antifeminism beta males creepy misogyny MRA oppressed men PUA rapey reactionary bullshit sex sluts statutory rape apologists the spearhead video

“Even if the teen showed you a fake ID, you are still a criminal,” and other grave injustices.

Here’s a little video that takes a look at some PUAs and MRAs who share a great love for underage girls … and a hatred of the word “pedophile.” If some of the quotes in the video look familiar, that’s because they’re from a creepy mini-manifesto called “Age of Consent is Misandry,” which we examined here not too long ago. The rest are from a thread on Roissy’s Citizen Renegade blog that really has to be read to be believed.  You’ll notice one, er, interesting comment from a guy calling himself “Welmer.” That’s our good friend W.F. Price from The Spearhead.


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13 years ago

All women were allowed to vote in the wyoming territories in 1869. Unless I’m wrong. State to state princess.

You, um, understand the difference between a territory and a state, right?

13 years ago

Well if indians couldn’t vote until that time you as a woman oppressed them.
Because if men could vote before women and women were oppressed. Well the only ones left that could be oppressing them are men.

This is the dog that caught it’s own tail.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m still convinced the way NWO meanders–we’re talking about age of consent! No, abortion! No, VAWA! No, Title IX! No, goddamn women’s suffrage!–is indicative of how little he cares about any one of these issues.

13 years ago

The only way to free youselves from your hatred of man is to admit that whatever hardship women endured in the past, men endured an equal hardship. Otherwise you’ll always be a victim and man will always be an oppressor. This allows you to justify you fera and hatred of man.

Once the fear, hatred and ridicule is gone. The State, corporate and MSM can no longer profit from your hatred.


There were only male indians? How did they reproduce?

13 years ago

@NWO slave

Actually, you are correct. Women were allowed to vote for a short time in the some of the territories. It was mostly just a way to attract new settlers, and it was canceled after a while.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I like how now he’s a new age motivational speaker now xD

13 years ago

I have no excuse for oppressing American Indians, NWO. I live on land that was forcibly taken away from them, in comfort I might add, while they have been reduced to reservations — places mired in poverty, disease and hopelessness. Have you ever been to an Indian reservation? It’s like a different country. It looks like the Third World. Strike that — having been to the Third World, I have to say, it looks worse than the Third World. And it makes me ashamed for my country that we have such places in it.

As a single person, I can’t undo what’s been done. But what I can do is not discriminate against Native Americans on an individual basis, not spread lies about them, and not deny their history of being oppressed at the hands of European colonizers. I don’t think that simply doing this much means that I am being denigrated, oppressed or humiliated by the Native Americans.


NWOaf because you are making the fact that a man had to work hard for pay equal to the fact that women were refused the same opportunity.

In the man’s case, he was working hard but he still had the chance. In the woman’s case, she never even had the chance to work at all.

So your equalizing it makes about as much sense as anything else you make up.

13 years ago


Holy crap, I was actually correct.

On a side note, I’ve never voted. There has never been anyone worth voting for.

Plus, your vote means nothing, the supreme court decides any issue and can overturn any issue. There not even elected officials yet they have control.

And ya know what, I don’t feel oppressed for have never voted.

13 years ago

Men and women were both oppressed, NWO. Sexism is not zero-sum.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO’s logic seems to be similar to the logic expressed by some white feminists during one of the RaceFails. particularly, it reminds me of Heidi Schnackenberg (I wrote a giant angry post about this when she first said this) who said basically that women can’t be racist, b/c racism is a male thing and racist women are only “identifying” w/ the racism of the men >:

Which is so f-ed up (and prolly what NWO believes we here believe xD )

but yeah the “women were oppressing First Nations ppl!” reminded me of that xD

13 years ago

Holly, NWO could give a shit. In the numerous (oh so many) threads about the now infamous “elevator incident” he carried on about how oppressive women were being by expressing anything from irritation to outright fear when men approach them specific situations. Immediately before and directly after, he chastised women for placing themselves in danger from strange men.

He has no intellectual or ideological consistency. Not a fucking drop. He’s unhappy, women are the reason. What ever he doesn’t like, or believe, or even understand is the fault of women.


