creepy evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men statutory rape apologists

Don’t thank heaven for little girls

Girls = Evil

Try to guess what the blogger at The Truth Shall Set You Free, a blog that describes itself as “an examination of all issues related to comparative religion and the attempt to find truth in the world today” is talking about here. (Hint: It’s not drugs.)

“We are going to let drug dealers set up stands on every street corner, with glitzy advertising, and they will be allowed to offer their illegal drugs, for free, to anyone who walks by. But if anyone takes them up on their offer of free drugs, we will arrest the receiver and send them to prison. Even if the seller advertised a legal drug, but the receiver took an illegal one unknowingly.”

Well, I probably gave it away with the title and the illustration, but yes, he’s talking about age of consent laws. We’re back on that subject again, thanks to the inability of manosphere douchebags to stop talking about it in extremely icky ways. The “dealer” here is, of course, the underage girl. The drug in question … is also the underage girl. The unwary buyer? The poor, helpless, and outrageously oppressed male of the species. I’ll let our high-minded Christian blogger explain:

Criminalizing consensual sex with willing 16 year olds is absurd. Consent is consent.

The bias of the law is revealed by considering this: If both parties consented to breaking the law, why aren’t both parties punished? …

Uh, because the law is designed to protect underage girls and boys from older predators? Because we as a society recognize that consent is really not consent when one of the “consenting” partners is underage and the other is much older?

But no, our thoughtful student of comparative religion  seems convinced that the purpose of the law is, well, I’m not sure what he thinks the purpose is other than to harsh the buzz of older men in thrall to evil, devious, conniving teenage girls.

In his mind, teen girls are the equivalent of drug dealers and older men are hapless, helpless addicts:

-The dealers (young women) are allowed to advertise (through clothes, makeup, body-language) an extremely valuable and addictive commodity (sex), and in fact, they can give it away totally free, without fear of any penalty…

–but if a customer (man) takes that heavily-advertised and freely-given valuable commodity, he is committing a felony.

And that’s the case, he complains, even if the girl lies about her age!

–even if he had no knowledge that her drug was illegal (underage), even [if] she misrepresented the commodity as legal, he is solely at fault.

–The consumer (man) is sent to prison, and forced to register as a sex offender FOR LIFE

–The dealer (young woman) is allowed to walk free to continue to entrap other potential customers of her illegal commodity.

A clearer example of the infamous “pussy pass” couldn’t not be conceived. What these laws are really doing is punishing men for girls being sluts and/or liars.

And so the oppression of men by evil women and girls continues apace. But there is, our blogger insists, a simple solution to this terrible injustice:

Punish the girls who are providing!

Clearly it is unfair to expect men to be able to resist the lures of these conniving Lolitas. We must do something to protect innocent men from underage sluts slutting it up in public!

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You have complete sexual agency, all women do. If you or any woman/girl wants act completely sexual in front of boys entering puberty a woman always owns her sexuality. Girls can flaunt their sexuality whenever and however they please, they own their sexuality. If these animal boys entering puberty get sexually frustrated or develop sexual disfunction it’s because they need to learn to control their sexuality.

What specific situations is he referring to? o_O

13 years ago

You know, I could swear it’s the MRA-types always claiming women are so overemotional and irrational. So why is it that when someone makes a perfectly rational statement regarding personal safety and not assuming everyone around them has the best intentions, it gets twisted into some hyper-emotional drivel like “HURRR, YOU SAY ALL MEN RAPISTS”? What a bunch of wimps.

13 years ago

Speaking of teachers ever notice that when a female teacher is charged with having sex with a teenage boy the mra’s are pile on the all woman are rapists bandwagon?

Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

13 years ago

Complete sexual agency?

Not unless you are queen and have your own harem.

“You there. Get hard. Fuck me now. Or I will kill you.”

Even that’s no guarantee. Though it makes for amusing mental imagery. Something like this:

13 years ago

Yep, men are exactly like guns. They are weapons, generally made of metal, that are designed to use a gunpowder to propel a projectile with great velocity towards the intended target. Yep, that’s exactly what I was saying.

Also, women are perfect princesses, blah, blah, blah.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

As far as I can tell, NWOSlave is eternally upset at two truths of the universe:

* Women are hot (in his eyes)


* Bitches keep turning him down.

13 years ago

“Remember that postcard Grandpa sent us from Florida of that Alligator biting that woman’s bottom?”

Oh shit, I actually have that postcard! It also has a man holding a knife to the alligator’s head, like he’s going to kill it and save the woman… only, the alligator is obviously stuffed, and the “bathing beauty” is trying not to laugh. I forget where it came from… the photo on it is pretty old (from the 1960’s or so), so I guess it would qualify as “retro-sexist” now. Eh. Never found it all that funny.

13 years ago

Um, so… Adult women don’t enjoy sex (despite being designed for it), and only agree to suffer through it to entrap hapless beta-males into buying them houses. But teenage girls TOTALLY want to have no-strings sex with these same men all the time, and it’s only unreasonable laws that prevent it.

Interesting phenomenon there.

13 years ago

Aww, I was hoping for an answer to my super important question!

I guess Slavey doesn’t care about helping me!

Well, you are over the age of 12. I mean, breasts? Ewwww.

13 years ago

NWOslave, you said “You have complete sexual agency, all women do. If you or any woman/girl wants act completely sexual in front of boys entering puberty a woman always owns her sexuality. Girls can flaunt their sexuality whenever and however they please, they own their sexuality. If these animal boys entering puberty get sexually frustrated or develop sexual disfunction it’s because they need to learn to control their sexuality. No doubt men will try to place the onus of blame on women. There ego’s and privilege knows no bounds. When will men learn to control their sexuality?”

