antifeminism MRA nice guys video

Man Boobz Summer Video Fest: MRA Robot speaks!

Since I’m on vacation this week, I decided that maybe it was time for a Man Boobz Summer Video Fest, featuring enlightening videos from some of the Men’s Rightsers and assorted freelance misogynists on YouTube. My idea was that this would take very little work on my part yet produce many lulz.

Unfortunately, I sort of forgot why I almost never watch MRA videos on YouTube – that they tend to be completely fucking boring and interminably long. Well, to be honest, any MRA video longer than about three minutes seems interminable to me, and I assume they would also seem interminable to most of you.

Nonetheless, after much painful and tedious searching, I have found a few gems to share with you this week  – all of which are shorter than 5 minutes, and most of which (I hope) will be entertaining and enlightening to you all.

To start off, here’s an adorable little MRA robot thing talking about the evils of feminism and why it’s unfair to Nice Guys.

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13 years ago

Humbleness, respect, and supporting your family are punished by feminism?

13 years ago

You know, I used to believe that whole “a guy deserves a girlfriend for being nice” thing?

Then I dated a couple of nice guys I wasn’t really attracted to and have discovered that dating people I don’t like is unfair to myself and them.

13 years ago

“You know, I used to believe that whole “a guy deserves a girlfriend for being nice” thing?

Then I dated a couple of nice guys I wasn’t really attracted to and have discovered that dating people I don’t like is unfair to myself and them.”

I did, too. And I also dated a few self-proclaimed Nice Guys ™. I decided if you have to tell everyone you’re nice, you probably aren’t.

Also, I am not a fucking prize or trophy to be handed out to deserving dudes.

13 years ago

Wow, I made it for 38 seconds! GOD SO BORING HELP I PUT THAT IN MY EYES.

13 years ago

Being nice should be enough? How about fun, intelligent, witty, romantic and passionate? Clearly these MRA “nice guys” are lacking in a few of these essential traits.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“Where a creep is seen as a hero.”

Apparently Skepchick and some others didn’t get that memo from feminism. xD

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

That’s not a video, that’s a rambling essay/rant. Uploading it onto a “text to video with cute animations!” website doesn’t really help.


13 years ago

Mangina twat.

You have to DHV if you want to get even a fatty… much less a HB9. Women want a man who’s cooler than they are, whether that’s an emo rocker in eyeliner, a thugboy, a world traveller, the most popular dude in the room, whatever. Hell, if you’re not going for the most entitled of the Ameriskank bitches, you can probably get away with just being a cool, funny dude who’s been to Ireland and plays guitar.

You don’t get hot pussy by being a simpering beta giving flowers and not asking chicks out. That’s what hypergamy is all about.

13 years ago

…this is my PUA impression. How did I do?

13 years ago

I’d say that was scarily good.

13 years ago

It seems wrong that a robot that cute should be programmed with so much bullshit.

13 years ago

Ear and Eye bleach please

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

There’s something rly weird about it the robot being so cute, but having such a grating voice… and then what he says adds to the dissonance xD

13 years ago

So, do MRAs envision some kind of utopian socialist state regulation of sex? From each according to her abilities, to each according to his needs? (Obviously, it wouldn’t work in reverse, because, ew, fat chicks.)

Or do they imagine a more Taliban-like across-the-board suppression of female sexuality, because no one should get laid if they’re not?

Or is it the classic Underpants Gnome strategy of:

1. Have cute robot whine about feminism.

2. ???

3. Profit.

Seriously guys, what’s the plan here?

13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe: Old-style abstinence-until-marriage-monogamy-afterward patriarchy, where every penis will find a happy vagina home and it clearly worked out well for everyone stop providing that “evidence” lalalala I’m not listening.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ozy, did you get my email? 😮 (from a couple days ago) and did the group (NSWATM) get my email (about a week+ ago)… it’s okay if you did, and it’s just not something you’d be interested in (or having me back on), I was just wondering :]

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Ozy except that the “happy” vagina home that they would get might STILL not be the woman they want >_> I mean would they still be happy w/ the “good old days” where they can get a wife and marry and she’d never be able to leave them if she was NOT some super hot super model o_O

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Oz and Ami,

I think they imagine some sort of early seasons of Mad Men, Don Draper-style existence, except Betty never leaves him even after she finds out about the infidelity. Because there’s no no-fault divorce and women know their place, or something. Of course, I’m not sure how this squares with their resentment of alphas.

13 years ago

I think I might have accidentally deleted your email… 🙁

13 years ago

Basically yes,they feel so entitled to sex ( or want to live up to BS Alpha stereotypes) that they want women’s autonomy to be taken away just so they can get laid. This is the heart of many MRA esque arguments.

The sad thing is that these guys don’t realize that they’re buying into a system that oppresses them, not nearly much as the women who they hate just for existing, but that they feel resentment solely because of their bullshit beliefs.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ok I’m gonna resend both emails, to you and the ppl at NSWATM

13 years ago

@David, thank you for watching/reading this stuff so that we don’t have to! I much prefer to have my MRA content curated and mocked.

13 years ago

You have to DHV if you want to get even a fatty… much less a HB9. Women want a man who’s cooler than they are, whether that’s an emo rocker in eyeliner, a thugboy, a world traveller, the most popular dude in the room, whatever. Hell, if you’re not going for the most entitled of the Ameriskank bitches, you can probably get away with just being a cool, funny dude who’s been to Ireland and plays guitar.

You don’t get hot pussy by being a simpering beta giving flowers and not asking chicks out. That’s what hypergamy is all about.

I know that was meant to be sarcastic but unfortunately for a large segment of the population it’s pretty spot on. It’s not even that controversial, really.

13 years ago

Love that one of the author comments on the video was calling someone a stupid cunt Someone that wasn’t even a women, but but he didn’t let that get in the way of his assumptions and blind hate. MRA really is the shittiest euphemism for misogyny ever. *laughs*