So, porn. Apparently women just HATE it, and a fellow calling himself Womanhater over on the MGTOWforums is here to tell us the REAL reason why. Well, reasons. Obviously, everybody already knows
that porn makes men not have to deal with women, and therefore lessens the value of the snatch mafia and the pussy pricing cartel.
But, Womanhater thinks “there may be another factor at play.” Let’s let Mr. Hater explain:
[W]e all know that twats will throw sex at a man and lie to him endlessly to seduce him into legal slavery/marriage. But porn makes the sex she has to throw at him much more unpleasant.
Remember, sex is pretty unpleasant for most women to begin with:
We know that that vast majority of twats either do not enjoy sex at all, or they only enjoy it with thug cock. As such, they have to engage in a physically unpleasant activity with a man they’re not physically attracted to, but only financially attracted to.
But then along comes porn, and suddenly women discover that they have to actually make an effort as well:
Porn means that she cannot simply spread her legs, lay there like a dead fish, and let her victim bust his nut. Porn has made her have to act now too. She must work much much harder to emulate the digital twats her victim has been seeing for a decade or better, and only a true sociopath can fake emotion that well that long.
Also, they can’t get away with being big fat fatties either:
Porn has also raised the expectations of her victim vis a vis her physique, which as we all know is a challenge for Western women these days.
In the end, it all comes down to sheer laziness:
In short, if the twat wasn’t lazy, she’d not be trying to loot a man. And that laziness is exactly what has porn has challenged. While there’s still plenty of victims in the world for the vile cunts to loot and torture, they’re having to work much much much harder to do it now, and THAT is why the twats dislike porn.
I believe that on another thread, one of our regulars (I think I remember who, but am a tiny bit afraid I’d get it wrong) was about to recount some stories about the porn industry and the various ways it really, honestly, does suck. Like, that the people making the money aren’t the people doing the work, for the most part. And I know I’ve heard horror stories about STDs in the industry.
In any case, I admit that I don’t like porn, but it’s not for any of the reasons the wonderfully named Womanhater says. When it’s done humanely, and the people involved are having lots of fun (or at least having a little fun and making some good money) — fine. But unless I can be sure that that’s the case, I feel mighty uncomfortable watching it, suspecting that I’m watching two (or three or four) pretty unhappy people fuck.
Same with prostitution, actually. I don’t have a problem with people agreeing to pay/accept payment for sex, but I have a huge problem with women from poor countries being sold on the black market and brutalized, people without any other meaningful choices being forced into a lifestyle that makes them vulnerable to rape and assault, and lots of other things that go hand in hand with prostitution.
I always feel prudish when I say it, but goddamn it, I just don’t love the sex industry.
Holly – it’s actually a two-pronged approach. Porn tells them that that’s the normal size, and that it’s also what women want. Pretty powerful stuff to a young’un.
I think porn can definitely create unrealistic ideas expectations for men and women about everything from penis to size to un-lubed anal. That’s one of the reasons that, while I don’t really have a problem with pornography, I wince a bit when I think of young teenagers watching a lot of what’s available through mainstream porn sites online.
Even the stuff that I don’t find thematically problematic is so “varsity-level” I wonder what kind of insane ideas they must be getting about how sex really works. And, frankly, a lot of what I’ve seen written about women and sex by young men who have trouble dating only verifies my suspicions.
These “bitches be lazy!” guys piss me off the most, I think. I bust my hump seven days a week, 60 hours a week, at two jobs to make ends meet. They’ve approved overtime at my primary job and I’ve jumped at that, so now I’ll be working close to 70 hours a week – and I’m not even the hardest working woman I know. Most of the women I know work two jobs, or are full-time students while working full time also. Many of them also have children they’re the primary caregivers for. These women are all lower-middle class to middle class, and they’re working themselves to death. Where do these guys get this “women are all lazy” narrative?
Bee, it’s not prudish. And there’s nothing contradictory about believing, theoretically, that there’s nothing inherently wrong with sex work but having serious issues with the way much of it is practiced.
My own feelings about sex work -from porn, to prostitution, to stripping, etc. – are… complicated.
From TV-apparently no one on TV ever has to work.
I think that if young men (and women) first watched something like anal golf, they would get it is completely and totally fake and not think that normal people are like that.
Where do these guys get this “women are all lazy” narrative?
My guess is, from their sheltered, upper-middle-class upbringings.
Ion @ 11:32 AM – OK, that was a good one. Chortling at my desk here because it’s not safe to LOL at work.
Ion is sounding very reasonable and sensible on this thread, maybe I should go get some sleep… 😉 Seriously though, sex positive comprehensive sex education would be a big help with these issue. The problem is not so much that porn depicts unrealistic fantasy as it is that some people do not have a good idea what the realities and such should be like in practice.
By the way, a twat is a pregnant fish.
I used to find porn fascinating. Having had no girl friends to talk sex with, I learned stuff from porn. And not just how to suck a guys cock, I mean come on, that’s a no brainer. I discovered ways in which I could be pleasured that I wasn’t aware of when I was new to the whole sex thing.
I’ve heard my guy friends complain before about sleeping with girls who just “lay there like a dead fish”. To which I’d love to smack this girl and say “Stop making my friend feel like a necrophiliac. Watch some porn and learn how to have fun during sex.”
