So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why. Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows
that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.
But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:
[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.
Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:
We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.
But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:
Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.
Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:
Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.
In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:
In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.
Magdelyn: “But, I don’t want people using some victim-narrative to restrict how I express my life. I don’t want some body’s agenda in my face, telling me what is good for me.”
And that’s awesome. I’m not arguing against that.
I’m just saying that I get to make decisions about my own life. Cool?
@ Bee.
Oh, good. Then there is not need for me to be confrontational. Don’t ge me wrong. I deplore the sexual exploitation of people who come from a position of weakness. I definately agree with you there. 🙂
I’m sure people are routinely killed and maimed in the course of extracting and processing the necessary materials and energy resources needed for manufacturing cars. One could even point to the USA’s numerous military engagements in the Middle East as a partial result of our love for moving ourselves around in wheeled 2-ton metal boxes propelled by internal combustion engines.
The economic system we currently have set up to accomplish such tasks as furnishing raw materials for manufacturers of consumer goods simply does not value human life or dignity. When it does, it’s an afterthought. Porn is unique only in that its production involves (or can involve, it’s not a prerequisite) sexual degradation of the people producing the porn. Which disproportionately affects women. Otherwise, it’s very much like any other product or service we consume: exploitative, unethical, inefficient, and wasteful, unless the consumer has taken heroic measures to avoid ethical conflicts, and paid a pretty penny for the privilege. Also much like other products in that it’s better when it’s DIY.
Why would you be mortified. Grammar and spelling Nazi’s are the first indication of a weak intellect.
there’s a childish division that circulates on the internet (mostly because the internet is full of boring dorks who prize grammar over fluency) between strict prescriptivists and people who don’t worry at all about grammar and spelling, sometimes because they sincerely reject it and sometimes because they’re bad at it. i’m assuming that’s what you’re trying to get at here?!
i’m not a prescriptivist and i’m totally happy bending the rules of english grammar, because let’s face it, english is a bastard language and one that’s really amenable to playing around with rules. but mistaking you’re and your is silly and not something you do if you take more than a second to proofread your writing. i’m not sure what’s surprising about being embarrassed that i made that mistake?
also did you fill that post with punctuation errors just to taunt me? I may be flexible about grammar, but I do have a basic belief in the power of punctuation…
Man, Kirby gets all the chicks. He must be an alpha.
moreover, I’m embarrassed I’ve joined a new place and immediately gotten into a silly slapfight. sorry everyone, I promise I’m generally better than that.
My boyfriend corrects my grammar all the time, and he has far from a weak intellect. Sometimes I see grammer correction in lieu of an actual good argument, which i do believe is a sign of weak intellect. However, Sharculese was correcting her own grammar, so that hardly applies. (My own grammar is atrocious and I’ve never pretended otherwise.)
“But, I don’t want people using some victim-narrative to restrict how I express my life. I don’t want some body’s agenda in my face, telling me what is good for me.”
Well of course not! I both eat meat and watch porn despite my reservations. It just seemed from where I was standing (I jumped into the argument in the middle so I probably missed something) that you were scoffing at OTHERS for THEIR choices in not consuming porn, which I thought was rather unfair.
Gay porn actors have NO test requirements for the most part, and some are HIV positive. That is why some people rail against cross-over performers.
It’s two different systems that don’t work well together: In straight porn you have mandated testing (but even the most dangerous practices are done without condoms), in gay porn they insist on condoms.
Sharculese: I adore this particular line of bad argument, x is dangerous therefore you shouldn’t consider the dangers of y, and I wish there was a name for it.
There is: Weak Analogy
And, from the explanation is an example which is spot on topic.
Yeah, bad/weak analogy is always a thing, but this kind of bad analogy shows up so often I want to make a special name for it, but I can’t think of one.
Wait, wait everyone, I think I figured out what happened to Ion. Has anyone seen McDonald around recently?
Good idea, Nobby.
So, Ion, have you noticed in yourself a tendency to shamble lately?
In informal logic there’s always a fine line between a logical fallacy and a correct argument. It can’t be pinned down that easily and that’s the reason why I have a strong distrust against people who constantly accuse others of logical fallacies and argue in that substanceless formal way (something that was confirmed in many arguments).
For example a recuctio ad absurdum is a correct way to argue, but an argument from incredulity is not, yet the two are closely related, because what is absurd is of course somehow “incredulous”, maybe stronger, but it is still not so clear where the exact difference lies.
The car analogy has it’s problems of course. But nobody argues like “x is dangerous therefore you shouldn’t consider the dangers of y”, it’s more like “x is dangerous but you don’t care about that, you only care about y which isn’t more dangerous, so why are your priorities so weird? You are a hypocrite!”
