Are you sitting down? Good. Because I have some shocking news for you all: Our favorite MGTOW-blogger-who-believes-stories-in-The-Onion-are-real, the esteemed MarkyMark is, after five years on the front lines, calling it a day. In a post with the ominous headline Time to Wind Down …, Mr. Mark explains:
There comes a point when one gets over his anger at women, misandry, and so on. There comes a point where, at least for me, I simply acknowledge that women are what they are, and nothing will change that. How many times can I poke holes in their hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and double standards? After a while, it becomes old.
But fear not! MarkyMark has one final mission to complete before he rides off into the sunset: He’s got some book about women that he’s going to literally cut and paste into his blog, bit by bit, a process that he estimates “will take at least 6-12 months, perhaps more.”
In honor of his fine service to the men of the world, I will be going back through his archives in search of good stuff. Feel free to join me in this holy endeavor, and post your results here.
He also mentions this:
There’s also an archive of my rantings and ravings online, so now’s the time to find it.
I guess we’d better, huh?
And nothing of value was lost…
I wonder how the author/publisher will feel about that.
Or perhaps the book was unable to find a reputable publisher, so is available online under the guise of ‘for humanity!’
And not one single fuck was given.
Think of the children, MarkyMark!!
*sobs gently into her hypocritical sweater*
PHEW! I guess he’ll still be posting some of his own crap too.
Thank god! I’ve actually been hoping for more stuff about Maria. She’s a woman that he works with/is obsessed with, who avoided going on a date with him about a year ago by not agreeing to go on a date with him. This is SURE to be fascinating!
I don’t know how you guys just run through this stuff without having it fuck up your day.
I am very happy that this misogynistic MarkyMark (whom I had many discussions) finally threw in the towel — though it’s a bit of a disappointment, that after all this years he just got tired of his hate and didn’t have a shred of insight that he might be wrong.
And not one single fuck was given.
Says the commenter in response to the blog post mentioning the event. 😛
I have to hand it to him; here at last is one MGTOW who’s actually GHOW.
What a bitch!
Says the commenter who flounced off a couple of days ago because he found us boring.
Not-dating is a common warning sign that can precede full-fledged not-fucking.
…I plan on doing some more stuff “on” Maria…
Eww! Keep that info to yourself, dude!
Wait, he’s doing blog posts about a woman he works with who turned him down for a date? Why do I get the feeling there’s an HR complaint involved in this decision?
I’m reading all the maria posts and holy fuck this woman has the patience of a saint.
Bee – Out of sick, sad curiosity, what is “chameleon syndrome”?
(And is it related in any way to Karma Chameleon Syndrome, which, as we all know, comes and goes?)
Says the commenter who flounced off a couple of days ago because he found us boring.
Good to know we’re on the same level, then.
Wait, he’s doing blog posts about a woman he works with who turned him down for a date? Why do I get the feeling there’s an HR complaint involved in this decision?
I’m reading all the maria posts and holy fuck this woman has the patience of a saint.
Because, as always, it’s all the man’s fault because women are perfect.
Ion – Do you believe that the world has two possible states?
1) Women are all perfect, and men are all worthless
2) Men are all perfect, and women are all worthless
And do you feel that supporting #2 is the only way to fight the encroachment of #1?
Personally, I’m taking a third option in which everyone has worth and is flawed, but MarkyMark (not all men, MarkyMark) is perhaps a tad more flawed than most.
Marky Mark, by contrast, is less flawed than most, for he is a star. A star, a star, a star. He is a big bright shining star.
Ion – Do you believe that the world has two possible states?
No, but apparently you do. Make that one state, actually. Enough to automatically assume that when a (non-feminist) man blogs about having problems with a woman, he’s in the wrong and she’s in the right 100%.
I tried doing what David suggested, and finding a few gems of MarkyMark’s in the archives, but I can’t. I just can’t. It’s just so incredibly boring. Once you’ve read any given five posts, you’ve basically read his whole blog. “Women suck, motorcycles are awesome, sporking something a woman wrote to prove they suck, a long and over the top story to prove women suck, women suck.”
Ion, are you really this dense? The Maria thing is fucked up, not because he likes her, but because it’s some one at work that he’s borderline harassing.
No, but apparently you do. Make that one state, actually. Enough to automatically assume that when a (non-feminist) man blogs about having problems with a woman, he’s in the wrong and she’s in the right 100%.
It’s not about man vs. woman. It’s about unwanted attention giver vs. recipient. I side with men who can’t get rid of unwanted attention too.
I sense a restraining order in the near future… because I’m that awesome.
Aaaaaaaand we’re back with Ion’s assumptions that he knows what feminists think.