I don’t really watch as much porn as I used to. My friends don’t seem to either. It’s no fun when you can’t participate. Unless it tries to have a story line. Then it’s just entertaining.
chocomintlipwax: The guys in porn are an oddly selected set. Most men, it seems, can’t get off on cue, in the ways porn requires.
So those that can, are the ones we see in the industry.
I’m not even going to speculate about mindset.
Having done porn, you often hear from people who have no connection to the industry – multi-billion dollar industry – that it’s filled with STD’s and exploitation.
Here in Cali, working straight performers get tested every 28 days. The testing services use a centralized data-base that producers subscribe to. Most talent used to go to AIM, either in the San Fernando Valley, or one of their off site testing centers. Now AIM is gone because of a leak of the performers names from their data base. My industry/real name and driver license have been published on porn wikileaks. Along with over 15,000 other present/former performers. The new testing sites are Talent Testing Service, or the new one by the FSC.
When I did my first shoot, the Nurse Practitioner took me into a private room and lectured me about my rights and responsibilities in the industry.
Now, gay porn is a different matter. Gay porn actors have NO test requirements for the most part, and some are HIV positive. That is why some people rail against cross-over performers.
Quite frankly, I don’t want any neo-Victorians preaching their morality to me.
BTW, I’ve done sex work as well.
My guess is, from their sheltered, upper-middle-class upbringings.
This may be it. Although there seems to be a weird “account for anything” mentality, in which if your mom didn’t work (except raising you, but that’s not work), then you figure no women work… but if your mom did work, you declare that “women these days” don’t work that hard.
At any rate, there seems to be no awareness that the vast majority of women–and the vast, vast majority of childless women–have jobs. You know how we have apartments and we eat and wear clothes and stuff? We don’t get our money from the Money Fairy. (FYI: If someone is able-bodied and childless in the US, they are not living off welfare.)
Also, the vast majority of boyfriends don’t actually give their girlfriends money. Does this guy think every boyfriend is a sugar daddy? Generally no money changes hands when you live separately. Even if he buys dinner, you still would have to feed yourself non-date meals and pay your rent. And when you move in together, well, I’ve never heard anyone, ever, say “we’re moving in so I quit my job.”
Yeah, I’m changing things up for a while. If Ami can pretend to be a troll, I can pretend to be… whatever the opposite of that is.
Comprehensive sex education sounds like a good idea, although I’m not sure how you could depict the realities of sex vs porn without, you know, showing porn of some kind. Though I probably wouldn’t have minded…
Now, gay porn is a different matter. Gay porn actors have NO test requirements for the most part, and some are HIV positive. That is why some people rail against cross-over performers.
Isn’t condom use more frequent in gay porn than straight porn? Or is that a myth? Genuinely curious.
Joanna – that’s a facet I hadn’t thought of. Porn teaching you to be more creative/giving you ideas? Wish we had more of that.
Easily Ion, have people who look like Mom and Dad having sex in a video and that would show the realities of it while not being porn.
” I’m not sure how you could depict the realities of sex vs porn without, you know, showing porn of some kind.”
Well, it is different for every person. Some women don’t bend that way and some men don’t last that long.
Sex is, well, fantastic, when two people know each other that intimately and know what they like and stuff. I suppose then, that would make good porn cos they’re both having a blast.
Captain Bathrobe:
I believe you are correct. According to this article (http://articles.latimes.com/2004/apr/22/local/me-adult22)
“…Roughly half of the actors in gay pornographic films are HIV positive, health officials estimate, but that reflects the population the actors are drawn from, not the practices on the films, according to producers and AIDS activists…”
I don’t know that I blame porn for the “your dick is too small” industry.
Back in the day, when porn was hard to find, and “Hustler” was about as raunchy as one could get as a mainstream supply, there were still ads for enlargement.
I recall a friend (who worked in a magazine bindery) talking about, “Ron Jeremy enlargers”, because the back of the magazines he was working on were touting them. That was, ca. 1985, and Jeremy and Holmes were being touted, not as average, but as exceptional. The women were moaning and groaning in their flicks (this was when there were still thriving theaters with porn on the screen, being projected from film), not because Joe Blow was small, but because Holmes was a mutant.
I know a couple of guys who are huge. They’ve been told that oral is fine,but there is no way that they are getting PIV or anal.
Easily Ion, have people who look like Mom and Dad having sex in a video and that would show the realities of it while not being porn.
Maybe if you wanted to put them off sex forever 😛
I get what you mean though, realistic representation. That actually exists, it’s called amateur porn. Genuinely amateur I mean, not just pretending to be.
My feelings about porn are comparable to my feelings about other working situations: if the people working in it are well-treated, fairly compensated, and satisfied with their work, then I don’t see any problem with it. I think prostitution ought to be legal and regulated for the same reason. I know that abuses still occur where sex work is legal, but at least those who work in the industry have some (theoretical) recourse to the law.
“They’ve been told that oral is fine,but there is no way that they are getting PIV or anal.”
I’ve seen a documentary about guys who get penis enlargements and such. While most is due to insecurity, others just…like having huge balls. There was one guy who had balls so big he had to lift them with both hands. He couldn’t have sex at all but he didn’t care. The mind boggles….