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Digital twats vs. the Pussy Pricing Cartel

Like women, pandas are too lazy to have sex properly.

So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why.  Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows

that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.

But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:

[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.

Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:

We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.

But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:

Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.

Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:

Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.

In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:

In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.


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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’ve been told that increased size, insofar as it matters at all, is only good up to a point. I’ve heard excessive length described as “pokey” or like being punched in the cervix. That doesn’t sound fun. And, yeah, too much girth means anal is right out, generally speaking.

13 years ago

Or, even better along those lines, “It’s lootin’ time! Stand and deliver!” XD

Wait… there are women out there that don’t expect me to put on eye make-up and a Highway Man’s jacket?

Comprehensive sex education sounds like a good idea, although I’m not sure how you could depict the realities of sex vs porn without, you know, showing porn of some kind. Though I probably wouldn’t have minded…

Probably like Monty Python did in The Meaning of Life.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Ion wrote, “Yeah, I’m changing things up for a while. If Ami can pretend to be a troll, I can pretend to be… whatever the opposite of that is.”

You’re pretending to be a sex positive feminist? o.O

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

As for Womanhater…yeah, I think he may have issues with women. Just sayin’.

13 years ago

Yeah, I don’t think the message of porn is as much “you’re too small” as it is “women prefer guys who are huge”. This is sometimes taken to ridiculous extremes (Freaks of Cock, etc) and in fact there doesn’t seem to be much truth to it.

The huge balls thing is just weird, but not the weirdest body mod I’ve ever heard of, I guess.

13 years ago

I had to pop in to say I am enjoying Ion’s posts. And I am being neither snarky nor sarcastic.

13 years ago

You’re pretending to be a sex positive feminist? o.O

Forgot to post under a different name though, damn.

As for Womanhater…yeah, I think he may have issues with women. Just sayin’.

Nah, it’s probably just a name, like Hiram J. Beatwife. He did have a temper, though…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I like how I’m the standard on this blog xD

And influencing ppl in positive ways! 😀

Joanna – that’s a facet I hadn’t thought of. Porn teaching you to be more creative/giving you ideas? Wish we had more of that.

Some of my most interesting writing started out as porn and then afterwards, I thought it turned out rly well, I took out the porn and turned it into a fantasy adventure (it was an on-going mind control story on a MC fetish site that I took over for fun when the author went on hiatus) or etc… :]

I think all sorts of fiction and ways of expressing stuff can give us ideas and help us be more creative. I learned a lot about pacing and telling a story using combat, and etc by watching wrestling :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I knew a guy in high school who thought nine inches was the average for a man and he was defective or something.

Yeah me too xD (i wasn’t being facetious before when I was asking, I know how porn can fark up ppl, esp teen’s ideas of what sex is like, or what’s “normal” for various body parts, etc… like I knew guys who was convinced every woman was multi orgasmic.. others who thought every girl squirted.. etc : )

13 years ago

[i]Comprehensive sex education sounds like a good idea, although I’m not sure how you could depict the realities of sex vs porn without, you know, showing porn of some kind. Though I probably wouldn’t have minded…[/i]

Countries that take sex ed seriously make appropriate videos for this. I’m working at comprehensive sex ed advocacy group right now and one of our directors just came back from an international conference with a Swedish sex ed video that has graphic, but not pornographic, depictions of heterosexual sex and male and female masturbation.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I also agree that it can help you discover new ideas, positions, etc :] and makes things more fun! altho tho, there are some narratives that can be dominant, esp in certain porn, and it can create expectations of what’s “normal” rather than the idea that ppl have individual things about them (like different androgynous zones, etc) so there’s that too… :]

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Countries that take sex ed seriously make appropriate videos for this. I’m working at comprehensive sex ed advocacy group right now and one of our directors just came back from an international conference with a Swedish sex ed video that has graphic, but not pornographic, depictions of heterosexual sex and male and female masturbation.

(you have to use angle brackets instead of the square brackets 🙂 )

that sounds pretty awesome :3

13 years ago

While his comments were hateful to say the least. I can sort of see where he is coming from. I have had a few girlfriends that didn’t like me using porn. I believe it is because insecure women have a tendency to monopolize a man’s sexual outlets. Men like me, like variety. Insecure women see it as some sort of attack on them because their men are jacking off to porn. They want to be the only woman to make their man cum…when practically any woman is capable of doing it.

