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Man Boobz Summer Video Fest 2: Steve on skidmarks

The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with this contribution from some dude named Steve entitled “Women and Skidmarks.” More specifically, Steve explains why he thinks  women are a bunch of hypocrites for criticizing men who have skidmarks on their underpants. He clearly feels quite passionate about this grave injustice.

EDITED TO ADD: Bee has provided a helpful transcript of Steve’s remarks. But really, it wouldn’t kill you to click it. It’s really more amusing to see a guy say all this with a straight face.

Here’s the transcript:

Perfection issue that women have with guys. And I see this more with women than anybody else. Women are so obsessed, like, with finding the quote perfect guy, as if like they’re perfect themselves? You know, I was thinking about this. What are the statistical odds of women not having skidmarks on their underwear? It’s like, maybe a 0.01 percent chance. You know, I was watching this episode this one time of “Sex and the City.” And, I think it was the redheaded girl, Amanda, maybe, her name was? The redheaded girl on the show, her boyfriend Steve had skidmarks on his underwear and she found them, and she’s like EWWW. You know? And of course she doesn’t have skidmarks on her underwear, and she can do no wrong, right? And that’s the kind of thing that we’ve been so conditioned with, us men have to somehow be so perfect, and we don’t meet up to your expectations, but somehow we have to put up with all the women’s bullshit. And it’s really irritating to me how you, how women — how guys have just come to accept this fact.

Amanda is definitely my favorite character on Sex and the City. Well, her and Tinky Winky. And Tiffany. And of course Mr. Roper.

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13 years ago

You know, I don’t think the “perfect man” exists. I don’t expect my husband to be perfect. I do, however, expect him to wipe his ass thoroughly. Is that too much to ask?

I think this dude has confused two different issues in his head. While I don’t think they constitute a majority of the female population, I have indeed met women who were holding out for the “perfect man” and had impossibly high standards for potential mates. I’ve met even more men with such unrealistic expectations for the women they date. “No skidmarks” was never on the list, though, because it’s pretty much expected in civilized society that adults know how to properly clean themselves after defecating.

I could maybe see complaining about women who require their significant others to make over $100k/year or drive a particular expensive car, but basic hygeine? Really? THIS is where you make your stand?

13 years ago

What the hell…?

Is this guy seriously complaining about something that is BASIC HYGIENE?

And the comments section is surprisingly for this. Just about every comment that is in favor of not going around smelling like shit is hidden because of downvotes.

13 years ago

HAHAHA! How on Earth does not being able to wipe your own ass correlate with women’s bullshit? As friend says, “you gotta erase what you write.” I guess these guys want the freedom to be completely fucking nasty. OK, but don’t wonder why no one wants to date you.

Damn, this is too funny.

13 years ago

I have indeed met women who were holding out for the “perfect man” and had impossibly high standards for potential mates… I’ve met even more men with such unrealistic expectations for the women they date.

Sure! But this is the thing that I don’t get… those people aren’t the majority of either gender. So why do people like “Steve” constantly harp on this tiny subset of humanity? It’s their loss, if they’re like that. You would think, anyway.

13 years ago

Hoca’s example falls a bit flat do to the fact that she married the guy and had a kid with him. What exactly was the horrible penalty for skid marks?

13 years ago

This guy has a buncha crap on youtube that further explains his worldview. I just got done watching this much longer one, in which he goes over why Muslims are right (in respect to women, at least), hypergamy, and the good ol’ days when men ruled the world.

That last one: Okay. So, his point is that in the ’70s, when he was a kid, he would hear his parents telling their single friends, “Hey, I know this nice girl for you.” And therefore, back when men ruled the world, no one was single. Maybe a man in a wheelchair wouldn’t be able to find a girl, but other than that, pretty much everyone was paired off, and life was beautiful.

The fuck? (1) People still try to fix up their single friends. Most of the time, they are (as Steve’s parents were in their day) seen as busybodies. But the larger point: (2) If Steve can’t find a woman who will pair up with him, this is not the fault of Ohio not being run as a Muslim dictatorship, nor of all women only making themselves available to the most Bradpittian of men. This is probably the fault of (a) Steve not liking women very much, (b) Steve thinking he should date only virtuous underwear models, and (c) Steve not being very interesting or likeable.

On the upside, I just found an awful website called, which appears to full of awful people I can make fun of. BRB.

