antifeminism beta males creepy misogyny MRA oppressed men PUA rapey reactionary bullshit sex sluts statutory rape apologists the spearhead video

“Even if the teen showed you a fake ID, you are still a criminal,” and other grave injustices.

Here’s a little video that takes a look at some PUAs and MRAs who share a great love for underage girls … and a hatred of the word “pedophile.” If some of the quotes in the video look familiar, that’s because they’re from a creepy mini-manifesto called “Age of Consent is Misandry,” which we examined here not too long ago. The rest are from a thread on Roissy’s Citizen Renegade blog that really has to be read to be believed.  You’ll notice one, er, interesting comment from a guy calling himself “Welmer.” That’s our good friend W.F. Price from The Spearhead.


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13 years ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the age of consent thing work both ways, i.e., it’s also illegal for a woman to have sex with a boy under 18? Because then it’s not really misandry…

I don’t believe a 20-year old should go to prison for having consensual sex with his 17-year old girlfriend, but that’s another topic.

13 years ago

You’re right. Here’s Georgia’s statutory rape law, which if I recall is typical, aside from putting the age of consent at 16:

“A person commits the offense of statutory rape when he or she engages in sexual intercourse with any person under the age of 16 years and not his or her spouse, provided that no conviction shall be had for this offense on the unsupported testimony of the victim.”

13 years ago

Ummm… In regards to the first comment of the video, I’m a “bleeder” (what a gross word) with hips and breasts. I’m also 14. Just because someone has a period does not mean it’s ok for a 30 year old to have sex with them.

13 years ago

I know every state is different, Ion, but where I live (Ohio) the age of consent is 16, so a 20-year-old having sex with a 17-year-old is not an issue. Again though, I’m aware that every state is different, and in some states, having sex with anyone under the age of 18 is in fact considered a crime. Maybe we should re-examine that.

On the one hand, with the concept of adolescence, we do not view those under the age of 18 as being capable of being full-fledged adults. Actually, we often perceive those as being younger than in their mid-twenties as being “kids”. That being said, one may argue that because we treat these folks as children, they act as such. On the other hand, from a psychological perspective, we can approach the idea that those in their mid teens are not inherently capable of making well-thought-out adult decisions (i.e., having sex with someone much older, or getting their own credit card).

Either way, from my own experiences, when I recall being 16 I do not see myself as having been very mature. I was incredibly impressionable, impulsive, and not good at thinking for myself all of the time. So whether I was “old enough” or I had been coddled into this state of mind by society, I would not have been well-prepared for an older man “running game” or being seductive toward me. Granted, when I did experience this, I did not “fall for it”, but became afraid and withdrew from the social interaction.

This issue in and of itself is a thorny one, but the fact of the matter is, young teenagers are not generally well-prepared for sexual encounters with older men. I cannot say whether we need to change the behaviors of our society, or whether it is something that goes along with being a certain age. It can be unfair to men in their early twenties who are interested in having a relationship with someone who is really only two to three years younger than them. But it also can be unfair to the girl in question, who may be superficially enamored with the older man’s social capabilities, abilities to obtain drugs & alcohol, and so on. So in that respect, if a guy is in a state where the age of consent is 18, I don’t think it’s asking too much for him to wait one, two, maybe three years before he engages in sexual intercourse with his girlfriend, if he really cares about her that much. If the relationship is that devoted, I imagine that her parents or legal guardians would also be involved, and if they approved of the girl’s boyfriend, would not abhor him and seek legal action against him should they discover that the two were having sex.

That’s just my two cents, though. It’s an issue that I am sometimes concerned about and troubled with, especially when two people are together who really are not terribly far apart in age. In general though I believe that the age of consent laws tend to be fair.

13 years ago

You know, maybe this is just me being an asshole, but when I see a grown man complaining that he can’t legally have sex with teenagers, it makes me think he’s too immature and socially stunted to relate to women his own age. It bears more than a whiff of “but the women over 18 are just so much harder to take advantage of!”

13 years ago

x/2+7 should be encoded in law. xkcd can solve everything

Puella Sapiens
Puella Sapiens
13 years ago

Some relevant information, because I find that these tidbits are often overlooked in conversations about age of consent and/or age-gap relationships.

There is fairly good indication that the differences in maturity and ability to make rational judgements found between those in their teens and early twenties and older adults are not just products of culture:

I’ve also seen statistics claiming that young women in relationships with significantly older partners experience higher rates of several sex-related risks, though I’ve not examined them in-depth.

To be clear, there are obvious and calculable ways in which underage men having relationships with older women are also at greater risk, the most gender-specific being a product of their impulsivity, the fact that decisions about carrying a fetus to term are the province of the female partner, and child-support laws.