I had to laugh at NWOaf being shocked he was correct on something.

And it is sad that you assume that you have no voice NWOaf.

13 years ago

“I’m still convinced the way NWO meanders–we’re talking about age of consent! No, abortion! No, VAWA! No, Title IX! No, goddamn women’s suffrage!–is indicative of how little he cares about any one of these issues.”

Exactly. A convo with NWO is like trying to catch a flea with your bare hands.

13 years ago

Gah, posted with a wrong name. I r dum.

13 years ago

In the 1840s, Frederick Douglass published the abolitionist newspaper,The North Star. Hence, all slaves could read and write and if they couldn’t, it certainly wasn’t because they were oppressed.

Voting means nothing, and the unelected Supreme Court is all powerful says the same man outraged by laws he considers “unconstitutional.”


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Nebody want to take bets on the next topic he meanders to? xD

We should make like an NCAA bracket pool thing…

everybody chooses topics that they think NWO will talk on, and at the end of the day, ppl with the most topics wins

OR conversely, the one w/ the topics he DOESN’T hit on wins (like if he does go on them, then it gets eliminated) xD

13 years ago


You think that working hard way back then to keep your family housed and fed was a choice? It was a resposibility dear. And you can bet your pampered ass those women worked damn hard at home while their husbands worked damn hard at their jobs. And ya know what else, they were extremely grateful to have a hard working man who cared about their welfare.

Ya see they had this mutual respect thing goin on back then, they cared about each other. I have little doubt a play, joking about a man being drugged and having his johnson sliced off wouldn’t have been met with uproarious laughter by the housewives of the time.

As long as you continue to see women as victims men will always be portrayed as oppressors and you will vindicate yourselves for fearing, hating and belittling men. Until you stop this acceptance of hatred every State, corporate, charity and MSM outlet will continue to expand and profit from this hatred.

13 years ago

the insatiable desire to fear, hate and ridicule men NWOSlave


13 years ago

ozymandias42, if it’s not a zero sum game why do you insist on portraying women as always being the victims and men as always being the oppressors?

13 years ago

Ya see they had this mutual respect thing goin on back then, they cared about each other. I have little doubt a play, joking about a man being drugged and having his johnson sliced off wouldn’t have been met with uproarious laughter by the housewives of the time.


Remember on the last page page when you said you paid attention in American history? That was a lie, wasn’t it?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It’s weird that NWO just said that women worked hard at home and men worked hard in the work place.. but NOW we’re all “pampered” o_O Presumably everybody here has a job (and a home that they maintain)… so what changed that now women working are pampered and we’re not working hard to keep ourselves alive? xD

13 years ago

they were extremely grateful to have a hard working man who cared about their welfare.

Yeah, want to know why? Because they were barred, by means legal and otherwise, from seeing to THEIR OWN welfare.

You sound just like this Burundian guy I met on a bus once. I was coming home from a long shift at Macy’s during the holiday season. He said, “you look tired.” I said, “Well, I had a long day at work.”

He said, “If you were in my country, you’d never be tired because men to all the work while women stay at home.”

I said, “Look. Men leave. Or they get hurt. Or they die. Either way, I’d be an idiot to depend on someone else to take care of me.”

The conversation went on from there, he tried to convince me more and I pointed out to him that Burundi’s level of economic activity was no doubt being hampered by excluding 50% of the populace from the workforce. Either way, him and NWOaf would get along quite well. Because it’s really not about “taking care” of women in the sense of trying to look out for their welfare. Because that is easily accomplished by asking women what they need and then providing them with it, whether it’s low-interest loans to start their own businesses or subsidies for girls’ education, or whatever. It’s really all about “taking care” of women in the sense that you take care of your cows and your car and your home entertainment system. Keep one’s possessions in good working order so it functions properly. That’s the only kind of “care” patriarchal misogynists like Oaf and Burundian guy really care about.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWOslave | July 18, 2011 at 3:49 pm
ozymandias42, if it’s not a zero sum game why do you insist on portraying women as always being the victims and men as always being the oppressors?

Has she done this? o_O