antifeminism beta males creepy misogyny MRA oppressed men PUA rapey reactionary bullshit sex sluts statutory rape apologists the spearhead video

“Even if the teen showed you a fake ID, you are still a criminal,” and other grave injustices.

Here’s a little video that takes a look at some PUAs and MRAs who share a great love for underage girls … and a hatred of the word “pedophile.” If some of the quotes in the video look familiar, that’s because they’re from a creepy mini-manifesto called “Age of Consent is Misandry,” which we examined here not too long ago. The rest are from a thread on Roissy’s Citizen Renegade blog that really has to be read to be believed.  You’ll notice one, er, interesting comment from a guy calling himself “Welmer.” That’s our good friend W.F. Price from The Spearhead.


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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@PosterFormerlyKnownAsElizabeth This goes back to my “are we lying or naive?” question w/e ppl tell us what we’re REALLY thinking xD Are we just too stupid to know our own thoughts? Or are we actively lying and hiding our true thoughts? o_O

13 years ago

NWO, organized protest and targeted advertising boycotts are effective methods of fostering awareness and change.

Are they imperfect methods? Of course they are. Nothing is perfect. Do they require time and perseverance? Of course they do. Do they fail? Everything fails before it succeeds. It almost embarrasses me to use such a trite cliche but in this case it is true: anything worth having is worth fighting for. What’s the alternative? More to the point, what’s your alternative?

If my participating in these nascent forms of protest “…means nothing” then what do your off topic rants directed toward a bunch of people who clearly and vocally disapprove of this incident mean?

What do they accomplish?

13 years ago

“Im hard pressed to call Sharon Osbourne a traditional woman. Hateful maybe, traditional, not so much.”

She’s far closer to being traditional than feminist. Although I will concede I’ve never seen her wearing a proper poodle skirt and a sweater set.

13 years ago


I would give you odds that Sharon Osbourne would more closely align herself as feminist than she would traditional. Though I completely understand why you would not want her to use that title.

13 years ago

Depends on what you mean by traditional? Swearing profusely and being opinionated may seem “untraditional” for a woman but only by the most shallow of measures.

When I look at Sharon Osbourne I see a woman who subsumed her career and identity to her husband’s, making her entire existence about him and her family. She has undergone both gastric bypass and extensive plastic surgery in attempts to improve and -I suppose- maintain her appearance. She is a wife of decades as well as mother. Whether or not I find her personality grating, bordering on repellant, has very little to do with whether or not she is “traditional”.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

No Seriously’s blog post got picked up by the Washington Post 😀

13 years ago

Ami, that’s an excellent start.

13 years ago

I am watching the Joy Behar clip and while some of the assumptions are rude “no man wants to wear a condom, always will try to get out of it,” it was not “MEN SUCK ALL THE TIME.”

For examples of misandry, not that great.

13 years ago

What Nobinayamu said. Subsuming one’s career into one’s husband’s? “Entertainment” is focuses on motherhood? These are the hallmarks of fulfilling a traditional female role. Saying that she is a feminist because she isn’t outwardly mincing or simpering is superficial to say the least. Although the idea that saying the word “fuck” out loud makes a woman a feminist isn’t surprising coming from T4T.

13 years ago

When I look at Sharon Osbourne I see a woman who subsumed her career and identity to her husband’s, making her entire existence about him and her family.(Nobinayamu)

Make no mistake, Ozzy may be the artistic director, Sharon clearly is the one who runs the show. In fact, no Sharon and Ozzy is either dead or broke and out on the street.

13 years ago

Entertainment that focuses on motherhood, that is. Sorry, didn’t reread before posting.

13 years ago

Well, I guess by that standard, Michele Bachmann is a feminist, too.

13 years ago

@Amused, I’ll use your example of “patriarchy” to show you what I mean about the various factions of feminism dictating mens actions and how all women benifit from those actions reguardless of left, right, moderate or radical.

Conservative feminist say a man provides while she is the primary caretaker.
Liberal feminists say a woman can work as well is she wants and the man can be the primary caretaker.
When divorce happens, the State gives custody to the woman reguardless of who works or doesn’t work. The man will be the ATM provider. The only time the man gets primary custody is if the woman allows it. Her word dictates the outcome. Men have to fight for custody which is the womans by default.

The woman maintains custodial rights as per the conservative feminists.
The also maintains the working status as per the liberal feminists.
The woman now works, maintains custody of the family and collects child support from the man who is excluded from the family.

You see. all the feminist camps work in tandum.

So I ask again, does it really matter which camp wins the arguement? In the end, I lose.

The “patriarchy” you claim we live in has been built brick by brick, law by law, by women from every faction and ideology. Women have spent the last hundred years building “your” patriarchy. You whine and complain about the “patriarchy” as you lobby for more laws from the left, right and middle to build it ever further. Make no mistakes, this is your patriarchy, women have built it.

13 years ago

Tit for Tat, you are, once again, splitting ridiculously fine hairs. The tradition of husbands and wives working side by side is a long and well documented one. From family farms to small businesses, women have often worked along side their husbands. Very little could be more traditional.

Your speculative quibbling about precisely how their duties and responsibilities break down is utterly beside the point. By any real standards, Sharon Osbourne is very traditional, and no amount of dropping the “f-bomb” changes that.

13 years ago

How’s that saying go……….feminism isnt a monolith?

13 years ago

I have yet to meet a conservative feminist.

13 years ago


I have not made any reference to Sharon’s profanity. Amused brought that up as a way to attack me. Surprise, surprise.

13 years ago

Most couples with children work out custody and financial arrangements without the interference of the court. And more and more states are making joint custody the default when they do have to become involved.

As a direct result of men -and women too, I imagine- working to promote effective change, the system itself is changing from the default position of mothers receiving primary custody. Did it happen immediately? No. Is it happening? Yes.

Every year, the statistics about shared custody improve and become more equitable. What will you rant about, NWO, when the are nearly 50/50?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO is the kind of guy who can make working while raising kids some sort of giant privilege.

I notice he’s also the kind of guy who can make custody all about the child support payments, and not about, you know, the children. If I were a judge, I wouldn’t award custody to someone who asked for it on grounds of “Your Honor, if they don’t live with me, I’ll have to pay child support!”

13 years ago

Tit for Tat, I brought up Sharon Osbourne’s profanity too; possibly first. The use of profanity is often pointed to as an example of woman not being feminine, demure, or “traditional.” Maybe it’s not an example that you’ve given. Fair enough. But since you’ve provided no real counter argument to Sharon Osbourne being anything other than a fairly traditional wife and mother, I stand by my statements.

13 years ago

Again I ask, could the selling of products, adverts, charities that exclude men/boys, laws, sitcoms, ect. that actively promote the fear, hatred and degradation of men be profitable unless there was an endemic societal wide desire for those products, services, laws, books ect.?

No business, charity, ect. can stay profitable unless the desire for that product or service exists. How can it be otherwise?

13 years ago

NWO, dear, I’m pretty sure you got the clip from NSWATM. If I am mistaken, do tell me.

Also, sure there’s a desire for misandric products. That’s because we live in a sexist society! Welcome to gender egalitarianism, how may we help you? 🙂

13 years ago

NWOaf, which is why we tell you to go forth and try to get people to stop being such.

And stop blaming feminists since we have nothing to do with it.

13 years ago

Ozzy, gender egalitarianism created the hatred. Before womens studies and gender egalitarianism there was no endemic hatred of man.

Welcome to the world of gender egalitarianism has created.

13 years ago

@PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth, I try to tell you to stop be hateful. It hasn’t helped so far.

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