So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why. Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows
that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.
But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:
[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.
Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:
We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.
But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:
Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.
Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:
Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.
In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:
In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.
“Joanna: I’d like to suggest that better advice to the women would be “say stop if you are not having fun”. It’s a shame that none of your friends ever thought “hmmm, she doesn’t appear to be enjoying this- perhaps I could find out what she would like?” instead of continuing on grimly to the end.”
See I’d agree with you there. Thing is, it’s often the girls that initiate the mating ritual with my friends. They go out of their way to get my mates into bed, and then when they do manage to hit the sack, they just lie there. Had they blossomed into a full on relationship I’m sure they would have worked out the kinks alright. I just don’t really understand how an openly promiscuous woman could be so dispassionate when it actually comes down to having sex.
“I know he doesn’t compare me to the women in porn, and even if he did, I would win because I am a) real, b) actually willing (and eager) to have sex with him and c) the woman he loves. There literally can be no comparison. I win on every level.”
100% agree. If my boyfriend had to choose on the spot whether to jack off to porn or have sex with me, he’d choose me.
I guess a guy wanting sex to be more like the porn he watches, is like a girl wanting to look like the models in magazines. They have to understand that at least 50% of it is special effects. Soon people will want real life to look like HD or whatever is to come after HD lol.
And I do enjoy burlesque. It’s like posh porn or something lol XD
Personally I won’t watch any porn where any of the actors look like they aren’t enjoying themselves or not doing something of their own will, even if it’s part of the scenario (this can vary from domination to ‘gang bangs’ to pretty much anything where someone is being degraded/humiliated/treated as ‘lesser’). It just doesn’t do anything for me. This pretty much leaves out the majority of what comes from Asia, where it’s like a major fetish for the women to act like they hate sex and are ashamed of having it, as well as the majority of Western ‘hardcore’ stuff, which is about smug macho dudebros using women as sex toys. Now that I think about it, there’s actually a pretty narrow niche of stuff I enjoy, and the vast majority of porn holds no appeal.
Ion: Well I do prefer porn when they seem to be genuinely enjoying it. You can kinda tell the fakers from the non fakers. Maybe a few takes are required. You can imagine how numb you’d feel after a while lol.
Heh, I remember watching a “behind the scenes” video done at a major California porn studio a while ago. It was pretty much what you’d expect, aka not very glamorous. Unless you enjoy having sex with a bunch of people you don’t know too well and/or don’t get along with in real life, with a dozen guys standing in the room, with all the various technical problems, the stress, the drama, the office politics etc etc. It was entertaining, but not something I’d honestly want to be a part of. It was like one of those dumb reality shows like Survivor or Big Brother, with pretty much the same level of maturity and emotional stability. 🙂
In informal logic there’s always a fine line between a logical fallacy and a correct argument. It can’t be pinned down that easily and that’s the reason why I have a strong distrust against people who constantly accuse others of logical fallacies and argue in that substanceless formal way (something that was confirmed in many arguments).
How would you go about arguing against a poor analogy, other than saying, “that’s silly, those things aren’t analogous and here’s why?”
I also dun like watching porn where it looks like ppl aren’t enjoying themselves : And yus often they’re faking too, but sometimes it’s rly obvious, or they’re supposed to act like they’re not enjoying stuff (like what Ion said about Japanese porn) and it just completely kills everything :
I wonder how many ppl do know (I’m not talking about here on this forum, but like in general) how porn is made and don’t care, or just don’t want to know, or imagine that it must be fun or glamourous or something (given the way I’ve heard some of my guy friends talk about what they believe about pornstars and the porn industry it sounds like there’s at least some who believe it’s fun and ppl are having wonderful hot real sex on camera) :
There’s an indie porn studio in the former San Francisco Armory–a huge, historic building in the lower Mission–and they do tours when they’re not filming. I keep meaning to do that; people say it’s pretty interesting, assuming you like looking at fake doctor’s-office sets and the like.
Sadly, the Lusty Lady went out of business last year. Damn recession.
assuming you like looking at fake doctor’s-office sets and the like
As a recovering theater nerd (BA in scenic construction) I love looking at how other people approach the idea of set building. If I’m ever in SF i totally want to do that.
