So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why. Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows
that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.
But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:
[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.
Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:
We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.
But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:
Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.
Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:
Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.
In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:
In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.
Maybe if you wanted to put them off sex forever
Forever is a long time so I doubt it but they would prevent kids from rushing right into it and that helps prevent unwanted pregnancies and STI transmittal. I am okay with doing subtle discouragement of having sex until one is ready for it. Just telling kids to not have sex until they are married is 1. never going to work and 2. unfair because it says that all people have one path in life. But showing some old people who are flabby getting it on probably would have the same “do not have sex” message without just being told to not do something.
Brandon: Did you ever ask your girlfriends why they disliked it? Was it because they were insecure about how you felt about them? Or was it because they believe porn exploits people? Or was it because they then think you have unrealistic expectations of them?
Also, one of the better Penthouse letters I read had a guy chiding those men who go to hookers to have something done that their wives would never do. He said “who better then the woman you love to try out your fantasies, and if you cannot be that honest with her, why are you still together?” Or something like that.
Finally-last I checked, most prostitutes were women. Are you saying those women do not deserve to be courted, dated, married or otherwise treated the same as any other woman?
Factfinder, did you have a point somewhere in that nonsense you are spewing?
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Factfinder – God, more elephant-hatred.
(I should explain, I guess. When you accuse someone of hating something that they not only don’t hate, but didn’t even mention, then fly into a rage about their hatred of this hypothetical topic, you might as well be accusing them of hating elephants.
Because we’ve said about as much bad about elephants as we have about penises.)
Plus, bet you won’t even cop to liking penises. I will; I love them! Now who’s the fan of men?
He thinks our problem is that we just hate dick. 😛
My friend Bonnie wrote a book called “Skin” – a love story between a dermatologist with a freakishly large penis and a porn star with exzema. http://www.anvilpress.com/Books/skin
It’s actually a very touching story.
And I, too, have never had one of those relationships where a guy pays for a bunch of shit. I do have one friend who did. She dated a successful businessman who liked taking her out for expensive dinners and shows, She was on unemployment at the time, so she accepted a lot of it, but insisted on paying her share whenever he would let her. They broke up because he went overseas on holiday without telling her and didn’t understand that she was kind of upset about it.
The moral: Men who want to pay for everything might just be generous guys, but they might also treat you like an expensive pet: fun to play with when it’s convenient, in the kennel and out of mind when it’s not.
“No, Marge, everything penis-shaped is bad.”
I’d say porn is creating insecurity among men too! Why else would there be so many dick-lengthening pill commercials on TV?
That said, ethically produced porn is great in moderation. But when you watch too much you start thinking crazy things, like that people should bleach their anuses.
It shows that MRAs don’t have any substance to their movement, as they’d rather watch porn all day and cuss out evil wimmins who won’t fuck them like porn stars.
Hating a penis seems kind of pointless-it is like hating a hand. Both can do damage but it is the mind behind the hand or penis that is actually doing the damage. The body part is just the instrument used.
FactFinder: Care to show the vitriol against anything “too penis-like”? Because from what I can see the women here like cock.
From my personal experience, feminists like cock.
What they don’t like is assholes.
Brandon: “I have had a few girlfriends that didn’t like me using porn. I believe it is because insecure women have a tendency to monopolize a man’s sexual outlets. Men like me, like variety. Insecure women see it as some sort of attack on them because their men are jacking off to porn. They want to be the only woman to make their man cum…when practically any woman is capable of doing it.”
No one likes being treated as disposable. Men, in my personal experience, don’t like it one bit. Do you? Well — I suppose if your girlfriend is someone you don’t give a shit about, you wouldn’t care what she thought of you. But let’s assume your girlfriend is someone you kind of like, maybe even sorta love, and care about. How would you feel if she said, “Brandon, I know you want to be the only man to make me cum … but the truth is, practically any man is capable of doing it. You are not unique and you are not special.” ? Would it not make you feel slighted, unloved and put upon? If your found your girlfriend masturbating to some guy on the cover of Men’s Health, would it not irk you, just a little bit? When your say your girlfriend is no different from any other woman because any woman can make you cum, what exactly is she supposed to feel secure about? Is she supposed to feel secure in her belief that she means something to you? Well, that you be delusional, because you just told her she means nothing.
