antifeminism MRA nice guys video

Man Boobz Summer Video Fest: MRA Robot speaks!

Since I’m on vacation this week, I decided that maybe it was time for a Man Boobz Summer Video Fest, featuring enlightening videos from some of the Men’s Rightsers and assorted freelance misogynists on YouTube. My idea was that this would take very little work on my part yet produce many lulz.

Unfortunately, I sort of forgot why I almost never watch MRA videos on YouTube – that they tend to be completely fucking boring and interminably long. Well, to be honest, any MRA video longer than about three minutes seems interminable to me, and I assume they would also seem interminable to most of you.

Nonetheless, after much painful and tedious searching, I have found a few gems to share with you this week  – all of which are shorter than 5 minutes, and most of which (I hope) will be entertaining and enlightening to you all.

To start off, here’s an adorable little MRA robot thing talking about the evils of feminism and why it’s unfair to Nice Guys.

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13 years ago

DHV? HB9? WTF is this garbage? Just play Warcraft or farm bitcoins if you want useless acronyms and scripts. It would be much more productive than this ‘posting on blogs you don’t like’ thing.

13 years ago

OH the PUA impression was a troll. But Ion thinks it’s accurate, HAHAHAHA

13 years ago

Well, you know, if you strip away the acronyms and insults I was saying something fairly reasonable (i.e. women like people whom they consider cool, women have different tastes, being nice is not enough).

13 years ago

“if you strip away the acronyms and insults I was saying something fairly reasonable”

I never got the point of the PUA jargon. If what they’re saying makes sense in normal dating advice words, why make up a bunch of lingo?

13 years ago

Am I becoming jaded because now I hear the whole “alpha, beta, omega” nonsense and just go “meh, heard that one already”?

13 years ago

Johnny, if you read this, this is exactly what the male Kindle reading voice sounds like >.<

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“So, do MRAs envision some kind of utopian socialist state regulation of sex? From each according to her abilities, to each according to his needs? (Obviously, it wouldn’t work in reverse, because, ew, fat chicks.)”

But if there wasn’t any more feminism, there wouldn’t BE any more fat chicks! It’s feminism that brainwashes women to be okay with their bodies and want to eat chips!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Kinda like how NWO thinks w/o the state brainwashing there’d be nobody who wants an abortion, or is gay, or is trans xD