antifeminism beta males creepy misogyny MRA oppressed men PUA rapey reactionary bullshit sex sluts statutory rape apologists the spearhead video

“Even if the teen showed you a fake ID, you are still a criminal,” and other grave injustices.

Here’s a little video that takes a look at some PUAs and MRAs who share a great love for underage girls … and a hatred of the word “pedophile.” If some of the quotes in the video look familiar, that’s because they’re from a creepy mini-manifesto called “Age of Consent is Misandry,” which we examined here not too long ago. The rest are from a thread on Roissy’s Citizen Renegade blog that really has to be read to be believed.  You’ll notice one, er, interesting comment from a guy calling himself “Welmer.” That’s our good friend W.F. Price from The Spearhead.


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13 years ago

And there are a million cases where little girls hurt little boys.
It means nothing.

As I said for every hardship women faced men faced an equal amount of harship. No one was oppressed.

It means quite a bit actually NWOaf because in your desperate attempt to deny oppression of women (which was in degrees actually-it was worse to be a black woman then it was to be a white woman but life was no picnic for the white woman for much of history), you assume anything bad that happens to a female an equal and opposite bad thing happened to a male.

Not true. Sorry.

13 years ago


And again you make it into a zero sum game with this statement… “We are not talking about the women who did bad things (which was a lot rarer then men but that was more opportunity issues actually)”

Who told you it was, “rarer?” How could you possibly come to that conclusion? Is it, “rarer” because you want it to be?

By this conclusion you’ve reached thru nothing but wanting it to be so you’ve proclaimed women as victims. And if theres a victim there is an oppressor. And that oppressor is man. Can’t you see that? This is where the hatred stems from. Not nessesarily you being hateful but society in general accepting that woman is a victim will generate hate towards man because he is an oppressors. All of societies present day problems stem from this victim mentality.

13 years ago

I am referring to it being rarer because women were much more limited in their range of movement. At one point it was considered immoral to even go to the next town on a train by yourself as a woman. So to leave your husband/children you had to fight against the entire societal structure including the inability to travel.

Not the same for men-they suffered few consequences for taking off on their spouse. So if the man was tired of dealing with his family he could just vanish and she could do nothing.

Instead of making stuff up, you could try reading. Or at least take a class on how to comprehend.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So then the many shirts that imply rape against women (“I can run faster horny than you can scared” shirt comes to mind) also proves that there’s this culture and idea in our society which creates a market for such messages right? :3

And I do agree that there are serious problematic issues w/ the way we see violence against boys, the whole “cooties” thing that boys and girls aren’t supposed to like each other, and try to pull pranks on them, and that bullying and violence against boys on the school yard is good for them and etc etc (remember I dealt w/ this growing up >:|) and the “suck it up culture” which leads to stuff like this being seen as “okay” by some ppl and “funny” b/c society has the msg that boys are tougher, they can “take” it, why we have that 7up commercial where the woman headbutts the guy, and it’s supposed to be funny (I talked about this commercial in my blog and why this is f-ed up and tied into ideas of women being weak and men being strong, so the reverse is supposed to be funny, like how animals attacking humans is funny, or children and adults… like the kids ganging up on Kramer, is funny cuz society says children are weak and adults are strong… or kids in sitcoms being portrayed as smarter than the idiot adult….) and stuff like that shirt, are part of this kind of dynamic and it’s rly farked up and part of why so many of us are fighting AGAINST these gender roles and the idea that boys can and should take bullying and it’s OKAY to advocate violence against them >:O (just like I’m against the aspects in our culture that finds that “I can run faster horny than you can scared” shirt funny) xD

I’m also against the idea of promoting the idea at a young age that boys and girls are enemies, they shouldn’t like each other, the whole “cooties” thing and etc that also plays into the f-ed up ness of the “throw rocks at boys” shirt :

13 years ago


And the restriction of womens movement among the town means nothing. She could’ve abuse her husband and children quite nicely from home.

Keep in mind back then no one jumped in their nissan ultimas and off to work we drive. The woman was at home doing the laundry down at the lake and it took for fucking ever and it was hard. The man was working as a logger or lumberjack and hopefully he didn’t die or get injured. They worked together as a family for the betterment of their family. Neither was oppressed and they both appreciated the efforts of the other. No on was oppressed. Women were not oppressed.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere xD I’m starting to get his worldview…

so men and women were equal since the beginning of time… nobody was oppressed… until… at some point, society decided men were oppressors and women were eternal victims, and so therefore in trying to correct an equal situation, they’ve oppressed men and women are privileged?

is that about right? :3

So now, we can learn more! 😀 When did this happen, and why? What were the mechanisms of how this attitude got into society and why did society just accept it? And why don’t YOU, if you grew up in this society? :3 Did you ever believe this and had to learn it was wrong? 😮

13 years ago

You have this fuzzy happy image in your head about the old days NWOaf-have you been reading too much Laura Ingalls Wilder again?

Because that was an romanticized ideal of the past and reality was a lot different.

13 years ago

AMi don’t try to impart your gender role nonsense into any converation with me, ok.

There are distinct gender roles because there are distinct genders. Men and women are not interchangeable.

Even plants have distinct roles one pollinates the other is pollinated.
All animals as well. Fishes, everything that is male and female does have distinct roles.

Look out the damn window, will you tell the herd of doe they’re being oppressed? How about when the lionesses run to the lion to chase away the hyena’s, will you scream at them to do it themselves?