13 years ago

What exactly was the horrible penalty for skid marks?

Criticism! The worst thing that can happen to any man! 😀

13 years ago

MRA’s do love their Sex And The City.

13 years ago

I am sure that one day Steve will find the one woman on the planet who is somehow a super hot model and uncaring about basic hygiene. Until then, buy some damn toilet paper!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Criticism! The worst thing that can happen to any man!

Being not-fucked. Not-fucking a guy is the worst thing a woman can do to a man, doncha know? Women should only not-fuck guys who’ve, like, committed war crimes or something. To not-fuck an innocent man is a travesty.

13 years ago

Holly, what about the spitting?

13 years ago

I am in a quandary. I cannot click it. I simply refuse to spend any minutes of my life watching some numpty bang on about poo-stripes on YouTube.

It’s just one minute. And though it’s about poo-stripes — and I certainly disagree with the author — it’s really an interesting standpoint and an intellectually challenging analysis, I think it’s totally worth ones time.

13 years ago

@ David: Could you put Bee’s transcript into the post? A lot of people want to read the transcript instead of watching the creepy video, and it’s going to get lost in the comments shuffle.

13 years ago

“… it’s really an interesting standpoint and an intellectually challenging analysis, I think it’s totally worth ones time.”

The thing is? It isn’t any of those things. It’s gross, sort of lazy, and just all-around off putting.

13 years ago

Yay! Thank you, David!

13 years ago

Bee, you are a veritable saint. Thank you so much for the transcript!

And Holly, the not-fucking comment made me laugh tea out of my nose. Do you know there are 3 BILLION women in the world and almost all of them not-fuck almost ALL the men, making 9*10e18 not-fuckings EVERY DAY. This is an injustice beside which all others pale.

13 years ago

Only omegas have shitstains on their underwear. Female and male. That’s why you only toss a fuck in them at night, with a bag over their heads, while dreaming of Angelina Jolie, when you’re desperate as fuck and your Fleshlight or vibrator’s broken.

Thankfully, between that and not being a fatass/creeper, anyone can get themselves promoted to at least beta territory and keep themselves from a life of grinding celibacy.

Bruce McGlory
13 years ago

“it’s really an interesting standpoint and an intellectually challenging analysis, I think it’s totally worth ones time.”

LOL Uh “I don’t wanna wipe my ass, mommy, but fuck me (and wash my shitty undies) anyway!!!” is in no way interesting or intellectually challenging.

13 years ago

You know, if not-fucking someone who’s attracted to is a crime, we really need to arrest Johnny Depp for crimes against humanity…

13 years ago

ozy: There you go… pointing out the Alphas that all the women want.

I knew, sooner or later, one of the women here would let the cat out of the bag and prove the Greek System is true.

13 years ago

Women don’t find men attractive , nor are there any men who women would like to have sex with but wouldn’t have sex with them, so Depp has committed no crime.

Homosexuals also don’t exist

13 years ago

“perfectly LEGAL to discriminate against men, in this case with oral sex”

Maybe the equal rights amendment would have passed if there was something about blow jobs in there.

13 years ago

I thought the worst thing you could do to a man was not look at him.

“Amanda is definitely my favorite character on Sex and the City. Well, her and Tinky Winky. And Tiffany. And of course Mr. Roper.”

You owe me a new keyboard, David!

I know my cat has a brain the size of a walnut and even HE cleans his own ass every time after he’s done in his litterbox. Can a simple animal be expected to be cleaner than these neanderthals?

(Note to Steve – if you don’t keep your bum clean and dry, you can get a painful and itchy yeast infection there or at least a very incomfortable inflamed skin rash that can sink into your skin and even creep up to the top of your butt cleavage. Poo is not good moisturizer! Leaving dingleberries wedged in your crack and not cleaning up after you drop the kids off at the pool can leave your skin feeling very, very sore! So invest in some TP and use it, Mmkay? It’s better than having to go to the doctor because your ass canyon feels like a river of Frank’s Red Hot is running through it.)

13 years ago

A lot of people want to read the transcript instead of watching the creepy video, and it’s going to get lost in the comments shuffle.

I just hope that people still watch the video, because they’ll really miss something if they just read the transcripts!
Though it sounds banal, a video is just a synthesis of picture, sound and content. And this synthesis is so well-elaborated here, I think, it would be a shame if people would miss this this experience.