Shaenon – you mean kink.com? I, uh, subscribed to one of their sites once. Only had to pay for one month and I was able to download about 3 years worth of archives. Had to buy a new external hard-drive (heh heh) to hold it all 😀
“They read a bunch of posts declaring that the Lusty Lady has gone downhill since it unionized and the strippers are ugly now… even though the exact same women are working there.”
Probably ’cause they let themselves go after they got a union.
“Maybe Evil is of the same mindset as the guys on that message board. The idea that sex workers are being exploited is part of the appeal for him; if they’re happy and treated “humanely,” it ruins the fun and they’re suddenly ugly fat fat fatties.”
It’s the fat that ruins the fun.
What I’m really curious about is what all kind of shit your ilk plan to come up with when the day comes that the only thing being ‘exploited’ in porn is a graphics workstation?
“Oh, shut-up, EWME, you cock!
(And not even a thug cock, either.)”
I think I’d watch out for this one ladies(lol).
If you ever see some fat nerd walking about in a dark alley dressed only in his bathrobe I think I’d go walking the other way.
EWME: Did you miss the part where it was the day the papers announced the successful unionisation, i.e. there was all of a couple of days between when it happened and, “they all went downhill,”?
part 1 of a story block (part 2 is on the Hooking Up Smart thread)
@ Ion, 7/16, 9:48a “Personally I won’t watch any porn where any of the actors look like they aren’t enjoying themselves or not doing something of their own will, even if it’s part of the scenario (this can vary from domination to ‘gang bangs’ to pretty much anything where someone is being degraded/humiliated/treated as ‘lesser’). It just doesn’t do anything for me. This pretty much leaves out the majority of what comes from Asia, where it’s like a major fetish for the women to act like they hate sex and are ashamed of having it, as well as the majority of Western ‘hardcore’ stuff, which is about smug macho dudebros using women as sex toys. Now that I think about it, there’s actually a pretty narrow niche of stuff I enjoy, and the vast majority of porn holds no appeal.”
I totally feel the same way. And you gotta know that the manospheric “yen” for Asian women ties in totally with the fetish for shaming women. From the first neg to the last bitchslap and chokeout, women who don’t submit right down the card are the scourge of humanity.
I totally feel the same way. And you gotta know that the manospheric “yen” for Asian women ties in totally with the fetish for shaming women.
What a racist little dear.
From the first neg to the last bitchslap and chokeout, women who don’t submit right down the card are the scourge of humanity.
Really? So the majority of MRAs want to “bitchslap” and “chokeout” women, or are you just letting your hormones and emotions get the better of you? It’s okay if you are, I know it is in your nature to exaggerate and fabricate wild stories to accomplish your flippant desires.
How exactly is commenting on someone else’s racist fetish itself racist? The “manosphere” guys I’ve seen talking about Asian women tend to think Asian women are “better” than “western women” because they imagine that Asian women are conveniently submissive.
@David I was kinda curious about that too o_O
I have to admit that I don’t understand the draw of porn at all. I have never seen one that was even remotely “sexy” or attractive to me.
Don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely NO problem with porn itself, the actors and their personal choices, nor with men/women watching them and enjoying it.
I just find the idea of seeing strangers have sex to be…well…gross. For me, it’s like watching a medical documentary on the human body and I can’t see it from any perspective other than that (except perhaps in a comical way). I have also NEVER seen a man who is even moderately attractive in porn that I’d want to see naked and/or having sex. With anyone. Ever. I admit I have a very specific cluster of things that I find attractive in men, so it’s probably just my personal preferences, but I always found it shocking that not a single male porno actor has ever embodied even one of those traits.
I guess I just don’t find random, naked men attractive unless I know them personally. (Fully clothed and looking stylish is a different story, though).
However, the comment(s) about how women are so insecure about their men watching/enjoying porn? I don’t really see or hear too much from women who are threatened by that. I think most women don’t really care much either way what he does in his free time in regards to watching porn as long as he isn’t forcing it down her throat if she isn’t into watching it or shaming her for not liking it.
