So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why. Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows
that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.
But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:
[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.
Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:
We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.
But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:
Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.
Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:
Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.
In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:
In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.
No, it’s called Supernatural slashfic!
But speedlines, Supernatural slashfic is for everyone! The creation of the entire internet is part of the Secret Evil Gay Feminazi Agenda to gayfeminize everyone by exposing them to Sam and Dean’s smoking hot bods!
Yeah I was gonna say… I’ve heard this argument in the comics fandom comm too “women have their own power fantasies.. it’s called romantic novels” romance novels got compared to comics SO often there by guys trying to say essentially comics were a male thing and superhero power fantasies were a male thing >:
and I’ve heard it w/ porn too…
and I’ve heard it w/ action movies…
and w/ video games “women have Sims!”
ffs… women who like romantic novels like them for being romantic novels not cuz that’s female porn or female action movies or female superheroes or w/e -_-
Brandon: We are all expendable. You, me, the first commenter, etc… That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be treated well or with respect. I am not the only man that is capable of getting her off and thinking that would equal being delusional. People should be respected and appreciated but to think “I am special” is just insane.
We may be expendable to strangers, Brandon. We aren’t expendable to people who love us. And though I understand it’s not your thing, a significant proportion of people look for intimate relationships in which they matter more to their partner than just some random representative of the opposite sex. Emotion, bonding — those things do matter to the vast majority of people, though maybe not to you. So it’s not surprising that a lot of people find the idea of their lover regarding them as expendable rather, you know, objectionable.
Look, I’m not trying to knock your lifestyle. A lot of it depends on personal perception. I for one, greatly enjoy actual intimacy (and intimacy isn’t the equivalent of conventional commitment, just actually liking and caring about the person you are with more than you would a random stranger). Sex without intimacy, to me, is all just masturbation, even with another person: it simply involves using another body instead of your hand. Sure, it’s still enjoyable, to the same extent that classic masturbation is enjoyable. But the difference between that and intimacy is vast. Masturbatory sex to sex is what diet food is to food: a pale imitation of what it should be, that’s nevertheless adequate to take the edge off. But, that’s just me.
“Also, it is not my job to make her feel secure. She should look inwards to find security for herself and not depend on men to provide it.”
You are right, it’s not your job to make anyone feel secure. But, it’s also not your job to define “security” in a self-serving fashion. Your actions towards other people do affect how they feel about you and their relationship with you. And then, there are different kinds of security. There is security about one’s own self-worth, and then there is the feeling secure about one’s relationships. If your relationship is a piece of shit, and you are a rational person, then there is no reason for you to feel secure about it. In fact, any person who is secure about himself or herself is likely to have fairly substantial expectations of relationships (whether they are conventional or not) and to object openly when those expectations are not met. It’s precisely people who are INsecure who will acquiesce in anything and everything just to score some momentary approval.
EWME inadvertently cracked me up with “Probably ’cause they let themselves go after they got a union.” Because socialism makes women get fat! 😀
FactFinder, thank you for linking to triplanetary, who didn’t cotton on to your kind of stereotyping any more than I do. Good day sir.
@Lady Raine: Women have their own form of porn…it’s called romantic novels.
I have to tell you that I’d rather poke my eyeballs out with sticks than read a romance novel/watch a romance movie. I daresay that I’m not the only woman who doesn’t find gushy love stories to be “hot & sexy”. I’m sure many women enjoy romance novels or whatever the case…but I don’t really see a correlation between porn and romance novels and/or sex/arousal = romance.
Personally, I am not going to hide my porn from the women that come over to my place, nor am I going to “shame” them because they don’t like it. In fact, I often find women trying to shame me because I watch it.
I’m not sure if that part was directed at me personally or not, but that’s why I said that what he does in his own house is his business as long as he’s not trying to force it down his gf/wife’s throat (ie: watching it in front of her if she hates it or shaming her for hating it). The same also goes in the reverse (IMO). I can’t speak for other women, but merely “knowing” a guy I date watches porn doesn’t bother me nor would it be a reason to “shame” him.