How is everthing on the fucking planet has a “role” yet feminists scream it’s a construct. Wake the fuck up.

13 years ago

ANr where does your info come from PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth? Feminist acedemia?

13 years ago

Oh Ami, try not to let NWOaf know about the gender switching frogs of the Amazon. It would break his little heart.

13 years ago

No, history books. I read incessantly. In fact I just went and looked up Mrs. Wilder because I was curious what Wiki had to say about her.

13 years ago

How about when the lionesses run to the lion to chase away the hyena’s, will you scream at them to do it themselves?
The lionesses are the ones who hunt, dude. Shit.

13 years ago

PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth, and that is the frogs role. Lets not forget the seahorse.

13 years ago

VoiP, and when the hyena’s kick the lionesses asses they run to the lion and he kills them. Learn it. Thats his role.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So you asked me what are the reasons behind this stuff and when I start explaining them to you you get mad at me for “imparting” my gender role nonsense and you don’t want it in ANY conversation w/ you? xD I.e. you want me to answer your questions w/ the only answer you want to hear? o_O

But you also get upset when ppl don’t answer your questions xD

Okay, my cat is female. Tell me what her personality is. How she acts. Is she loud? Talkative? Quiet? How often does she eat? Is she one of those cats that eats her food slowly, or all at once? Do I have to limit her food or she’ll eat it all? Or can I just put it in a bowl and she’ll chip away at it?

Is she a cat that hides a lot, or a cat that is always out in the open? How aggressive is she? Does she prefer to bite or claw? :]

Does she scream a lot at night or not? Where is her favourite place to be rubbed? 😀

You have all the information you need. She’s female.

13 years ago

And they had the sense to let the hyenas do all the hunting, only going after the food after the animal is dead too. Catch a male lion being that sensible VioP!


No, that is not the frogs’ role-that is what happens if there are no opposite genders around. In other words a boy frog will become a girl frog if there are no girls around. Same with clownfish. Actually if the oldest female croaks, the oldest male becomes a girl.

13 years ago

NWOSlave, what do you think about hyenas?

From Wikipedia:

The external genitalia of females closely resemble those of males: the 15 cm (6 inch)[9] clitoris is similar in shape and position to a penis, and is capable of erection.[22] The only visible difference between the penis of male spotted hyenas and the clitoris of females is that the latter’s organ has a blunter tip.

A “clan” of spotted hyenas can include 5–90 members and is led by a single alpha female called the matriarch. Scientists theorise that female hyena dominance could be an adaptation to the length of time it takes for cubs to develop the massive skulls and jaws, and intense feeding competition within clans, thus necessitating greater attention and dominating behaviours from females. Female hyena dominance is sometimes explained by the unusually high concentration of androgens produced by the ovaries. However adult hyena males display a higher concentration of androgens than adult hyena females. This would suggest that adult concentrations of androgens probably do not account for the difference of social dominance….

Males will show submissive behaviour when approaching females in heat, even if the male outweighs its partner…. Passive males tend to have greater success in courting females than aggressive ones.

13 years ago

VoiP, and when the hyena’s kick the lionesses asses they run to the lion and he kills them. Learn it. Thats his role.

Do you have a quote for this, or are you just pulling it out of your ass?

13 years ago

Well I’m already frustrated with you fine humanitarians.

Just remember.

1) A victim needs an oppressor.
2) An oppressor will be hated.
3) As long as women portray themselves as eternal victims, thier oppressor will be hated.
4) As long as men are portrayed as oppressors they will be hated.
5) As long as the hatred of man is desired, the State, corporations, charity organizations and MSM will continue to expand and profit from the hatred of man.


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Somehow, I’m NOT surprised he ran off when I asked him to tell me details about my cat just knowing she’s female xD

13 years ago

I think that was the clearest statement of nonsense beliefs from NWOaf ever. Good show munchkin!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Ami, because your cat is female, I know that she rode the rodeo cat carousel when she was young but is now married to a beta male cat for the $MONEY$ while fooling around with an alpha male cat.

What do I win?

13 years ago

Sigh, haven’t I been over this territory dozens of times before? Poor women have always worked. At the income class where women did not have to work, men weren’t doing brutal slave labor either.

Of my grandmothers, one did both factory and seamstress work. The other worked until she married, and was widely hated as an “uppity bitch” for not doing what was seen as her proper amount of farm labor and for having running water and electricity because her more upperclass family gave her a lot of support. Her brother actually never worked consistently, so that family support was not gendered either (my grandmother’s brother was considered extremely “eccentric”, but in all reality likely had a serious mental illness, he would do things like show up blocks away from his home in his bathrobe talking to himself with no idea where he was, but as a relatively well off white dude, the police always just took him home to his parents). Of course, their mother and aunt did work, because they were daughters of poor immigrants (my grandmother’s older sister was actually not US born herself). My grandmother’s aunt worked from childhood until retirement, and she was married. This ideal of stay at home mother and wage earning father is a very income class specific practice.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Darksidecat LIES! There is no such thing as class differences >_>

men were always working hard labour jobs while women stayed at home tending kids and home… and in the present day, men are all blue collar workers and women are all Lauren Conrad xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Look out the damn window, will you tell the herd of doe they’re being oppressed? How about when the lionesses run to the lion to chase away the hyena’s, will you scream at them to do it themselves?

Where does he live btw? o_O Or where does he think *I* live? XD