disgusting women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny we hunted the mammoth

My absolutely, positively last post on that atheist elevator thing.

Going down fast.

You know, sometimes it takes a real man to put things into perspective. So it’s good that we have soMENi over on the MGTOWforums to set us all straight on the real lesson to be drawn from that whole atheist elevator controversy:

Considering MEN invented elevators and the electricity to power them, women should avoid MEN’s elevators and use a fucking rope instead to ascend to their rooms.

Oops! Men invented rope too. Oh well, flap your arms b!tch. Doing that might reduce all that excess energy going to your moaning mouth.

And … cut.

That’s a wrap.

There’s nothing more to say.

No more atheist elevator posts for me.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“Without horny men our species would end”


did somebody actually say that one?

13 years ago

A woman invented windshield wipers. If women can’t use the elevators that “men invented,” then I guess MRAs will have no problem not using their car’s windshield wipers while it’s raining.

But seriously, why would it matter who invented the elevator? That is totally irrelevant. The event occurred in an elevator, but…that’s it. It’s not like women are screaming about the elevator itself being a creepy asshole. Leave it up to MRAs to spew irrelevant shit.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Men would have invented those neways…. I bet she slept w/ a guy who came up w/ the idea and beat him to the patent office. She prolly saddled him w/ paying for a baby that wasn’t his also.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Also a black person invented automatic elevator doors, so… guess white ppl can use elevators, if they get in one or get out of one, they better be accepting if black ppl ask them to coffee. xD

13 years ago

MRAL: What did you give YOUR mother this past mother’s day, hmmmmm?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Ithiliana, just in case you missed it: your star turn.

13 years ago

FelixBC, that bingo board is amazing.

13 years ago

The, “men made x, y, z, and women didn’t” is an attempt to say women can’t make things. Since getting pregnant isn’t an act of will they don’t compare. So you get people saying, “That’s not the same” and they are right.

The first is a fallacious argument, the second is weak. To respond to the first with the second is to validate it, which is why I say it’s tactically weak. It’s hard enough to argue with the logically challenged without surrendering one positions of strength.

13 years ago

My wife has given birth, AND had a kidney stone… and she said that the time her ovary exploded was worse than either of ’em. (Ovarian cysts are SUPPOSED to form on the EDGE of the ovary, not in the middle where they blow the thing up to “about racquetball size” and then pop like a balloon.)

And any guy who wants to contemplate the analogous situation, and what that would feel like, and whether you’d just smash in your own head with a hammer… I know *I* would.

13 years ago

Why are we discussing pregnancy? Was it something about women’s labor not being considered labor? Oh well, I’ll go along with the derail and post this article And that deals with the uncomfortable shit, not the deadly shit like bizarre blood clots and preeclampsia (my younger neice was born over a month early because my sister had preeclampsia and was going into kidney failure).

Molly Ren
13 years ago


I’m now cowering in fear at the thought of one of my ovaries exploding. o.O

13 years ago

“Men invented rope”?
That’s a claim for which I’d like some documentation. Do we even have the name of the inventor of rope?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I bet Elevator Guy invented elevators himself. He was doing Skepchick a big favor, letting her ride in his elevator.

…and if you do someone a big favor, you have the right to proposition them and not have them express discomfort about it.

…There’s like five missing steps of logic here.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

In fact, I’ll list them out! Here are the things you have to believe for this to make sense:

1) Men invented everything important.
2) Being the same gender as an inventor makes you sort of an inventor yourself.
3) Not being the same gender as an inventor means you oughta be super grateful to use their invention, or maybe you don’t really have the right to use it yourself.
4) If you’re using something invented by the other gender, you have to show respect to members of the inventing gender while using that invention. (Oh, if this applied to computers…)
5) “Respect” means that if they make you feel bad, for god’s sake don’t tell anybody–even after the fact and anonymously–that you felt bad.

So, you know, nothing but solid logic.

13 years ago

Yeah, mras aren’t well know for their logic. I can’t see this being applied in real life ever.

13 years ago

Anyone else feeling the urge to make a Jude the Obscure joke about the name soMENi?

… or is that just too obscure of a literary reference?

13 years ago


So I can claim credit for nething invented by a Chinese person right?

That would be just about everything, wouldn’t it?

13 years ago

So I can claim credit for nething invented by a Chinese person right?

Ami, remember the ex-Facebook friend I was telling you and Spear about at Pride? The one who called one of my friends a Holocaust denier on my wall? He tried a sort of reverse version of this argument on me once – he claimed that invading the Middle East (anywhere in the Middle East) was A-OK because Muslims invented imperialistic war. (o_0 – I think Alexander the Great might have had a bone to pick with this guy.) I said, “OK, even if that’s true, which it isn’t, does it mean because the Chinese invented gunpowder it’s OK for me to shoot Alex Cheung [a mutual friend from Hong Kong] in the face?” Even he had to admit that no, it probably wasn’t.

I wish I’d taken screencaps of those Facebook chats.

13 years ago

Ashurbapinal would have a bone to pick with him. Alexander was late to the party.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I think Alexander the Great might have had a bone to pick with this guy.

Or Darius the Great.

Or Tiglath-Pileser I.

Or Hammurabi.

Or . . .

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Damn your nimble fingers, Pecunium!

13 years ago

Hey, Ashurbapinal, I’m a Mesopotamian…

13 years ago

Fuck, the Dorian Greeks would have had a bone to pick with him. The ancient Indo-Europeans.

Going someplace, killing the bulk of its inhabitants, and moving is so common in human history that you could call it a defining trait of the species.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Wow… that’s… some bizarre logic Kristin o_o