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Digital twats vs. the Pussy Pricing Cartel

Like women, pandas are too lazy to have sex properly.

So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why.  Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows

that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.

But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:

[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.

Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:

We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.

But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:

Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.

Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:

Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.

In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:

In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.


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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

To be fair, I actually DO have penis hate. xD But not ALL penis hate, just … the one I’m stuck w/ xD But someday (soon hopefully : ) that will be corrected :3

Then I will not have (one) penis hate!

And then mr. elephanthateypants will be happier 😀

also @Ozy yeah I just found out Kirby shares a whole bunch of fetishes w/ me yesterday and I gave him a bunch of porn stories on that make me hot 😀

I’m evil and a bad feminist… or I’m an evil, bad feminist :O

13 years ago


I’ve heard some MRAs claim that the commenters here “think everything is about them.”

Judging by the recent MRA comments, they think everything is about the penis.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think everything is about me. Does that count? xD

13 years ago

Ami: that’s because everything is about you 🙂 It’s perfectly accurate perspective 🙂

13 years ago

Ohh, ohh, I used lube when I was sewing bags out of recycled bocycle inner tube rubber. It was the only thing that would make the rubber slide under the machine presser foot. Then I gave up because it was just too messy 😛

13 years ago

uh, “bicycle” even.

13 years ago

@Ami – No, no, no, you’re not an evil bad feminist. You are (a) Eeevil!, in the best possible sense of the term; (b) Baaad! (as in, baaad-ass awesome, and (c) feminist – as in Yay AMI!!!

I have spoken.

13 years ago

Don’t forget “unspeakably cruel.”

13 years ago

Joanna: I’d like to suggest that better advice to the women would be “say stop if you are not having fun”. It’s a shame that none of your friends ever thought “hmmm, she doesn’t appear to be enjoying this- perhaps I could find out what she would like?” instead of continuing on grimly to the end.
As for using porn as a how-to guide: the sex in porn is set up to look good on camera. What’s good on camera might not be all that comfortable in RL.

The thing I find most amazing about people like Mr.Woman hater is: other people come along and defend his ridiculous blatherings. They read stuff like that and say “Yes! It’s so true! And radfems started it!”
The mind. It goes boggle.

13 years ago

That being said, the reciprocal anger shares more with class hatred towards the rulers than this anti-woman conspiracy like the simpleminded and easily manipulated believe.


This is not a sentence. It share many characteristics with one and is a very intelligent simulacrum, but it is not a sentence. A sentence communicates meaning. This communicates only frustration and confusion. It is a clever party trick, but not a difficult one, and not one that adds to the discussion.

In such fashion:

“Indubitably, the bilateral symmetry of the misogyn-misandro-complex is a root delusion of materialist nomenclature.”

“Suchlike, we find tension between the phallic and vulvic masks deeper antipathy as to western structural entropy.”

These carry the same meaningweight as the sentence-thing you excreted, but they say nothing to people with functioning thinkparts.

may only the truth shine through

Indeed, may it. But probably not through you.


*gets out her whatever whatever ceremony* Do You Ami take Kirby to be your lawfully whatever whatever? And Do You Kirby take Amy to be your lawfully whatever whatever?

I now pronounce you whatever whatever.

Sorry! I just love weddings of any kind!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Magpie and BigKitty awww ty <3 <3 :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh right I closed the bracket xD

@Speedlines yus! We can’t forget CRUEL! XDDD

@Elizabeth XDDDDDD Awwww… yay! 😀 Now Kirby’s my whatever whatever xD That would be awesome on a marriage certif :3

I personally think we should be like in Dr. Seuss… forget husband and wife… Thing 1 and Thing 2


13 years ago

@ Bee

Bee said: [“…Also, California is not the only state in the only country in the world…”]

Maybe not, but it is home to the San Fernando Valley, from which, ..”nearly 90% of all legally distributed pornographic films made in the United States are either filmed in or produced by studios based in the San Fernando Valley…” (

Bee said: [“…I come away from the conversation thinking that the fact that some people find the industry so damaging means that there’s a chance that some of the porn I’m likely to run across is likely to star people who have been treated badly by the industry, and that makes me unable to enjoy it…”]

I’ve heard first person narratives from people who have been severely damaged by cars. It doesn’t keep me from driving. Because, as an adult, I get to make my own decisions.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

But if ppl were being damaged in the creation of things you use to entertain yourself, would you still feel like you could enjoy it? :

This isn’t to say whether I feel the same as her or not (you can tell from my comments I’m not anti-porn) but that that’s not a fair comparison to what she said. xD She said that knowing that ppl might have been damaged in the making of porn makes her unable to enjoy it.