Men like you don’t seem to get it — when your use of porn is a problem, it’s not about the porn. It’s about you rubbing your girlfriend’s face in it by telling her, among other things, that there is nothing about her that’s special (other than the cooking and the cleaning, which you appreciate). I’d venture a guess you wouldn’t like it if she did that to you. So here are two things for you to think about: (1) don’t expect anything of a girlfriend that you yourself aren’t willing to do for your partner; and (2) ask yourself very seriously why you have a girlfriend at all, if you are equally satisfied with hookers and two-dimensional images. Because if you are in it just for the domestic comforts, I think your girlfriend deserves to know that and then decide whether she’s “secure” enough to just take care of you and make the relationship about you and your wants and needs, exclusively.
I’m not seeing any penis hate here, nor on any of the feminist sites I frequent. There is, however, a huge amount of vagina hate in the manosphere. Guys, I don’t know about you, but I rather like vaginas. Just sayin’.
Cap’n B is right, as usual. “Radfems hate penes” is just projection.
I love cock! I actually even love assholes. The physical kind, not the metaphorical kind. And porn. I love porn. Though it bugs me that it’s so hard to find porn with pretty boys in it.
Personally, I’m simply not attracted to men who are into porn. Outside of whatever problematic issues are attached to its making. If other women are that’s fine, but I don’t see how it has to be a moral issue on this side of things.
As for what magdelyn was saying there, so long ago … first off, it’s not like that’s the first time I’ve read a first-person story from someone involved in the sex industry. Some people get a lot out of it; some find it very damaging. Who do I believe? Both of them, actually — there’s room for all narratives. But I do admit that I come away from the conversation thinking that the fact that some people find the industry so damaging means that there’s a chance that some of the porn I’m likely to run across is likely to star people who have been treated badly by the industry, and that makes me unable to enjoy it. If that makes me a neo-Victorian, *shrug* sorry. I’ve been accused of worse — and frankly, fuck. I’m sick of pretending that abusing people is fine with me because to say otherwise means I’m uncool. Fuck that.
Also, California is not the only state in the only country in the world. There’s that too.
To change the subject slightly, did anyone read the article in the perpetually awful xojane, written by the woman who obsessively monitors her husband’s lube bottle? Maybe not directly relevant, but it’s kind of an interestingly weird story. Or, yanno, an infuriating and confusing one.
re: the lube bottle lady…YIKES!!
Something tells me there is a lot more wrong with that relationship than a constantly depleting bottle of astroglide.
As far as I am concerned women quite like the cock if yours does not you are doing something wrong
This article made me want to watch some porn and masturbate.
So I did.
I’ve used silicone lube to make rusty pliers work and also sometimes as a hair product. (It’s the same ingredients as “hair shine serum.”)
I would not like to be married to that lady.
I do not date men who use porn. NO exceptions. I am not interchangeable. I am a person.
Doctress Julia – Without questioning your choice, it’s funny that I use the opposite logic. I don’t mind if my boyfriend looks at porn, because I’m not interchangeable–so there’s no way he could replace me with pictures.
However, if he looked at porn and then said “ha ha, now I don’t have to be nice to you or take you on dates, because I can just look at porn instead!”, then we’d have to have a bit of a chat.
yahuh California is the be all end all of like everything Bee! Cuz like it is awesome and when was the last time you heard something like Californication huh huh?!
Of course I am just kidding but California is teh Awesome though.
I’m a feminist and I swap porn with my partners sometimes. It’s convenient because it means I don’t have to look for my own porn, I can just be like “Sex Minions! Fetch me some hawtness!”
Also because now we have multiple people on the whole “happy kinky sex” hunt…
I don’t want to know what the pussy cartel people are actually having sex with. Clearly it’s not actual humans.