he works with who turned him down for a date? Why do I get the feeling there’s an HR complaint involved in this decision?”

“I’m reading all the maria posts and holy fuck this woman has the patience of a saint

So we have sarcasm, condescension, and the heavy implication that everything is his fault. I was just wondering where the blog posts are that back this up.

13 years ago

You mean because I quoted what they actually said and responded to that?

Nope. What I actually said was:

Wait, he’s doing blog posts about a woman he works with who turned him down for a date? Why do I get the feeling there’s an HR complaint involved in this decision?

At NO point did I say:

as always, it’s all the man’s fault because women are perfect.

But nice try, anyway.

13 years ago

Yeah, speedlines beat me to it.

I have also read his blog…for a few moments, and then I couldn’t bare it because it was so repetitive and hateful, spewing the same crap that MRAs have stated hundreds of times over before. More proof of what David said once (paraphrasing), “Misogyny is easy to find in the MRM. What’s hard to find is misogyny that is interesting.”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

He posts about every aspect of her body, how she walks, what he estimates her “dimensions” are, what she wears, and speculates at length on her sexuality. He veers wildly between saying she’s “SERIOUSLY CUTE” and “a used hole.” He also veers wildly between schoolboyish overenthusiasm and planning exactly how he’s going to talk to her and make her like him, and dismissing her as just another bitch like the rest. And of course he expresses endless regret that sexual harassment policies exist.

I’m just going to leave it at this: if a woman was acting like this about a man (which happens), that would also be not remotely okay.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago

Oh, my . . . .If I found out anyone I work with, male or female, had spent years writing about me on the Internet I would be equal parts terrified and furious.

That does not look like healthy behavior.

13 years ago

MRA’s should also take a leaf out of this guy’s book

13 years ago

speedlines: Oh, I get it. You’re talking about misrepresenting what someone said, like this quote: “…which part of this was hysterical feminist screeching misandry, again?” which I never actually said. Kinda like that, right?

Now please, can the drop the stupid nitpicking and word games and get back to my question? Which of his blog entries reveal that he was harassing someone?


He has been talking about her for more than a year-I just saw the “End of Maria” story that was posted on April 26th where he thinks she had turned him down for a date although what she had done was not commit to a date. Oy vey, I understand he may be confused at someone not saying “NO GO AWAY YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF STEVE’S DRAWERS” but why talk about someone who finally does turn you down for a year?

13 years ago

Mangina bastard. The world’s better off without him.

13 years ago

I can’t find any Maria stuff =(

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Holly, I applaud your strategic placement of Boy George in this thread. Your awesomeness remains undiminished.

13 years ago

Ion, yes, as a matter of fact that is what I’m talking about. Having your words misrepresented is very annoying, isn’t it? So if you don’t want people doing it to you, don’t do it to other people, okay?

13 years ago

Hmm, from what I’ve read so far, it seems that he liked her, was even obsessed with her, but no real evidence that he ‘harassed’ her or did things that required her to have the ‘patience of a saint’. Seems he wrote about her a lot more than he actually interacted with her, really. Not exactly healthy behavior, but I wouldn’t exactly call him a predator either.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

When I met Maria, her smile caught my eye right away.

Maria has it all: divorce, a womb turd, a love of money, and a selfish entitlement princess complex. Though she’s Puerto Rican, she’s just like your typical, divorced, bitter, angry, toxic AW skank.

Maria has a nice body too. I’m talkin’ 5’3″, 100-110#, perfect derriere tighter than a snare drum, with a nice, firm pair of 32B or 32C breasts-ow!

When I was discussing Maria, one of my readers left a comment. He said that he couldn’t understand ‘all this drama over a used hole’. While crudely put, he spoke the truth.

Without making any sort of ruling on whether it’s legal harassment or not, I’ll just say: it’s pretty damn gross and more than a little scary.

If you found a woman writing about you this way (over the course of months, and in public, to boot), would your first reaction be “gosh, I must not have been treating her well?”


This is the first one. 4/9/10 and he is still writing about her even though she apparently turned him down a few weeks after this one.

Andrea Vaughn
13 years ago

Have you read his Maria posts? He makes it clear that he understands that he makes her uncomfortable. This makes him angry, of course. He doesn’t understand what gives a woman the right to say “no.” Don’t believe me? Let me quote his post from 05/06/2010:

“And who gets to decide which sexual attention is unwelcome? The woman does, of course!”

Yes, MarkyMark. A woman gets to decide who fucks her. That may seem unfair to you, but you’re just going to have to buck up and get over it. Women are people, too! What a concept.

But the level of detail that he goes into describing what she wears, how she speaks, how she moves, her family history, her appearance, and the fact that he’s sending her photo to some dude in Oklahoma without her permission makes him a stalker.

13 years ago

No more MarkyMark?!!??? That is surely going to lead to ECONOMIC STAGNATION!!!!!!!!!!

I suspect he will return as Christopher in Oregon (MM’s alter ego) — when he’s finished with his cut & paste of someone else’s book.