When you suggest that it is acceptable for an adult to interact sexually with children you are espousing a markedly unfeminist idea. Are you still attempting to become a feminist? You seem to be attempting to become not a feminist so much as actually adhering to the beliefs that are falsely attributed to feminists by MRAs. I understand it can be difficult to make as drastic a conversion as you are attempting to make in a single day. Perhaps we can help you. Despite what MRAs have told you, it is not a feminist ideal to place women above men, the goal is equality. Can you repeat that for me so that I can see that you understand? Do you understand the concept of equality? Do you need us to explain it to you?

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

I swear to fucking god, I come home and read a few blogs and articles and things before I go to sleep… and I read this creepy shit. These men are so hateful, so predatory- jeezus fucking christ on a crumpet, it makes me want to never have sex with any man, ever again. And, boy, I really do like sex… anyways, I am an old hag of 36, I’m going to die alone in a cave!


Doctress Julia
13 years ago

… oh yeah, with all my cats! In the cave with me!

13 years ago

Doctress Julia, knock yourself out. I think that cats are way underrated as household companions. They don’t complain about the kind of food that you serve, or whine about going to Disney World, or disappear with the car keys. Well, actually they might do that, just, y’know, only the keys and not the car!

However, if the particular little creature who’s sitting on my lap and forcing me to stay at the computer would just get up and move so I could go to bed… aww, listen to that purr….

13 years ago

Cats DO complain about the kind of food that you serve, but on the other hand they do their business outside, so that more than makes up for it. And yes, they sometimes FORCE you to stay in bed late on cold mornings 😉

13 years ago

Just wanted to say this whole thing reminds me of Mr. Kimura, that lovable cad. 🙂

Amanda Marcotte
13 years ago

What’s weird is he’s already getting his way. If he pays a pimp to rape that 12-year-old, she’s quite likely the one to go to jail, statistically speaking, while he will walk away scot free.

13 years ago

Marc, you’ve heard of the right to bear arms. Believe it or not, people also have a right to bear a penis. And there’s no limit on where you can take your penis, and you don’t even need a permit for it. Isn’t life wonderful?

Yes, true, but in other countries they have a different opinion. It’s not some “natural right” it’s a right in the American constitution.

So, how can it be so wrong to think the best would be to eliminate the existence of the male sex?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“So, how can it be so wrong to think the best would be to eliminate the existence of the male sex?”

I love it when we get back to the “feminists just hate dick!” argument.

13 years ago

I love it when we get back to the “feminists just hate dick!” argument.

And then, unless I’m mistaken, the elephants come marching in…

13 years ago

Elephant Pride Parade!

13 years ago

… Marc, are you under the impression that penises shoot lasers or something? Because I assure you, they’re just morally neutral bits of anatomy. If yours does, in fact, shoot lasers, you should probably see a doctor about that.

And penis-ownership is, in fact, a natural right. You will notice: there is no country in which one must register one’s penis or risk having it confiscated by the authorities. There has never been, at any point in history, a town in which one must leave one’s penis at the sheriff’s office because people are scared of it. Heck, even children are allowed to have penises!

13 years ago

You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have DICKS WITH FRICKIN’ LASER BEAMS ATTACHED TO THEIR HEADS.

13 years ago

I love it when we get back to the “feminists just hate dick!” argument.

It wasn’t meant as an argument, an argument would be “Feminists hate dick and therefore they are wrong”, it was meant as a question: I just asked you why this is wrong.

If I always have to face such ridicule and a victim of this horrible distortion of the thins I write, I don’t know why I even bother to try to have a serious discussion with you all. It makes me very sad, sometimes angry!

As many posters here also conceded to me, there are many sex offenders out there who simply can’t stop rape. As long as they have their testosterone in their system they can’t stop it. So there will always be violent rapes and many other problems associated with men, today, tomorrow, forever. Wouldn’t it be a solution just to stop ‘producing’ males? Of course for now this is a bit of a technical problem, because abortions are something that takes a toll on the body. But if we could manage that or if in the future every pregnancy is a result of embryo implantation, wouldn’t it be, in principle, a good idea to do so? From an utilitarian standpoint, what would be an objection to that?

… Marc, are you under the impression that penises shoot lasers or something? Because I assure you, they’re just morally neutral bits of anatomy. If yours does, in fact, shoot lasers, you should probably see a doctor about that.

And penis-ownership is, in fact, a natural right. You will notice: there is no country in which one must register one’s penis or risk having it confiscated by the authorities. There has never been, at any point in history, a town in which one must leave one’s penis at the sheriff’s office because people are scared of it. Heck, even children are allowed to have penises!

True, true. I’m sorry if I made this in a debate about natural rights. That was just because of the problematic gun analogy (which I didn’t bring up!). Look, I’m also a realist, I don’t think that the realization of this idea would be possible soon. But remember the laws regulating abortions: In many countries, it’s easier to abort a disabled child. If we take a look on Why shouldn’t be the law changed in a way that it makes it also easier for male children to be aborted? That would be the first step of the multi-phased program.

13 years ago

Marc: As many posters here also conceded to me, there are many sex offenders out there who simply can’t stop rape.

[citation needed]

Now to the nonsense of eliminating men.

Who is advocating this? Not us; you. Why?

13 years ago

Bee said it. She said that people like Ludek Jirak would never stop raping. Giving you a link is problematic, because there is no search for comments here and Google doesn’t parse the comment sections the right way, so it’s impossible to find that with a Google-Search.

Now to the nonsense of eliminating men.

Why is this nonsense?

Who is advocating this? Not us; you. Why?

Have I ever said, that you are advocating this?

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