It’s not just girls who go wild these days. Now even some of the older ladies – decrepit ancient crones in their 30s and 40s desperate to somehow capture the attention of men and their $MONEY$. On the Spearhead, demirogue explains what’s up with these wild old women:
What’s really eye opening to me is how these bimbos start going all out when they realize they are aging out of the marriage market. Funny how they go from being monogamous and marriage minded to polygamy, lesbianism, and whatever else they think gets them attention. And by attention, I mean the attention they crave that they no longer receive while having to become even racier in their perversions … .
That’s right, fellas – polygamy. Trust me, you don’t even want to know what happens when a gaggle of desperate wannabe sister-wives head out on the town, all skanked up in their temple garments and their longest maxi-skirts, hoping to ensnare themselves a patriarch. It’s enough to make a fella want to just stay home at the compound with the half-dozen wives he’s already unfortunate enough to be married to.
Women are lesbians to get men’s attention?
That’s gotta be the least successful strategy ever.
“Women are lesbians to get men’s attention?
That’s gotta be the least successful strategy ever.”
Actually, it’s a pretty successful–if obnoxious–strategy. But it’s usually a gimmick employed by drunk college girls, not women in their 30’s and 40’s.
Speaking as a woman in her late 30’s I have exactly 0 interest in tongueing some woman in a bar in order to give some strange man a boner.
You know, I’m not an expert, given I’ve only had the one encounter with an older woman, but Occam’s Razor tells me maybe if older women are into wilder sex it may be just because, you know, they like having sex. And maybe after being stuck with only one man for years because of social pressures to marry and stay in a failing marriage, and massive stigma against having pleasure sexually as a woman that has only started to recede in pop culture, maybe once they go single again at 40+ in their sexual peak they *might* just want to experiment. A lot.
But no. Must be all about the money.
These guys don’t believe that women actually enjoy sex for sex, remember? They think that women literally have to swallow their disgust and perform sex acts ONLY to snare some precious, golden sperm and/or a sugar-daddy to pay their bills. There’s also the popular MRA philosophy that women have sex merely to torture men in general and especially the men that they are NOT having sex with. To them:
16-25 year olds having sex = weapon used to taunt/torture men (that they aren’t sleeping with)
25-35 year olds having sex = weapon against men used to ensnare a man into marriage and babies
35+ year olds having sex = weapon against younger women (keeping them from the old dudes) and the atrocious crime of still being able to get laid/be single/enjoy sex in their Ancient Crone stage of life.
I wonder if these guys know that sometimes lesbians have sex in private, with no men watching, or even told about it.
…if a tree falls in a forest and no man is around to hear it, can it possibly make a sound?
You’ve also forgot the popular ” women who do like sex (or show some sexuality in any way) are sex objects for everyone to use ” mentality. I don’t know how those two ideas coexist, but that is a fucked up, irrational world.
“…if a tree falls in a forest and no man is around to hear it, can it possibly make a sound?”
If a woman fucks some one, enjoys it, and an MRA doesn’t know about it, will someone still get ragey mad about it?
“Funny how they go from being monogamous and marriage minded”
When in the mra world does this happen?
Wait… I thought the theory was that it went the OTHER way…
that women started off as lesbiontronic polyamorous wild feminists in our youth who hate kids and hate marriage and blah blah until we start getting older and we realize that we’re going to be old and nobody will want us and we can’t just do w/e we want nemore, and so then we start desperately trying to find a husband and provider…
Holly, only the bad lesbians have sex in private. The good lesbians only make out in public and/or have sex with cameras rolling.
Of course, most of these good lesbians are themselves bad because they’re only doing it to torture and/or ensnare men.
@ David
Today in Woman Can Never Win news…
So by this theory, the majority of kinky polyamorous lesbians are looking for vanilla monogamous straight men. Why? Maybe there’s a rumor that all the other kinky poly lesbians are secretly marriage-minded straight men? And there’s no way to rule them out as awesome-secret-straight-men except by extensive, vigorous testing to make sure that they are in fact kinky lesbians?
@ filetofswedishfish:
“If a woman fucks some one, enjoys it, and an MRA doesn’t know about it, will someone still get ragey mad about it?”
Certainly. The MRAs are one small drop in the pool of Men Who Hate Women Who Have Sex With People Who Aren’t Them.
I tried again to add you S_S but it’s not working : it says you’re offline and I’ve msged you but I guess you’re not getting it
This is true. Like I said at David- Today in Women can never win news…
Ami, I think we then become lesbiantronic polyamorous wild fetishists again once we snare the provider, get bored, and dump him. Then we acquire too many cats. I think. I’m still waiting for my Old Crone secret decoder ring to arrive in the mail, which will either spell out the secret evil feminist instructions in great detail, or tell me to drink more Ovaltine.
I do wonder, though, how do monogamous women who get married, stay married, and are happy fit into the MRA worldview? Do we just not exist? Or are we all just lying?
David – There’s definitely a certain divide in the MRA (and misogynist in general mind):
Good Lesbians: Hot, always femme, make out in front of men and then discover their bisexual side.
Bad Lesbians: Not hot, includes butches and androgynous and “misc/other” gender-presenting folks, have sex in private, have actual relationships with other women, are not attracted to men.
It’s really imposible to have a discussion about lesbians with these guys without clarifying if we’re talking “girl-girl” lesbians or “dyke” lesbians.
Holly, maybe they think that women aren’t actually attracted to anyone at all? And therefore any display of sexuality is only a pretense to attract men? It’s that men-are-sexual-women-are-sexy divide again. Therefore, a woman who displays a sexuality that men consider unsexy is deliberately being unsexy at men. And that’s terrible.
Ami, I left another comment on your blog. I have no idea why AIM hates me so much. Wait a second. AIM is an anagram of AMI… no wonder the program is trolling me. 😛
“Certainly. The MRAs are one small drop in the pool of Men Who Hate Women Who Have Sex With People Who Aren’t Them.”
Well played.
Ami, I think it’s working! I’m on AIM now, and it says you aren’t.
My theory about their theory…metatheory, if you will…is that they believe normal hetero women are actually sexually stimulated BY money and power in the hands of men. No intermediate mental processes required.
“Good Lesbians: Hot, always femme, make out in front of men and then discover their bisexual side.”
Yeah, but they’re still WOMEN. Thus bad. Probably only discovering their bisexual side to part men from their $$$$!!!
Raoul: Then why would they bother buying sex toys? Wouldn’t a handful of money do the trick?
That’s a good way to get papercuts in some some very unfortunate places.
I have noticed this. As the alpha FUCK women grow older and realize that they can no longer treat all men like shit on theior shoe, they no longer OWN the sexual arena, these entitled arrogant privileged bitches panic. They are weak and pathetic, and they cannot stands losing their enormous entitlement. The sexual arena becomes euqal, OH SHI, BITCH!!!! They flip out. And it is glorious.
If it’s glorious, why are you SO ANGRY?