creepy evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men statutory rape apologists

Don’t thank heaven for little girls

Girls = Evil

Try to guess what the blogger at The Truth Shall Set You Free, a blog that describes itself as “an examination of all issues related to comparative religion and the attempt to find truth in the world today” is talking about here. (Hint: It’s not drugs.)

“We are going to let drug dealers set up stands on every street corner, with glitzy advertising, and they will be allowed to offer their illegal drugs, for free, to anyone who walks by. But if anyone takes them up on their offer of free drugs, we will arrest the receiver and send them to prison. Even if the seller advertised a legal drug, but the receiver took an illegal one unknowingly.”

Well, I probably gave it away with the title and the illustration, but yes, he’s talking about age of consent laws. We’re back on that subject again, thanks to the inability of manosphere douchebags to stop talking about it in extremely icky ways. The “dealer” here is, of course, the underage girl. The drug in question … is also the underage girl. The unwary buyer? The poor, helpless, and outrageously oppressed male of the species. I’ll let our high-minded Christian blogger explain:

Criminalizing consensual sex with willing 16 year olds is absurd. Consent is consent.

The bias of the law is revealed by considering this: If both parties consented to breaking the law, why aren’t both parties punished? …

Uh, because the law is designed to protect underage girls and boys from older predators? Because we as a society recognize that consent is really not consent when one of the “consenting” partners is underage and the other is much older?

But no, our thoughtful student of comparative religion  seems convinced that the purpose of the law is, well, I’m not sure what he thinks the purpose is other than to harsh the buzz of older men in thrall to evil, devious, conniving teenage girls.

In his mind, teen girls are the equivalent of drug dealers and older men are hapless, helpless addicts:

-The dealers (young women) are allowed to advertise (through clothes, makeup, body-language) an extremely valuable and addictive commodity (sex), and in fact, they can give it away totally free, without fear of any penalty…

–but if a customer (man) takes that heavily-advertised and freely-given valuable commodity, he is committing a felony.

And that’s the case, he complains, even if the girl lies about her age!

–even if he had no knowledge that her drug was illegal (underage), even [if] she misrepresented the commodity as legal, he is solely at fault.

–The consumer (man) is sent to prison, and forced to register as a sex offender FOR LIFE

–The dealer (young woman) is allowed to walk free to continue to entrap other potential customers of her illegal commodity.

A clearer example of the infamous “pussy pass” couldn’t not be conceived. What these laws are really doing is punishing men for girls being sluts and/or liars.

And so the oppression of men by evil women and girls continues apace. But there is, our blogger insists, a simple solution to this terrible injustice:

Punish the girls who are providing!

Clearly it is unfair to expect men to be able to resist the lures of these conniving Lolitas. We must do something to protect innocent men from underage sluts slutting it up in public!

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Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, saying things in a funny voice still isn’t a counterargument.

If you want to disagree, grow some goddamn balls and say it. Don’t simper and imply and fake-agree like a little pussy who’s afraid to say what he means.

13 years ago

NWO, always first for rallying for child rape!

13 years ago

I agree, NWOslave. The proper response from an adult being propositioned for sexual contact by a child is to decline. It really seems like such a statement is so obvious it need not be made, but your former allies in the MRM do seem to need to have that pointed out. Glad to have you on board.

13 years ago

On the old, really old, thread about age of consent, NWO was lamenting the fact that the state was preventing him from falling in true, pure love with a 17 year old. When the actual age of consent laws were presented, he proceeded to drop the age of his hypothetical paramour bit by bit. First it was 17, then 16 (plenty of states allow for 16), now it’s 15. High school sophomores.

This honorable integrity that NWO has claimed is an essential part of the nature of men -and woefully absent in women- seems to be on hiatus. If he had the courage of his convictions he’d just admit that he doesn’t think there should be an age of consent law.

Man, I’m cranky today.