Maybe the reason why the man would rather watch porn than sleep with his gf/wife/partner/etc is because she sucks in bed. There have been girls that completely rock my socks off and others that I would rather jerk off to porn instead of sleeping with them.
Well, I think that’s sort of a cop out. If your sex life with a sig other is SO bad that you literally would rather jerk off to porn, then you should be focused on: Solving the problem, seeking therapy, and/or ending the relationship.
You really think it is abusive to request your girlfriend/wife/etc to perform acts in porno’s? I have seen a lot of porn in my day, you might want to think about narrowing it down a bit. For one, men shouldn’t be demanding anything…only asking. Secondly, there is a difference between asking a girl to swallow and demanding a golden shower, Hell, I have learned new positions and other moves that some women love…all through the magic of porn.
No. If you’ll please refer to my previous comment it says “demanding is abusive….” as opposed to “requesting”. i think it’s fair to say that “demanding” and “requesting” are two very, very different things.
Also, Brandon: If a woman enjoys dime store novels, it tells me she’s got a really poor taste in books. If I had to speculate on how I would feel towards such a woman if I were a man, I’d say as a sophisticated man with refined tastes, I’d find it really low-brow. And though I would still react predictably to her appearance, the romance novel thing would weigh against having an actual relationship with her, even if I were otherwise relationship-minded. If a woman not merely enjoyed romance novels but in fact argued that reading this trash and having a relationship with an actual living, breathing, real human being give her comparable levels of satisfaction, I’d find it weird to say the least; and I can’t see any self-respecting man going within a mile of her, except, perhaps, for a one-night stand (and even that would be a stretch for anyone except a drunk frat boy). I don’t think a man who finds it a problem that his girlfriend considers him interchangeable with a two-dimensional fictional character is being “insecure” if, in fact, romance novels have such a tremendous importance for her. So I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish with your romance novel analogy here. Are you assuming we are all into romance novels? Or that those of us who aren’t into romance novels have no libido? Or that those of us who like romance novels consider them on par with human beings? In any event, I’ve never heard a woman say that reading a romance novel is a comparable alternative to a relationship.
@Ami: There are tons of activities that cater to one gender or another. Years ago, gaming was strictly male…now it’s about 50/50. Women are the ones that buy the majority of romance novels because it offers an escape and fantasy. This is the same reason men like porn…it’s fantasy.
@Amused: I like to bond with women as well. I just don’t take it to the extreme. If I notice that she is getting co-dependent on me in anyway, I back off. I don’t want a woman to depend on me, nor do I want me to depend on a woman. We have our own lives and I only allow the “intermingling” to go so far.
I don’t know, maybe I can just enjoy sex for the sake of having sex. I see sleeping with women is better than masturbation (with a few exceptions). I don’t need a deep, emotional bond to have sex I guess.
I don’t see me doing anything “self-serving”. I am often brutally honest with the women in my life. Each one of them knows how I feel about relationships and what they can expect from me. If they continue to call me, sleep with me or otherwise continue in the same fashion…I take that as her “agreeing to the terms”. I have had women not want that and they part ways with me.
I am saying that the majority of romance novel sales are to women, Not all women, but a large amount of them. Women have libidos regardless of romance novels or porn.
Reading a romance novel is not the same as being in a relationship. Nor is watching porn.
When I see porn, it is often a visual representation of what I am “seeing” in my head while I am masturbating. If I didn’t have porn, I would still have the same fantasies that are arousing, just without the actors. Everything from MILF videos to Barely Legal runs through my head. Porn is just taking what is already in most mens minds and putting it on a screen for others to see. It’s like getting a front row seat into our minds. At least when it comes to sex.
@Lady Raine: That’s your prerogative if you don’t like romance novels…but that doesn’t mean a large portion of women buy them. In fact, I bet it out of all the romance novels sold…98% of them are to women (ya, its a guess,,,but it’s probably not too far off).