Also, I have the feeling that knowing people were injured while making her car would only increase magdelyn’s enjoyment of driving it. Because FREEDOM!
@Holly Pervocracy:While I think that people in relationships should listen to their partners, I don’t think a man should change everything about himself to please their girlfriend. A man needs his own values, beliefs and identity. I don’t see the treatment of porn stars to be bad. While I am sure there is some bad treatment in the industry, I am not going to denounce the entire industry. I am sure there is a shitty car company that makes bad cars (pinto), but that doesn’t mean I never buy a car.
it’s not about “wining and dining women”, it’s about women being able to avoid men that wont use prostitutes because of the illegality of it. So women spend lots of time waiting for him to “turn around” and commit to them or propose. This I am sure is frustrating for the woman, hence if the man had a no commitment, legal sexual outlet, he might switch to prostitutes instead of pestering you to sleep with him when you want a serious relationship.
My definition of love is slightly different than most. If I enjoy sleeping with a woman and enjoy spending time with her…that’s really it. I am anti-monogamy and my relationships with women are considered open relationships.
@PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth: I have asked a few, but most of them have said “Because I don’t want you too”. At the end of the day, my porn use is not her concern. I don’t prevent her from masturbating to whatever she wants. I expect she doesn’t prevent me from the same. Fair is fair.
I don’t really “court” women as I find it counterproductive and I just don’t have the money to be taking girls out on dinner dates or buying them flowers frequently. My dating consists of “open relationships” with women. I am anti-marriage so marriage is out too. Women should be treated well and I am open and honest with the girls I sleep with. The last thing I want is a girl to think I was “leading her on”.
@Amused: We are all expendable. You, me, the first commenter, etc… That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be treated well or with respect. I am not the only man that is capable of getting her off and thinking that would equal being delusional. People should be respected and appreciated but to think “I am special” is just insane.
Also, it is not my job to make her feel secure. She should look inwards to find security for herself and not depend on men to provide it.
I think I answered this earlier, but I don’t care if she watches or looks at porn.
I have never used a prostitute so I don’t know…it might be better. Two-dimensional images and my hand do not replace a woman. I masturbate when I want to and if she isn’t around. If she is around…I sleep with her. I would only go back to wacking it if she didn’t want to.
I don’t do exclusive relationships and all the women I sleep with know this and still choose to spend time with me. I have had women not approve of my lifestyle, and that is fine, I respectfully part ways and I hope they find someone that can give them what they want.
@magdelyn Bee alrdy answered, but I wanted to also say, that I was pointing out that she said she did not feel enjoyment b/c her knowledge of the risks/dangers personally took the enjoyment out for her… that’s why the analogy was off, she wasn’t telling you what you should do, only that it was how she felt for herself, and I was trying to explain that :]
“I admit that I don’t like porn, but it’s not for any of the reasons the wonderfully named Womanhater says. When it’s done humanely, and the people involved are having lots of fun (or at least having a little fun and making some good money) — fine. But unless I can be sure that that’s the case, I feel mighty uncomfortable watching it-”
Well if you absolutely must be certain then here is what you do.
Look VERY carefully at the female performers.
If they are all fatter/uglier than you are than you can be reasonably sure that it was all done humanely.
If that’s not the case then you’d better report them to the police.
On Thug Cocks xD
I know that that’s EWME’s usual shtick of “haha fatty” but.. that made no sense as an insult o_O
I think he is just saying that women hate porn because they are jealous of the hot girls or something…altho it speaks volumes that there are never hot guys in straight porn, I’m sure that’s nothing to do with insecurity!
Personally I have no need to feel insecure because there are no women in any porn I watch. BONUS: hot guys 😀
I know that that’s EWME’s usual shtick of “haha fatty” but.. that made no sense as an insult o_O
Have you ever seen the documentary “Live Nude Girls Unite,” about the Lusty Lady strip club in San Francisco and its workers’ efforts to unionize? There’s a scene where, after they’ve successfully unionized and gotten health care and stuff, some of the strippers are checking out a website where guys rate the local strip clubs. They read a bunch of posts declaring that the Lusty Lady has gone downhill since it unionized and the strippers are ugly now… even though the exact same women are working there.
Maybe Evil is of the same mindset as the guys on that message board. The idea that sex workers are being exploited is part of the appeal for him; if they’re happy and treated “humanely,” it ruins the fun and they’re suddenly ugly fat fat fatties.
I’d call that a “bingo” quote! 😀
*Really should be:
Oh, shut-up, EWME, you cock!
(And not even a thug cock, either.)