As a side note, the apparent better-preparedness of younger women in other cultures and earlier generations to bear the responsibilities of child-rearing can, I think, be largely attributed to the fact that their life choices are/were far more restricted, in practice if not in theory (though often in theory, too). It’s much easier to make the best decision for yourself when, realistically, you only have one or two potential avenues of action. There are other possible justifications to be made for early ages of marriageability in other times and/or places, but they hinge on issues of verifiability of paternity, economic support, and in some cases maternal and infant health (though this also poses an enormous problem at the low end of what may be considered a marriageable age), and are for that reason largely bereft of argumentative weight when discussing developed countries.

13 years ago

My favorite comment: “Reading these posts, you’d think that there were roving bands of teenage girls raping innocent men in the streets.”

It’s hilarious how these horny middle-aged guys needs must imagine that teenage girls are “flirting” or “coming on” to them.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I can’t give my full approval to a video that talk about “game” and “level 3 beta males,” sorry.

But the “it’s okay to fuck kids if they’re horny/sexy” thing just drives me nuts. That’s the whole reason statutory rape is distinguished from forcible rape–a child or young teenager may indeed ask for it, but they don’t have the capacity and experience to know exactly what they’re asking for. “She so totally consented” isn’t meaningful with someone who legally can’t consent.

Also, if you have to ask your sexual partners for ID, I feel like you’re already doing something wrong.

13 years ago

Some states do have close-in-age exceptions, aka “Romeo and Juliet” laws (what a horrible name…) that either allow or severely limit penalties for underage sex if the two people are close in age (like 2-3 years). So there’s that.

13 years ago
13 years ago

….. wrong thread >.<

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I posted this in the last thread we talked about age of consent

That should clarify it if NWO doesn’t show up again, ignore it and move the thread 5 pages over before ppl get back to “wait it’s NOT 18 in most places” xD

there are also romeo and juliet laws in some places to cover a small age gap.

13 years ago

“Sex” with an 11 or 12 year old isn’t statutory rape, it is child rape.

@Ion, in states where there is a discrepancy in age of consent, it is in fact the girls that are covered by the lower age and the boys by the higher one.

Note on the fake ID thing, some regions do allow an affirmitive defense of reasonable mistake of age with a victim over twelve or thirteen. If you actually met a sixteen year old in an over 21 club, you might not be criminally liable if you reasonably believed the victim was over 21.

13 years ago

Also on the fake ID thing, right or wrong this isn’t an exceptional clause. Speaking of a bar, if a bar lets in a minor with a fake ID and they’re caught, the fault lies with the bar. Or if a store sells a minor cigarettes, etc. So, good or bad, at least it’s consistent.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

How many under girls actually keep a fake ID on them just to fuck older guys?

I’m sure it’s happened, like, at some point in the history of humanity, but really now…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago


Cripes I’m having a bad typing day.

13 years ago

Holly, you’re forgetting the fact that women are all out to destroy men. As such, almost every American underage girl has fake ID, just so they can trap these sad, oppressed men.

13 years ago


Can you actually show us any recent – say, last 10 years – examples of 20-year olds who have gone to prison in the US for the sole “crime” of consensual sex with their 17-year-old boy or girl friend?

13 years ago

Yeah, I don’t think there are bands of predatory Lolitas roving the world.

It would make an awesome premise for a Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic movie, though.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

or a porn xD

13 years ago

How many under girls actually keep a fake ID on them just to fuck older guys?

Haven’t you heard? There is a critical shortage of horny teenage boys in the world today, which means all those horny teenage girls are just falling all over themselves to bang dudes old enough to be their dads. It’s tragic, I tell ya.

13 years ago

Can you actually show us any recent – say, last 10 years – examples of 20-year olds who have gone to prison in the US for the sole “crime” of consensual sex with their 17-year-old boy or girl friend?

I’m unfortunately blanking on the names right now, but here in Georgia, there was actually a case about seven or eight years ago where a high school student was prosecuted for having sex with his girlfriend. The jury got tricked into convicting on something that sounded less severe than statutory, but carried a minimum sentence of ten years. Thankfully, due to a lot of pressure, he was released.

Of course, it had nothing to do with punishing him for being a beta male seeking sex where he could get it; he was the star of his school’s football team. But he was black and she was white, and it was pretty clear that her father was pushing the case because he wasn’t okay with that.

It does happen. Probably not as often as Ion thinks, though.

13 years ago

Mad Max: The XXX Parody. Coming soon to a porn store near you.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Mad Max: Beyond Thundercunt

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