Another elevator joke for you all:
So Pierce Harlan of the False Rape Society blog gets into an elevator ….
Well, OK, not a joke. In his latest post, Harlan offers a reaction, of sorts, to the whole atheist elevator incident –- by relating an anecdote of a recent elevator experience of his own.
EDITED TO ADD: Harlan has now deleted the post in question. It can still be seen, at least for now, in Google’s cache of the original page, which you can find here. Grab screenshots! Back to the story:
Seems he was riding a hotel elevator with a sweet old lady. Neither one said anything to the other (Harlan apparently hates talking to sweet old ladies) but when he got off the elevator – well, let’s let him explain:
I glanced back at her and saw that … she was immobilized with fear. In fact, she was practically cowering in the corner. Her eyes couldn’t have been wider if I had whipped out my dick and lathered it up with Grey Poupon. Hers was the face of utter, unbridled fear, and she was watching me like the scardest of scared deer. She said not a word but her demeanor practically pleaded, “Please don’t rape me, sir!”
Now, Harlan seems to have what you might call a taste for overstatement. He describes feminists as “screeching banshees” and “extremist loons allied with the sexual grievance industry.” I doubt he could describe a chicken-salad sandwich without resorting to angry hyperbole. (That was a little bit of overstatement on my part.) But let’s just assume that there is at least a kernel of truth here: this woman was creeped out by Harlan.
So what was Harlan’s response to this woman’s obvious discomfort?
[N]o one has more empathy for his fellow human beings than I do. The first thought that came to my mind in response to the obvious fear on the face of this pathetic, sweet looking, older woman — who probably never hurt anyone in her entire life — was fuck you!
Obviously we are supposed to ask just what it was that drove Harlan – the self-described world’s most empathetic man – to say something so seemingly callous? Well, as is usually the case with those we write about here, it all comes back to man-hating ladies and their male allies, with their evil insistence on sexual assault education (sorry, “indoctrination”) and their callous demands to “’take back the night,’ although the night has always been theirs.”(I don’t quite know what that means, but it sure sounds selfish of these women to want a whole extra night just for themselves.)
Ours is, Harlan says, “a culture marked by crass, hysterical fear-mongering about male sexual predation and violence.” (Evidently some guys haven’t gotten the memo on this.)
But all this evil misandry seems to have left poor Mr. Harlan in an uncharitable mood towards, well, almost everyone — though he directs his worst opprobrium at sweet old ladies.
Fuck them all. The paranoia of the woman in the elevator is her problem, not mine. Ironically, the elevator, the hotel itself, the car she rode in and the roads she rode on to get to the hotel were all undoubtedly conceived, designed, and built by men — men she’d fear just as much as me if they were standing in that elevator with her. I felt no guilt or shame or bewilderment over the fact that she fears me because of my birth class. Let her fear me. I can’t change it, and I have too much to do to worry about it.
And maybe, just maybe, it’s good that some people fear us. Maybe we should exult in the power we wield by reason of their paranoia. One thing I know: I will never do anything to alleviate their paranoia. In fact, I’m just fine with it, thank you very much. If someday, my riding the elevator causes some old woman to have a heart attack, that, too, is not my problem. Blame it on a culture that I don’t approve of. Blame on sweet looking, older women who give in to the paranoia.
Truly the world’s most empathetic man.
Harlan goes on to talk briefly about the Rebecca Watson elevator incident. Needless to say, he adds nothing interesting to the discussion.
Don’t ya just love when people just *assume* stuff? Also, I don’t understand how he could go from hating being feared to being apathetic and/or glad about it. Contradictory, much?
And, oh wow, another “men built and invented everything” diatribe. Even if that were completely true, what does that have to do with fearing men. Some people have phobias about men, and some even fear women. That doesn’t mean they *hate* them. I’m afraid of spiders, but I don’t “hate” them; I just don’t want them crawling on me.
“Birth class?” Hahaha. “Male” is a birth class? Class refers to upper, lower, middle, etc., in terms of things like money and power. Yet another batshit-insane MRA who thinks he’s the lowest dude on society’s totem pole.
Yeah, I’m going to say that whatever fear this poor woman might have been evidencing was probably due to her picking up on the seething, viscous rage oozing out of every pore of Harlan’s body.
Seriously, this cowardly fucker looks at what he believes to be a scared old woman and the first thought in his head is “Fuck you!”? What a scumbag. No wonder he claims to not be “self-loathing”, he probably has legions of people who all ready loath him on his behalf.
I would also suspect that Ol Pierce may not be the #1 guy in reading another person’s body language, especially from partway down the hall as the elevator doors are closing.
She probably was doing something innocuous.
True story; while I was in college, I managed a little apartment building, which involved showing apartments. One time, I had to show an apartment to a woman, and on the elevator ride up, she was quite obviously terrified of me, she was scrunched up into a corner, muttering “don’t come near me, I ain’t no tramp, you leave me alone….” When we got to the apartment, she wouldn’t go into it until I left to stand in the hall. After we got done, she ran out the front door, turned, did some kind of evil eye thing at the building, and went skittering off down the street.
There was no way of misinterpreting her actions, she was quite clearly terrified of me. It wans’t subtle, as Harlan implies. Of course, she was disturbed, but like with some of our other common visitors, I suspect he is seeing something that may not have been there at all.
Second, even after this episode, I somehow managed to not use it as justification for all kinds of hatred and my own bad behaviors, not to mention poorly concealed threats.