13 years ago

“I’ve heard first person narratives from people who have been severely damaged by cars. It doesn’t keep me from driving. Because, as an adult, I get to make my own decisions.”

That’s not the same thing, really, since people are (presumably) not horribly damaged during the making of the cars you buy. Abstaining from something because you don’t want to support the practices of an industry is not a rare thing. How many people are vegetarians because they don’t want to support the horrible abuses of animals in the meat industry? Would/do you look at them with contempt and dismissal and say they should really eat meat because those abuses doesn’t stop you from doing so?

13 years ago

I don’t understand the assumption that all women hate porn. I’m a feminist, and I like both filmed and written porn (still pictures don’t do much for me). I’m fairly picky about what I’ll watch film wise, simply because there’s so much exploitation going out there especially when it comes to Asian and Eastern European produced stuff and I don’t want to watch, even accidentally, anyone really honestly being abused. But since there’s plenty of professionally produced US stuff, and what are clearly happy amateurs? Yay!
I know my husband reads/watches porn as well, and I’m cool with it. The one restriction (which is for both of us) is not to use the porn as a substitute for intimacy between us. No using porn while the other person is home and available, sheesh! But that’s about it.
I know he doesn’t compare me to the women in porn, and even if he did, I would win because I am a) real, b) actually willing (and eager) to have sex with him and c) the woman he loves. There literally can be no comparison. I win on every level.
Amusingly, of the two of us, I am the only one who actually likes watching live performers, insofar as I enjoy attending Burlesque shows, but he just isn’t interested in strippers etc.

13 years ago

I’ve heard first person narratives from people who have been severely damaged by cars. It doesn’t keep me from driving.

I adore this particular line of bad argument, x is dangerous therefore you shouldn’t consider the dangers of y, and I wish there was a name for it. Of course it only holds insofar as you can prove that a) the dangers imposed by x and y are similar, b) the awareness of the risks involved in x and y are similar, and c) the eventual outcomes of x and y are similar. I mean, of course you can’t prove these things because there’s no data to support you and you’re making a silly handwaving argument for the plain sake of being contrarian, but these are the things you’d have to prove if you were ever interested in actually arguing your case (I’m fully aware you’re not).

Because, as an adult, I get to make my own decisions.

If you can’t distinguish between allowing people to make their own choices and concern about the outcome of their choices, you really can’t be much of an adult.

13 years ago

@ Shora,

I would not look at them with contempt and dismissal and say they should really eat meat…

But, I don’t want people using some victim-narrative to restrict how I express my life. I don’t want some body’s agenda in my face, telling me what is good for me.

@ Ami – more people are killed and maimed by cars then any other product on the planet. The “creation” part is irrelevant. The fact is, the world can be an ugly place. That is no reason to go through life with one’s head in the sand.

13 years ago

@ sharcluese…your pretentious polemic is as poorly thought out as it it irrelevant. Trying to sound sophisticated doesn’t make you look smart.

13 years ago

Shorter magdelyn: “Waaaah waaah waaaah! Not listening! I can’t hear you!”

13 years ago

Weak, sharculese, weak.

13 years ago

Like, I’m sorry that I’m not going to pretend to take you seriously before explaining why you’re argument doesn’t make sense, but I don’t tolerate poor analogies, and if you find that pretentious, well that speaks to your character, not mine.

13 years ago

oh lord, I made a you’re/your error. i’m sincerely (not sarcastic at all) mortified.

13 years ago

Why would you be mortified. Grammar and spelling Nazi’s are the first indication of a weak intellect.

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