Some people probably shouldn’t try to make charts. I mean, take a look at this fucked up Venn diagram here:

There’s so much wrong with this diagram it’s hard to even know where to start. The letters are too small. “Narwhal” should be plural. The Sirens of Greek Mythology did lure sailors to their death with their songs, but they weren’t sea creatures. They were, rather, bird women – you know, with wings and everything. Also, while Miles Davis was indeed a thing (specifically a man) with a horn, to the best of my knowledge he never stood in a pond, at least not while playing said horn. And even if he had, it wouldn’t have made him a sea creature.
I suppose I should acknowledge that I’m the person who made this Venn Diagram. I would like to apologize for its many failings and for any damage it may have caused.
But, look, I’m not the only one who can’t design a diagram for shit. Consider this unholy mess, put together by Susan Walsh, a retrograde dating “expert” who runs a blog called Hooking Up Smart. Walsh devotes considerable energy to bashing feminists and sluts, sometimes at the same time. In a recent post, she attempted to spell out the economic costs of sluttery. This diagram was the result.
Even Walsh seemed to realize that it was a bit of a turd, and she offered it to her readers with a sort of apology:
I’m not an economist; this is really more of an exercise in common sense, as well as a work in progress.
No, you’re not. No it isn’t. And that’s no excuse. Essentially, Walsh just made up some bullshit, drew lines between different parts of the bullshit, and pretended it all made sense. There are so many things wrong with her flow chart that, as was the case with that Venn diagram above, I don’t know where to start. Graphically, it’s obviously a disaster.

And when you look at the, er, content of the diagram, it’s equally befuddling. Apparently the only possible results of a pregnancy that results from a “casual sexual relationship” being carried to term are “dropping out of school,” “promiscuity,” “substance abuse,” “violence,” and “crime,” followed closely by “prison,” then “EVENTUAL ECONOMIC STAGNATION!!!!!!!!!!” (And yes, she did use ten exclamation points.)
But my favorite bit of the diagram is the question “was sex consensual?” If it’s not, watch out! Someone might have to go to court! (For some reason she forgets to draw the requisite line to “prison,” perhaps because it is so rare for rapists to actually serve time?)
Here’s the thing, Ms. Walsh: sex that isn’t consensual is no longer an example of a “casual sexual relationship.” Sex that is not consensual is rape. Just as boxing that is not consensual is battery.
Walsh knows all this, of course. It’s just odd that in this diagram she seems to consider the supposedly dire consequences of “promiscuity” as far worse – for individuals and for society – as the consequences of rape.
She might want to make a few adjustments before she puts forth her next version of that chart.A better solution would be to simply delete it from her computer and pretend it never happened. That’s what I’m doing with my Venn diagram.
he refused to believe that a broken window could ever have any positive economic impact.
I guess the window glass manufacturer, the glass retailer, and the installer do no count toward economic activity?
Wow, that’s a compelling argument. Anybody who does any actual work, no economic activity. People who manage hedge funds and sell credit default swaps, ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AHOY! but no real product or work.
He said that because someone had to replace the original window, the money spent there negated the subsequent money being spent because otherwise the money would never have been spent in the first place and it just was so circular and illogical.
I pointed out that without having to replace things, innovation would not occur. No go.
I pointed out that someone could make a sculpture with the broken glass and sell it. Nope.
I pointed out that the flying spaghetti monster demands sacrifices once in a while. still no.
So IUD users: You can’t feel it in there, can you? Because that would be weird.
I’ve twice tried to get a vasectomy; once at 26, once at 34. Both times the doctors told me “No way, you might change your mind”. It’s not just women who get patronised by medical professionals.
I may have ranted a bit in her comments section >.<
It reminds me of the standard conservative/libertarian litany “The government can’t create wealth.” It’s actually hard to counter because it’s so obviously based on not-real-world logic.
Never heard of it. Is it painful?
Katz, it always amazes me to talk to my Republican/libertarian colleagues because they will say that while in almost every case, they have never worked for the private sector so any wealth they have (and one of them retired making quite a bit as a director) they got from the taxpayers!
It all depends on whose widow it is. In simplest terms is it Bob Cratchet’s window or Ebineezer Scrooge’s?
The current econimoc situation is similar. However we have a powerful but unwilling third party who could break Scrooge’s window (i.e. tax the speculation markets on Wall St) and create work for the 9.2% unemployed.
Which leads us back to ECONOMIC STAGNATION!!!!!!! because the wealth is being trapped in the top 5% and not circulating.
Nothing fixes that like MONEY
D!: But my sluthood isn’t a destruction of value. It produces orgasms and cuddles and happiness and discussion of Batman and sometimes twoo wuv. So all the money I’m spending on condoms and birth control is economically stimulating!
Also, Laplace Demon PWNS ALL.
@ Voip
I think you mean $MONEY$
@ Katz
If you can feel an IUD once it’s in place, get thee to a medical practitioner because it’s slipping out. (The odds of that happening are also much higher for nulliparous women, one of the reasons some GYNs are hesitant about using them in that case.) Apparently if your doc leaves the “string” (which is a nylon filament) too long, it can be felt by a well-endowed partner. But that’s easily fixed.
Getting one inserted can be painful depending on your body and frame of reference. And there’s an adjustment period of about 6-8 weeks where most women have some cramping. But I’ve never met anyone who didn’t think it was worth it.
I have a Mirena, which I love to itty-bitty pieces. I don’t have to worry about birth control until 2014 and while there are hormones, they have only a local effect and never get into the bloodstream.
@Katz: I had the Mirena, and I could feel it. That plus the hormones driving me bugfuck led me to have it removed. Hi Leely, someone who didn’t think it was worth it! 🙂
@cynickal: I don’t think either procedure is all that easy to reverse, but the vasectomy maybe slightly easier.
IUDs can poke you and make you bleed; at least it did with my grandmother, but she got that fixed. And my mom still got pregnant once with it (ectopic). lol I’m sticking with the diaphragm…
Oh, and regarding sirens, later versions do describe them as mermaid-like, so you’re not completely off. 😉
@hellkell: I’m sorry; that sucks. I had annoying-but-not-major side effects on the pill, but none with the Mirena. Perhaps I need to modify my earlier statement to either the hormones *shouldn’t* enter the bloodstream or some women still react badly with a local effect. Or both. 🙂
@LaplaceDemon: Truly an epic takedown while remaining respectful of being in someone else’s sandbox. I am in awe.
@Alex: The IUDs in use today are hugely different and safer than those in use before about the mid-90s. I grew up on the horror stories, stopped paying attention for a while in the 90s (leaving home = no longer living with an OBGYN), and then was shocked when suddenly they started being recommended again.
I’ve twice tried to get a vasectomy; once at 26, once at 34. Both times the doctors told me “No way, you might change your mind”. It’s not just women who get patronised by medical professionals.
What, do you live in Gilead?
Never heard of it. Is it painful?
No, that’s probably why the paternalistic moralizing assholes don’t want to consider it.
Adoption keeps lazy sluts from living with the consequences of their actions! So it’s BAD!
Also it causes ECONOMIC STAGNATION!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, my mom’s complication was 2001…Then again, I don’t know when she had it inserted.
I’m going to shamelessly promote my post about this chart:
@Leely: Wow, I had no idea. My mom got an IUD in the late 80s and never had anything but nice things to say about. In fact, she was horrified that I was taking birth control pills instead of getting an IUD, because it had never really occurred to her that they’re not great for some people. I guess she was just lucky, though. Personally, the potential side effects have always put me off.
Also, hi everyone! I’ve been taking a break from the blogs for a while, but I’m back now. I missed this place.