More often you hear complaints about boyfriends or husbands who are obsessed with porn and/or are watching it in front of them in lieu of spending time with/having sex with their real-life mates. And the obvious dealbreaker of demanding a woman do the things that porno actresses do (which is abusive, of course). But those ARE a genuine problem worth complaining about.
Really? So the majority of MRAs want to “bitchslap” and “chokeout” women, or are you just letting your hormones and emotions get the better of you? It’s okay if you are, I know it is in your nature to exaggerate and fabricate wild stories to accomplish your flippant desires.
Yeah, because men never act hormonally or emotionally (*cough, cough* anger, fist-fights, bar-brawls, peacocking, war, violence, pride).
Certain types of men seem to forget that “emotional responses” are not just things like crying, whining, and fear and are also not “female” responses. They are also things like anger, violence, and aggression…all of which are human, not gender-specific.
And factfinder: how do you know jack shit about “my nature”?
I know what your nature is because I’ve been paying mind to what your lot has to say. So yes, I know a bit more than “jack shit” about your nature. The earlier comments were deleted, but I believe you had your own bit to say which was somewhat hypocritical.
Because the feminist philosophy in practice is inherently a double-standard – women are as strong as men but men should not punch in self-defense, women are as smart as men but need legislation and government intervention to earn as much, etc. – so too are its followers. Hence, your hypocrisy has made you irrational and illogical, and by extension hormonal and emotional.
Try not to express your irritability to strangers, by the way, we sincerely could not care less and anyone who says otherwise just wants to use you. I hope you can look past your fragile feminist ego, take your blinders off for a second, and perhaps learn from this rare and much-needed criticism. Have a nice day.
@Raine – I never said acting emotional was a male or female thing. In fact, I believe Raoul is a male name. Rather, I was saying he was acting hormonal and emotional because he was not being rational but rather defensive and deliberately provocative.
It was you who assigned a certain sex to it, and hence that should speak more of you than me. Your claim that men are exclusively responsible for war is a bit intriguing, though. I mean, true men tended to also be in the position to start and end wars, and true the women who have ruled have also started wars, and true women would idolize and marry the warriors while shaming the pacifists (a la “White Feathers”), but war is an exclusively male thing.
That was an enlightening bit of edutainment about the inner mechanizations of a feminist brain. Thank you for the learning and nice day.
Damn! I’ve dropped the ball I guess… I TOATALLY forgot that men hate the fatties! You know, you’d think I’d remember with all of those commercials and products and articles telling us to be thin… You know, I bet the people I’ve been with have forgotten too. I’d better send them all emails to remind them.
I like porn. However, I tend to like porn that couples post online as it tends to be more… real. It’s much sexier to me.
@David: I think the bigger draw to Asian women is their culture tends to prioritize family at the very top. At least from my POV, Americans don’t hold family life in the same regard as they once did, while certain Asian cultures really stress the “nuclear family”.
Anyone who as ever been to Asia (me) knows damn well that lots of Asian women only appear submissive, but in fact they aren’t. They are tough…but feminine.
I think it isn’t so much about being submissive/insecure/weak-willed as much as what a man is looking for in a partner. Some men just want flings and to enjoy themselves (me) others want a traditional stay at home mother that can raise children and some want a woman with a career.
Women do the same categorizing but just with different criteria. Some want flings, while others want a breadwinner and provider, etc…
@Lady Raine: Women have their own form of porn…it’s called romantic novels.
Personally, I am not going to hide my porn from the women that come over to my place, nor am I going to “shame” them because they don’t like it. In fact, I often find women trying to shame me because I watch it.
Maybe the reason why the man would rather watch porn than sleep with his gf/wife/partner/etc is because she sucks in bed. There have been girls that completely rock my socks off and others that I would rather jerk off to porn instead of sleeping with them.
You really think it is abusive to request your girlfriend/wife/etc to perform acts in porno’s? I have seen a lot of porn in my day, you might want to think about narrowing it down a bit. For one, men shouldn’t be demanding anything…only asking. Secondly, there is a difference between asking a girl to swallow and demanding a golden shower, Hell, I have learned new positions and other moves that some women love…all through the magic of porn.
@ Brandon: Women have their own form of porn… it’s called porn.