I wasn’t directing anything at you, I was just making a point. But most of the time I find women the ones that disapprove of men looking at porn. I get everything from “they are being exploited” (ya, I would love to make 100K a year having sex…please can I quit my day job!) to “What? You can’t get a real woman?”. The best explanation that I can come up with as to why women are so hostile to porn is that they like to be viewed at as special and that their boyfriends/husbands should only be getting off if it’s her that is doing it. These “attacks” are even from women that I am not trying to date or sleep with, So why would they give a rats ass to what I was doing? I could be wrong, but that is the best I got so far.
I usually try and make the sex between me and a partner better…but sometimes it doesn’t work. I will often break up with her if it continues to be sub-par, but I try and give it a fighting chance.
I do understand the difference between demanding and asking. I was pointing out what you said earlier:
“And the obvious dealbreaker of demanding a woman do the things that porno actresses do (which is abusive, of course)”
Meaning that sentence is REALLY vague. Every sex act is portrayed in porn so if we were to follow this sentence to a tee…you would find everything abusive. I simply asked you to narrow down the scope of it so there is a difference between watching two people in missionary as opposed to the crap that happens in really depraved porn.
There are tons of activities that cater to one gender or another. Years ago, gaming was strictly male…now it’s about 50/50. Women are the ones that buy the majority of romance novels because it offers an escape and fantasy. This is the same reason men like porn…it’s fantasy.
That.. doesn’t address nething I said, or what the issue is (that porn for women is romance novels… you merely said that it’s an escape and a fantasy… if I want romantic escape I’ll read romance, if I want a power fantasy escape I’ll read comics, if I want PORN, I’ll read/watch PORN XD )
and what do you mean “activities” you mean industries or companies? o_O Reading comics is an activity, DC and Marvel are companies that are a major part of an industry o_O
either way.. that’s… not a response to nething I said o_O;;;
Also for the record I dun read romance novels >_> (and when I’m horny, I dun feel wanting to read romance) And I do watch porn when I’m horny… >_>;; There is something obv v wrong w/ me xD
I also watch sports rather than bake.
Ruh roh D:
When I see porn, it is often a visual representation of what I am “seeing” in my head while I am masturbating.
Aww yeah. this is what’s in MY head: http://www.fuckingmachines.com/site/?c=1
Well…. sometimes 🙂
(cue MRAs telling me I’m a kinky lesbian separatist who wants to replace men with machines ;))
Which you do.
@Brandon, Asia is not one big metaculture. (Why do I have to actually say shit like that…? *shakes head in disappointment*). Also, your claims in regards to women and employment rates don’t really hold either. China has a higher employment rate from women than the US and a good portion of Western Europe. France and Japan have similar employment rates for women. High wage gaps and difficulty with balancing raising children and employment seems to have less effect on the percentage of women working and more of an effect on fertility rates. The difficulty with being a working mother in Japan is given a lot of the blame for Japan’s extremely low fertility rates (South Korea also has extremely low fertility rates).
On romance novels-these have few to none of the ethical issues around video porn (such as possible exploitation of the actors). Also, I have read a lot of old scifi and fantasy, plenty that stuff is every bit as porny as any romance novel (not to mention that not all romance novels include sex). Come on, novels with sex in them are certainly not limited to women’s reading, so stop pretending that this is a women dominated field of porn.
So, also, “most romance novels are read by women” is not the same as “most women read romance novels”.
FactFinder, thank you for linking to triplanetary, who didn’t cotton on to your kind of stereotyping any more than I do. Good day sir.
Did he stereotype people based solely on their career choice? You don’t have to answer, dear, but I can’t catch what it is you were trying to say. You seemed to be speaking through your hormones and emotions again.
I can’t speak for other women, but merely “knowing” a guy I date watches porn doesn’t bother me nor would it be a reason to “shame” him.
