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Man Boobz Summer Video Fest 2: Steve on skidmarks

The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with this contribution from some dude named Steve entitled “Women and Skidmarks.” More specifically, Steve explains why he thinks  women are a bunch of hypocrites for criticizing men who have skidmarks on their underpants. He clearly feels quite passionate about this grave injustice.

EDITED TO ADD: Bee has provided a helpful transcript of Steve’s remarks. But really, it wouldn’t kill you to click it. It’s really more amusing to see a guy say all this with a straight face.

Here’s the transcript:

Perfection issue that women have with guys. And I see this more with women than anybody else. Women are so obsessed, like, with finding the quote perfect guy, as if like they’re perfect themselves? You know, I was thinking about this. What are the statistical odds of women not having skidmarks on their underwear? It’s like, maybe a 0.01 percent chance. You know, I was watching this episode this one time of “Sex and the City.” And, I think it was the redheaded girl, Amanda, maybe, her name was? The redheaded girl on the show, her boyfriend Steve had skidmarks on his underwear and she found them, and she’s like EWWW. You know? And of course she doesn’t have skidmarks on her underwear, and she can do no wrong, right? And that’s the kind of thing that we’ve been so conditioned with, us men have to somehow be so perfect, and we don’t meet up to your expectations, but somehow we have to put up with all the women’s bullshit. And it’s really irritating to me how you, how women — how guys have just come to accept this fact.

Amanda is definitely my favorite character on Sex and the City. Well, her and Tinky Winky. And Tiffany. And of course Mr. Roper.

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13 years ago

You have to watch the video because the guy is Fredo out of The Godfather.

13 years ago

Now how often do have women skidmarks? Any personal experiences?

My sister had skidmarks on her underwear very often but my parents’ and my underwear were always clean.
This was a pretty traumatic experience of my youth — I was responsible for the laundry and I couldn’t help but noticing that every single time.
I didn’t say anything for years, and when I finally brought that up I couldn’t look her in the eyes for a long time.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It turns out that your sister poops, Marc.

Also known to poop: Mr. Rogers, Scarlett Johanssen, adorable kittens, both your parents, Carmen Electra, the Pope (perhaps in the woods), every US President, Megan Fox, everyone you have ever loved or respected, John Barrowman, and pretty much every man or woman ever.

13 years ago

This video has 20 likes on youtube. I just lost my faith in humanity again.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

You know, I’ve lived with several men and so usually ended up doing their laundry along with my own. Never once have I seen a skidmark or anything like it on their underwear. I suspect this somehow correlates to being able to attract women to them, but I’m still working on the specifics of that particular theory.

13 years ago

Having to bother with other peoples laundry is just horrible, one more good reason to be W/MGTOW.

13 years ago

Only omegas have shitstains on their underwear. Female and male. That’s why you only toss a fuck in them at night, with a bag over their heads, while dreaming of Angelina Jolie, when you’re desperate as fuck and your Fleshlight or vibrator’s broken.

My sister would be an omega, somehow I always suspected that.

But did you hear about this story some months ago of this guy who was fused to his chair sitting on his feces?

“The man lived with two able-bodied roommates — including his girlfriend, who officials said fed him since he never got up — in a home in Bellaire, Ohio.

Girlfriend? Jesus Christ…

I just hope this woman was just living with him so she could get his welfare checks… otherwise the alpha-beta-omega-theory would be in much trouble. Because this guy isn’t an omega. The greek alphabet hasn’t enough letters to describe him appropriately.

13 years ago

Whoa, whoa, hold up…MRAs are upset about basic hygiene issues, and hate when they’re told to clean themselves up a bit?

Holy balls. Family Guy in its golden years wishes it could come up with something this ridiculous.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Having to bother with other peoples laundry is just horrible, one more good reason to be W/MGTOW.

The arrangement is usually, I do laundry and bf cleans the bathroom. I’ll take washing undies over scrubbing a toilet any day.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I do my own laundry, so the presence or absence of skidmarks is a secret I will take with me to the grave.

13 years ago

Marc: The fusion wasn’t because of the excrement. It was because he’d not moved for two years. H could have (though it seems he wasn’t) completely clean (used a bedpan, washed after every bowel movement) and he’d still have been welded to the chair.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I dealt with two people stuck in chairs when I was an EMT.

One was a man who only called 911 after he’d sat down, had some sort of neurological event, and been unable to get up for two weeks (he had a friend who was bringing him food, and as you’d imagine, he was sitting in an unbelievable puddle). I can’t imagine how that situation would have progressed over two entire years.

The other was a woman who pretty much lived in a chair long-term and had adopted it as a lifestyle. I’m not sure how long this had gone on but it was definitely more than a few months–possibly it was years. It was a recliner, so she leaned it back at night to sleep, leaned it up during the day to watch TV, and that was pretty much her life. She had a commode next to the chair although her usage of it was definitely on a “sometimes” basis–there was also plenty of crap on the chair. (The woman’s daughter brought her food and emptied the commode.)

That second call came in on the hottest day of the summer, and the woman had plastic sheeting over all her windows and no fan or air conditioner. The smell alone could’ve killed small children and housepets.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Girlfriend? Jesus Christ…

I just hope this woman was just living with him so she could get his welfare checks… otherwise the alpha-beta-omega-theory would be in much trouble.

I suspect it was an incredibly codependent and/or abusive relationship if she never got him any help, and had long since developed into something far nastier and more complicated than any ordinary “we’re dating because we find each other sexy and we have good times together” relationship framework could encompass.

13 years ago

Bee, you found love-shy. com? Yeah, that site alone could power Manboobz for years. Please make sure to bring back some links and quotes for the whole hivemind to enjoy.

13 years ago

HAHA! I love how he thinks that Sex in the City… SEX IN THE MOTHERFUCKIN’ CITY has anything to do with actual women.

13 years ago

Even I think this is dumb. “We’re MEN, and we’ll fight for the right to shit ourselves! How dare women not like it, I’m not gonna change for them!”

And this is probably the kind of guy who wants a supermodel for a girlfriend, too. :/

13 years ago

See, MRAs, even Ion gets it.

13 years ago

Anyone who manages to keep a girlfriend despite being glued to the seat with shit has the game of a GOD. Super alpha, I salute you.

Sex and the City is the universal female fantasy: shoes and handbags, mimosas at 8 am with your best entitled bitch friends, and a hot alpha man ready to commit even though you’ve hit the wall ten years ago.

13 years ago

Can I just say that all the discussion of chairs is nightmare fuel incarnate?

13 years ago

I hate Sex and the City >=(

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

Steve Hoca was part of the True Forced Loneliness, a movement that was started in 2007 by three guys that are not able to get laid and blame all women for that.

The two other members are Dwayne, a 450 pounds guy that live with his mother :

and Bill, a psycho red neck that say women deserve to be raped :

13 years ago

I couldn’t watch all that video. There’s some seriously socially challenged people out there.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Oh wow, it’s the True Forced Loneliness guys! I’ve seen them before. They had this whole thing where women not-fucking them was basically an Illuminati conspiracy reaching to the highest levels of our society.

I’ll never understand why someone can hate women that much, and still be angry they don’t have one.

Although “have” is probably the appropriate and explanatory verb there. “Share their life with one, put their trust in her, and experience physical and emotional intimacy with her” would be hilariously wrong.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Has anyone told these guys that such a thing as a “couple” exists, and a lot of guys are actually in one?