13 years ago

And MRAs wonder why so many people don’t take them seriously? Expressing a desire to sleep with lots of young girls is guaranteed to make your misandry arguments look valid. **sarcasm**

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWOslave | July 19, 2011 at 3:43 pm
It’s all about privilege. Men think they have a right to a womans pussy. Sheesh, what 15 year old girl could ever have a crush on a 25 year old man? Wake up men, it’s not all about you. When will men learn no means no. If a 15 year old girl says to a 25 year old I want to have sex with you, he should know that yes means no. Take some responsibility for your action why dontcha?

So wait.. b/c NWO is being all contrary.. xD

Does that mean he thinks 25 y/os and 15 y/os (we’re down to 15 now since he’s figured out that the law is actually 16 not 18 xD ) should be together? o_O

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

These guys are convinced that underage girls are interested in them : There is a 46 years old man that was convinced that a 16 years old was flirting with him because she asked him a question about his e-book reader :

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago

MRA’s should not date teenagers. Teenagers are less likely to know about contraception, more likely to get pregnant, and teen unemployment may be as high as 65%.

Which is to say, no matter how much you like them, teenagers are a perfect storm of all the things you normally complain about.

13 years ago


It’s wrong to look at women as sexual object. No matter how sexually they dress or act they never do it to attract men, they do it to feel good about themselves. Men should earn a womans affection.

@Holly Pervocracy

I would never disagree with a woman, men should listen to women.

@no more mr nice guy

Good example, now if only the misgynists would realize that translates to all men.

13 years ago

“MRA’s should not date teenagers. Teenagers are less likely to know about contraception, more likely to get pregnant, and teen unemployment may be as high as 65%.

Butbutbutbut … if teenagers are more likely to get pregnant and you are saying that MRA’s should not have sex with them — you are depriving MRA’s of their right to be fathers! Misandry!!

13 years ago

NWO: It’s wrong to look at women as sexual object. No matter how sexually they dress or act they never do it to attract men, they do it to feel good about themselves.

Nonsense. Look all you like, just keep in mind that you are right when you say, Men should earn a womans [sic] affection.

13 years ago

So, let me guess? You took your speedo to the beach and shook your money maker in front of some legally available 17 year olds, and none of them bit?

13 years ago

I… I think he’s trying to make us realize how absurd we look? By repeating things we might say back at us. Trouble is, the things coming out of his keyboard are actually decent ways to act. Though I suspect he means “mean should listen to women” in the obey-their-every-word way, not the listen-and-appreciate-their-thoughts-and-feelings way.

13 years ago


Of course men should earn a womans affection, why should she give it freely? Just another example of male privilege, thinking they don’t have to earn a womans affections.

13 years ago

Pecunium, NWO thinks that sexual arousal is the same thing as sexual assault.

And everyone should try to earn -or at least captivate- the affections of a person they desire. How else will you get them to have sex with you?

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I would never disagree with a woman, men should listen to women.

If you’re not saying what you mean, and you’re not saying what we mean (you’re not, and I think even you know this), you’re not saying anything, so STOP MAKING NOISE.

13 years ago


I would be a misogynist pervert if I were to shake my stuff in a lewd manner in front of a girl. I would be a pervert if I were to talk a 15 year old girl up. Both are grounds for arrest and rightfully so.

13 years ago

So you have dropped the age to 15? Was 17 to old and indoctrinated?

13 years ago

Haha, I like NWO’s new trolling tactic. He’s really sticking it to all the white knight manginas and feminazis that hang out here. Bravo, NWOslave!

13 years ago


White knight manginas and feminazis are shaming tactic designed to prevent men from listening to women. Men should admit their privilege, put it on hold and listen when women speak.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’m imaging all of NWOs posts being read in Homer Simpson’s voice.

13 years ago

Well, he’s trolling, but he’;s slightly more coherent. Way to show us the error of our ways, NWO.

@Cap’nbathrobe: D’OH!!!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So NWO wants to do that? xD But the laws are stopping him (apparently there are laws against talking to 15 y/o girls)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So when does NWO start practicing what he preaches? xD

13 years ago

Are you serious, NWO? If you’re serious I don’t like it, and the MGTOW Disciplinary Council aren’t going to like it either. If you really have turned into a mangina you know what they’ll do.

You better get your balls back and start abusing these femiswine or I’ll be forced to put in a Report.