Are you mortified when women shame men for watching porn? Because that happens far more often than your hypothetical scenarios about men forcing women to watch porn. You seem to be thinking with emotions and fabrication rather than facts and rationality.
“You seem to be thinking with emotions and fabrication rather than facts and rationality.”
And you seem surprised.
“Are you mortified when women shame men for watching porn? Because that happens far more often than your hypothetical scenarios about men forcing women to watch porn.”
I don’t do this very often, but:
(Citation needed.)
How would you go about arguing against a poor analogy, other than saying, “that’s silly, those things aren’t analogous and here’s why?”
Well, that’s not what the nitpickers do here, they just find some difference, any significant difference (which is nearly always possible to find because if the analogy is too similar to the original, there is no point in making an analogy), and then conclude that the analogy doesn’t hold, though of course the point of the analogy was always valid and understandable with a bit of good will.
But I have to admit, it’s not the nitpicking itself that is so bad. It’s the extremely selective nitpicking.
Look, in an earlier blog entry, David thought oppression and prejudice is ultimately the same thing or at least very much comparable (which is already wrong, because common prejudices against a group are not a proof that this group is oppressed… only a huge amount of negative prejudices is) and then he went on and thought oppression=prejudices against Jews and women are easily comparable. Something that is really not the case. As much as women were constrained in their possibilities [which I still think pales in comparison to the constraints imposed by the estate-based society (later hierarchical society with rigid social orders). And remember how long this lasted: serfdom was abolished in most German countries around 1800!] through most of the times it was possible to be a respected and appreciated woman (of course, a necessary requirement for that was to fit into the gender role) but it was rarely ever possible to be a “respected Jew”.
So, all in all very far-fetched analogies, problematic comparisons and bold speculations…
But where were the nitpickers then? They were quiet..!
They don’t have a problem with the sloppiest arguing as long as they approve of your opinion.
“Look, in an earlier blog entry, David thought oppression and prejudice is ultimately the same thing or at least very much comparable (which is already wrong, because common prejudices against a group are not a proof that this group is oppressed… only a huge amount of negative prejudices is) and then he went on and thought oppression=prejudices against Jews and women are easily comparable. Something that is really not the case. As much as women were constrained in their possibilities [which I still think pales in comparison to the constraints imposed by the estate-based society (later hierarchical society with rigid social orders). And remember how long this lasted: serfdom was abolished in most German countries around 1800!] through most of the times it was possible to be a respected and appreciated woman (of course, a necessary requirement for that was to fit into the gender role) but it was rarely ever possible to be a “respected Jew”.’
If you are referring to my comment, you are doing so out of context. I wasn’t arguing that the oppression of Jews and women is comparable, per se. Rather, I responded to the claim that men in the West today are in the same position as Jews were in the Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. In retrospect, I think a claim so patently ludicrous probably didn’t merit such a lengthy response from me, but I did point out that historically, and in the limited context of oppression, Jews had more in common with women than with white, Christian men. “More in common” — doesn’t mean their situations were always analogous. And in fact, the reason my posts on that issue were so long was because I pointed out specific aspects in which the treatment of Jews and women by those in power was similar, rather than make a sweeping, blanket statement that the history of oppression of Jews was comparable to the history of oppression of women, period.
I didn’t read you post, I stopped when I read “if you are referring to my comment”.
No, I didn’t… or is your name David?
So you presume that everything after a question that you think isn’t relevant must also be non-relevant. It’s no wonder your arguments are so often so flawed, if that’s the attention to your interlocutors you provide.
Oh no!!! The nitpicker has arrived!
So you presume that everything after a question that you think isn’t relevant must also be non-relevant.
No, surely not! It’s just that my post was not about her comment, so there’s no need to read the rest where she defends her comment… what do I have to say more than that?!
It’s no wonder your arguments are so often so flawed, if that’s the attention to your interlocutors you provide.
oh my God, I can’t bear this any longer… this substanceless, annoying nitpicking… I could tolerate that but combined with this pseudo rational-“calm” tone… that’s just too much.