It’s the same rationale for prostitution. Lots of women cringe at the idea of men going to prostitutes to satisfy their sexual impulses. Women would rather you court them, date them, marry them, buy a house, etc.. If a man is only looking to have sex without a relationship, visiting hookers is both good for men and women. Men get a release, relax and get rid of some stress. Women get to not be in relationships where the man who is only sleeping with her because of society taboos against prostitution. And the prostitute earns a living. Seems like a win-win-win

I have also heard of studies that porn actually lowers rape crimes. If that is the case, one would think most feminists would be all for porn.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Nah, it’s probably just a name, like Hiram J. Beatwife. He did have a temper, though…

I hear he designed a particular style of shirt, the name of which eludes me at present.

13 years ago

Swedish sex education films are scary.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Are they rly? o:

13 years ago

Yeah, it really is like watching your parents having sex, assuming your parents are pasty-white. I went to a very progressive high school that showed one of those films, and I think the whole class was traumatized.

13 years ago

Swedish sex education films are scary.

Yeah, they’re encouraging everyone to check out the video and so far I’ve been squeamish about it…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Brandon – I’m not actually against porn. And I have seen the “insecure women don’t want their boyfriend to use porn” thing, with two caveats:

1) Not all women–or even most–are that insecure.
2) Sometimes their objection is to the treatment of the performers, and not to the boyfriend getting off with other women.

And prostitution is a whole nother thing. I’ve never heard any arguments about “then men won’t wine and dine us!” (well, not from feminists); they’ve all been concerns about the safety and freedom of choice of the prostitutes.

I also have to ask: what about love. My boyfriend isn’t dating me (and buying me a house?!?! no) because he doesn’t want to hire a prostitute. We’re actually in love and shit. Like, both of us. With each other.

And for free even.

13 years ago

Ami: Honestly have yet to see one, but I once had a Swedish buddy who claimed he was deeply scarred by the lame sex film. XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

o_o frightening D:

And yay Zhinxy is here! And she has a CBC type logo! *hugs Zhinxy*

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Apparently the Swedes aren’t the only one releasing strange educational videos xD (sry I just saw this in my daily news reading and had to share XD)

13 years ago

“While his comments were hateful to say the least. I can sort of see where he is coming from. I have had a few girlfriends that didn’t like me using porn. I believe it is because insecure women have a tendency to monopolize a man’s sexual outlets. Men like me, like variety. Insecure women see it as some sort of attack on them because their men are jacking off to porn. They want to be the only woman to make their man cum…when practically any woman is capable of doing it.”

I had a boyfriend who used A LOT of really, really mainstream porn. I didn’t like it because he 100% expected me to act like a porn star when we had sex, and couldn’t cum unless I was acting that way. Not to mention that mainstream porn has some pretty problematic dynamics in it, on top of the treatment of the performers.

“It’s the same rationale for prostitution. Lots of women cringe at the idea of men going to prostitutes to satisfy their sexual impulses. Women would rather you court them, date them, marry them, buy a house, etc.. If a man is only looking to have sex without a relationship, visiting hookers is both good for men and women. Men get a release, relax and get rid of some stress. Women get to not be in relationships where the man who is only sleeping with her because of society taboos against prostitution. And the prostitute earns a living. Seems like a win-win-win”

I would be iffy on an SO visiting a prostitute, because prostitution is illegal, and thus unregulated. There’s the risk of STIs, too. Plus, I am squicked out by the idea of women as a commodity, which is the case in the sex trade, even when legalized, because women in sex work far outnumber men, and that bothers me. And that’s even supposing all men are commitment-phobes, and have to be tricked/forced/talked into doing these things to appease women. My boyfriend courted and dated me of his own volition. Invited me to live with him on his own initiative, because he wanted to be with me.

“I have also heard of studies that porn actually lowers rape crimes. If that is the case, one would think most feminists would be all for porn.”

I guess this is easy to believe if you accept the idea that men are insatiable beasts who are going to get off SOMEHOW, and they won’t rape if they get to jerk off to porn first. And if you accept that rape is even about sex and desire, when it is very clearly about power.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The porn lowers rape thing has been debated a lot online. It is basically that rape has gone down over X period of time while internet use has gone up therefore, the rise in access to internet porn is reducing rape. And then the thing is, can you prove the correlation? Cuz lots of things have also happened while internet use has gone up and that doesn’t mean it’s correlated. xD

It doesn’t mean I’m saying it’s not or it is, but it’s cited as fact a lot and I think it’s cuz ppl want to believe it b/c it makes so much sense in the way we “know” and “understand” what rape is about and what rape is..

13 years ago

Any thread of disdain for the female sex pales in comparison to the vitriol against anything too “icky” and penis-like that feminists like yourself perpetrate. That being said, the reciprocal anger shares more with class hatred towards the rulers than this anti-woman conspiracy like the simpleminded and easily manipulated believe.
Thank you for reading and may only the truth shine through.