@zombie rotten mcdonald: ha! maybe you met the same lady? 😛
I’ve been pretty depressed/angry at the world in times past, but I try not to let “Fuck you” become my default mental response.
I don’t mean to be rude, but perhaps she was put of by the whole, you know, zombie thing.
*put off, also too.
Spearhafoc, can you join the forum? Now that there’s no open thread here, there’s no place to ask for clothes advice. There’s a fashion thread on the forum that desperately needs your input.
I don’t mean to be rude, but perhaps she was put of by the whole, you know, zombie thing.
FActFinder had a comment caught in moderation that’s up now, on this page of comments even, that’s weird and incoherent even by his low standards.
Also, confidential to FactFinder, MRAL stands for Men’s Rights Activist Lieutenant, who is a guy who posts here pretty regularly. You guys should totally hang out!
Actually, you shouldn’t. You probably shouldn’t hang out with anyone.
I doubt Factfinder could find his own ass with both hands and a flashlight.
But Captain Bathrobe, if he can’t find his ass, where’s he pulling those facts from?
*reads FF’s comment*
that’s… about my entire reaction o_O
but are handouts really a way to subsist?).
The Oil and Agribusiness industries seem to do quite well at it.
I both laughed really hard when FactFinder assumed MRAL was a feminist, and felt bad for MRAL.
Awww.. poor MRAL D:
Esp since we’re now BFF’s since childhood xD
It’s worse than that, Molly Ren. It’s clear from the context that FactFinder thinks MRAL is a woman.
It actually does make *slightly* more sense if FF is assuming MRAL is female. o.O
MRAL isn’t a poor feminist lady taking handouts, FactFinder! He’s a hard-working lifeguard IRL! You leave our troll alone! D:
Yeah! >:O Leave MRAL alone! *protects*
FActFinder had a comment caught in moderation that’s up now, on this page of comments even, that’s weird and incoherent even by his low standards.
Huh. It’s hard to believe you want to write for a living. You have to go out of your way to label me as having “low standards” rather than citing anything. It seems the constructive criticism is getting your emotions pumping. Rational thought is your friend, David. As they say in literary workshops, “show, don’t tell.”
Moving on, I know you dolls are playing dumb – at least I hope – so I will kindly spell it out for you. That’s what the grown-ups are here for.
Your childish insults and failure to actually single anything out to prove your case just goes to show how immature and stupid feminists really are. It also offers a little case study of why feminist men earn less than non-feminist men – because they are smarter. I explained that the reason feminist women tend to earn more was due to their tendency to threaten legal action when things don’t go their way, and it still puts a feminist family at a net monetary loss.
I also made a mistake in assuming that you were going for some feminist shaming with the “L.” I stand corrected. I also never thought that a MRAL was a woman, but then you have a bit of a hive-mind thing going on where divergence in the opinions of even trivial banter is immediately met with ire and ostracism.
Seriously, I have no fucking idea where you got that impression. Would you kindly post where I confused you? It’s okay if you do not, I know feminists lie a lot and are scatter from the slightest form of scrutiny like roaches from a torch (that’s the most fitting analogy I can think of). To break that down for you, I’m very, very used to feminists telling fabrications and then running off when I ask for proof. 🙂
You probably shouldn’t hang out with anyone.
Yes, David, isolate myself. Were your hormones out of wack and were you trying to hurt me, or do your sincerely believe that by me isolating myself from any form of human interaction I would be doing society a favor? If it’s the latter, it’s a good thing you aren’t spewing feminist bullshit to vulnerable as a behavioral therapist. Really, “Timmy is just a little shit. Keep him locked up in a box and don’t let him ever go out.”
Thank you for the quotations, don’t be afraid to go against the feminist grain, and have a nice day.
I like that he automatically assumes L stands for “loser.”
In this case, the L-word that comes to mind is “lolwhut?”
Feminists use the word “loser” and similar forms of shaming language a lot. That’s where I got the impression.
You need to work on your empathy so you can see where I am coming from. Look at the above posts – feminists incessantly nitpick men over the most trivial things, trying desperately to hurt anything masculine with sadistic glee. How would you explain all of the deliberately offensive and equally abstract forms of oral assault in the posts above? They never offer any advice or point anything specifically out like I do, they just let their hormones take them for a ride and go nuts at the keyboard. It’s all designed to hurt men and shame them into submission.
The difference between your average MRA post and your average feminist post is that MRAs actually specify what is wrong with the feminism in practice. Look at this feminist post – is there anything constructive about it? It’s all just vitriol and criticism – she just wants to smell blood. Is it any wonder there is so much negativity associated with the modern feminist movement?
Do, FF, my dear boy; where are these MRA posts with the paragonic reasoning?
You are railing (in a less than coherent manner), accusing a Men’s Rights’ Activist of being both a feminist, and a woman, and then expecting people to take you for a serious thinker and attentive reader.
Forgive us if we don’t.
Another thousand words or so, if you wouldn’t mind, FF. Two thousand would be better. We need it for a certain, erm, experimental procedure.
mral may be a jerk at times but I can’t stand for you picking on your own comrade for no reason and calling him a loser.
I’m a bit confused if you were referring to him or someone else, but I took it as you referring to him. Cunt is a gendered slur aimed mostly to women.
I can’t speak for everyone but since I got te impression you thought mral was a feminist woman as well I’m guessing thats what set them off.
(I predict this will get caught in the filter cause I used the word cunt *waits*)