You know, sometimes it takes a real man to put things into perspective. So it’s good that we have soMENi over on the MGTOWforums to set us all straight on the real lesson to be drawn from that whole atheist elevator controversy:
Considering MEN invented elevators and the electricity to power them, women should avoid MEN’s elevators and use a fucking rope instead to ascend to their rooms.
Oops! Men invented rope too. Oh well, flap your arms b!tch. Doing that might reduce all that excess energy going to your moaning mouth.
And … cut.
That’s a wrap.
There’s nothing more to say.
No more atheist elevator posts for me.
like how Einstein apparently was an idiot because he built on other people’s stuff.
Nope, that’s not what I said. You claimed inventing was unique, and used Einstein and Edison as examples.
I disagreed, pointing out that inventing was a common human impulse, and your own examples demonstrated more accurately how inventors rely on preceding work, or even contemporary work, to make their advances.
Show me where I said Einstein was an idiot.
And I’m saying, MRAL, that until you have a basic understanding about what pregnancy and childbirth really entails, you should probably stay quiet about it. Otherwise, people are just going to think you are a douche.
Ask your mom or other female relatives how it was to give birth, and really listen to the answer. Accept that maybe women know something about this, and are able to accurately assess their own experiences here. Try it as a thought experiment in empathy development.
Or not, as you please. Just remember that spouting off about pregnancy being no big deal when you have no way of knowing what a big deal it really is just makes you sound like a colossal jackass.
Otherwise, people are just going to think you are a douche.
Oh, I fear it is far too late for that, CB.
Incidentally, Mythbusters did a bit about pain tolerance not too long ago. Small sample size, but the process was based on the same techniques used by medical centers that study pain.
Guess what their primary result indicated? Oh this is too good. I want to draw out the suspense…..
YUP. Women had a higher tolerance for pain than men.
Having watched my wife give birth, I can’t say I’m surprised.
You guys are making fools out of yourselves.
Trying to argue with MRAL is like trying to scold a monkey for flinging his feces around. Sure it’s gross, but what can you really say about it?
Well, Cap’n, perhaps it would be best to just stand up to the person holding a gun to your head and making you read all those blogs?
(Shrug) I’ve got as much right to complain about it as anyone else. You’re free to ignore my comments as you are with any others.
Besides, Elizabeth would cut off my bacon supply if I stopped coming here.
The point is it was a huge baby.
Immediately accepted into the ranks of the MRAs.
No one in my family is from Texas. So to say that there was a large baby born in Texas makes it even dumber MRAL since it is obvious that large babies can be born no matter where you are.
And yes, I was wrong about it being in the world but good grief, why would you claim I am a liar because some woman had a baby one pound heavier recently then my grandfather?
cut off my bacon supply
Oh, is that what the Captains are calling it these days?
Casey-because MRAL has demonstrated the capacity to grow as a person. That is why I told him to think before he posts (course I should to. :p )
Did I tell you about bacon toothpaste CB?
You guys are making fools out of yourselves.
Trying to argue with MRAL is like trying to scold a monkey for flinging his feces around. Sure it’s gross, but what can you really say about it?
Well, at least we know where he stands.
Is it wrong that I chuckled at ‘flap your arms bitch’?
Anyway. Here’s a sensible post on the subject: http://mikesweeklyskepticrant.blogspot.com/2011/07/elevatorgateabeccapocalypseor-something.html
And now I’ll shut up about it too.
MRAL, you said:
“I don’t buy this shit. Since women are the only people who give birth, all we have to go on is them constantly bitching about how hard it is. Since men have a higher tolerance for pain and (as the non-privileged class) and are less likely to complain about things, I think childbirth is probably way overblown. I bet it feels like getting lightly kicked in the balls. I’m so impressed.”
I agree, women are (except for a few trans men, genderqueer people and intersex people) the only people who give birth. Therefore, they are (except for a few trans men, genderqueer people and intersex people) the only people who can tell others what it feels like. The only description we have of what birth feels like comes from accounts by millions and millions of different women (and a few trans men, genderqueer people and intersex people). And, for the most part, they all agree that birth is really, really painful and long and takes a lot of effort. Why don’t you believe them? What evidence would you need to disprove your assertion that labor and birth probably “feels like getting lightly kicked in the balls”?
If it’s the fact that you don’t think very highly of women’s opinions, would you like to read some accounts of birth written by trans men, genderqueer people or intersex people?
Trying to argue with MRAL is like trying to scold a monkey
Right about that, but this isn’t argument, it’s mockery.
MRAs invented feces-flinging.
Did I tell you about bacon toothpaste CB?
Oh, God…the horror.
They also had bacon mints too.
Yeah, MRAL has demonstrated the ability to reconsider his opinions in light of new evidence, which puts him head-and-shoulders above most of our MRA friends. He’s not quite a troll but rather a dissenter. Which is not to say that I agree with him at all on this issue, but I don’t feel the effort is wasted, either.
Hmm…maybe I don’t like bacon as much as I thought I did.
Sacrilege! Turn in your manhood badge and get out!
Mr. Al, I’m sure there are women who have *both* given birth and had kidney stones. Maybe we could find one and ask her?
While I think it’s important to keep presenting the facts about childbirth – misogynists of all stripes will have the same reaction as MRAL and it needs to be countered, not because I think they will change their minds but because educating the lurkers is worthwhile in its own right – I’d like to see more responses like Ithiliana’s and Tabby Lavalamp’s, where we learn more about women inventors or women in science. This beats assholes like soMENi at their own game, instead of giving them an opening to go off on the topic of “So what? Women are just breeding machines anyway.”
Bacon mints are foul.
@ Seraph: You like women inventors? I like women inventors!
So, MRAL, what you’re saying is that you absolutely refuse to listen to anything a woman says about being uncomfortable or in pain? That you just immediately assume a woman is lying if she says so much as ‘ow’? And you wonder why few people here like you.
I could certainly describe the eight months of vomiting my mother went through when she was pregnant with my brother, or how hard it was for her to give up coffee when her doctor told her to cut down on her caffeine intake. And how much of a hassle it was for her to attend doctor’s appointments, and how much it just sucked when she had bad pregnancy headaches and had to be really careful about which painkiller she took and how much of it. Or how she had to stay in the hospital for several days as her doctor tried to decide if she was about ready to go into labor or not.
But you wouldn’t actually care about that, because you’re incapable of caring about women. I think you know deep down that pregnancy is a difficult and unpleasant experience, and I think you enjoy that fact. I think you like thinking about women in pain, especially when the thing causing them pain is tied directly to the fact that they are women; and that they are being punished for so obviously having sex with someone who isn’t you.
There are billions of women on this planet, and many of them have given birth at least once. It’s how everyone on this planet got started. So, you’re right, in that childbirth is not uncommon.
The point was, some asshole who believes the appropriate model for interaction between the genders is adversarial, said that women shouldn’t use elevators because they were invented by men. The counter to that, obviously, is that he was birthed by a woman and likely benefited from her care. So he’s being a hypocrite and mean, and I doubt he’s made an inventory of his life to figure out what (like computer programs) he might be using that were invented by women.