Itβs not just girls who go wild these days. Now even some of the older ladies β decrepit ancient crones in their 30s and 40s desperate to somehow capture the attention of men and their $MONEY$. On the Spearhead, demirogue explains whatβs up with these wild old women:
Whatβs really eye opening to me is how these bimbos start going all out when they realize they are aging out of the marriage market. Funny how they go from being monogamous and marriage minded to polygamy, lesbianism, and whatever else they think gets them attention. And by attention, I mean the attention they crave that they no longer receive while having to become even racier in their perversions Β β¦ .
Thatβs right, fellas β polygamy. Trust me, you donβt even want to know what happens when a gaggle of desperate wannabe sister-wives head out on the town, all skanked up in their temple garments and their longest maxi-skirts, hoping to ensnare themselves a patriarch. Itβs enough to make a fella want to just stay home at the compound with the half-dozen wives heβs already unfortunate enough to be married to.
I really think you get the vast majority of your information about how women work from TV and the MRA community MRAL which is why it is so obviously wrong.
And now for something completely different . . .
“Leviathan” featuring special guest star Jumbofish.
This will need to be corrected…
luckily the Doctress has a powerful (and mysterious!) new ally :3
I have noticed this. As the alpha FUCK women grow older and realize that they can no longer treat all men like shit on theior shoe, they no longer OWN the sexual arena, these entitled arrogant privileged bitches panic. They are weak and pathetic, and they cannot stands losing their enormous entitlement. The sexual arena becomes euqal, OH SHI, BITCH!!!! They flip out. And it is glorious.
You retract this? Well, that’s a start.
Where do you get your views from, anyways? And I really mean that question.
Think about it: where are you getting your information about the world, and women, and men, and their interactions? You’re a student–you must have some instruction on research guidelines, critical thinking. The most useful thing I ever learned in school was to ask “How do I know what I know?” You don’t even have to agree or disagree with people, you just have to figure out HOW you came to understand something.
Say you know that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Where did that info come from? Everybody just knows it? Your mom taught you that, or your school nutrition lessons, or some health magazine? Do people just refer to it with out question? What studies is it actually based on? Did someone pick up what sounded like a scientific health recommendation and just run with it until “everyone knows” it’s true? Guess what, it may be no more true than “slaves are happier that way”, and “marital rape is an impossibility”.
If you’re getting your info from PUA/MRA sites, or from here, for that matter, then you’re not getting real information. Please go out into the real world, and sit down with some real people, and talk to them. Ask them what life is like for them, and LISTEN.
Even better for this discussion, sit down with some 40+ women, and ask them, so, what is your life like? (Short on women you dare ask this? Start with your mom. Seriously.)
I bet the answers will surprise you.
I was going for sad. War is all about sad stories.
I’m reminded of Rhett Butler (in the book) saying that Scarlett O’Hara is like the thief who isn’t sorry he stole but is very, very sorry he got caught.
On a vaguely-related note, Snopes calls out the 8-glasses-of-water myth.
Even better for this discussion, sit down with some 40+ women, and ask them, so, what is your life like? (Short on women you dare ask this? Start with your mom. Seriously.)
Obviously, MRAL’s mother is an alpha FUCK woman who has recently become a lesbian and joined a fundamentalist Mormon cult in a desperate bid for male attention because she’s not hot enough to get away with spitting on men like she used to. Show some compassion, dude. It’s all he knows.
“Obviously, MRALβs mother is an alpha FUCK woman who has recently become a lesbian and joined a fundamentalist Mormon cult in a desperate bid for male attention because sheβs not hot enough to get away with spitting on men like she used to.”
Not to make light of things, but this would probably make a great dark comedy.
I mean, hey, if Bad Teacher can get produced, why not this?
MRAL, letting your view of women get influenced by MRA sites is akin to getting your view of race relations from Stormfront.
Seriously. I’m not using hyperbole here.
@Tabby – If you knew anything past what David cuts and pastes about the MRM or why it exists, you would not be saying that. To claim that because sometimes people disillusioned with women sometimes adopt the MRM banner makes it a hate group is like claiming that because many pathological man-haters use feminism to further their ends makes it a hate group.
You hold one movement to a much higher standard than the other – perhaps because feminists cannot compete on a level field?
FactFinder – You have a platform right now to tell us about the good side of the MRM.
Please, tell us. Provide links.
Every MRA who’s come on here has gotten his “we don’t hate women” mixed up in his “but women are evil and we should hate them!,” but then again, that’s the ones who’ve come on here. If you are, or can link to, an MRA who really takes the not-hating-women seriously, we’re all ears.
*cricket cricket*
alpha FUCK women? what the hell is that? sounds like imaginary bullshit to me.
seems like MRA’s are not only outraged about imaginary feminism. they’re all pissed off about imaginary women, too.
“As the alpha FUCK women grow older and realize that they can no longer treat all men like shit on theior shoe, they no longer OWN the sexual arena”
It’s not a sexual arena, it’s a carousel. And it’s owned by my employer, Barnum & Bailey’s Traveling Adult Carnival Entertainment Associates, Inc. Must be this tall to ride!
@Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Is it safe for women that are pregnant/have heart conditions?
Eh, I got lured into caring about MRAL again. Crap. But then, I think that’s why he hangs out here, because there’s people who, despite his spewing vitriolic garbage and hatred, still have hope for him, and even seem to like him. Love and acceptance, I feel all… ew.
Also, what Tabby said.
I am curious about where MRAL’s parents fit on his Greek scale.
They’ve had sex at some point, obviously, so they’d both at least have to be Betas.
So, what is it MRAL: are you angry with your Mother for having sex with what is presumably a Beta, instead of giving herself to a lowly Omega such like yourself*?
* but no you, specifically – not accusing you of incest fantasies or anything.
not you, also too.
such as, also three.
I’m too tired for typing today. I’m going to go catch up on the new Futurama episodes now.
I’ve visited MRA sites that I’ve managed to hang around for about as long as I was able to stomach Stormfront when I checked it out.
While I can provide you many links to feminist sites that aren’t “pathological man-haters” (and to save time, I’ll just point you to the sidebar here), you’ve been challenged to provide links to MRA sites that aren’t misogynistic.
Johnny Pez: That’s flipping awesome! A tear!
Is filetofswedishfish somehow related to Jumbofish? I don’t know. Maybe her gummy red magyckal powers can help.
*crickets* *crickets*
Mighty quiet in here.
Why not just have a beer and chill. π
I have noticed this. As the alpha FUCK women grow older and realize that they can no longer treat all men like shit on theior shoe, they no longer OWN the sexual arena, these entitled arrogant privileged bitches panic.
Dude… you really need to expand your horizons. I’d commend attending a play party, or an orgy, or something; where you can see that all sorts of people enjoy having all sorts of sex; with each other.
Because this idea that only the pretty people fuck… so not true. The idea that pretty people only fuck pretty people, also so not true.