You know, sometimes it takes a real man to put things into perspective. So it’s good that we have soMENi over on the MGTOWforums to set us all straight on the real lesson to be drawn from that whole atheist elevator controversy:
Considering MEN invented elevators and the electricity to power them, women should avoid MEN’s elevators and use a fucking rope instead to ascend to their rooms.
Oops! Men invented rope too. Oh well, flap your arms b!tch. Doing that might reduce all that excess energy going to your moaning mouth.
And … cut.
That’s a wrap.
There’s nothing more to say.
No more atheist elevator posts for me.
Inventing things is a biological process, actually. It involves the brain, the hands, and occasionally other body parts.
Obviously a man invented rope. The only evidence you need is how hot a woman looks tied up.
Oh shit, maybe a lesbian invented rope?
No wait, I almost forgot there was no such thing as lesbians before feminism. I can safely continue to use rope.
Now if somebody could just dig up some evidence that men invented fire. I am getting sick of raw steak for dinner every night, and I am pretty sure I’ve got worms.
I always love it when the man who’s never done anything in his life starts confusing himself with a great inventor. “Men invented these things! I am a man! Therefore *something something* awesomeness!”
It’s like the “underwear + ? = profit” logic applied to MRM arguments. Hilarious? Kinda. Sad? Oh, definitely.
MRAL- women who give birth give birth to unique individual human beings. Human beings who grew from an egg and a sperm into an entirely new person. They grew inside of and entirely supported by the woman’s body. The process is not without risk- complications of pregnancy can be painful and some are life-threatening.
Birth is, generally, an hours long (or more) thing that is not called LABOR for nothing. It is hard physical work. It too is attended by risks to both mother and child.
Your mother did not ‘shit out a baby’ when you were born. She spent nearly a year carrying you and then went through labor or surgery to deliver you.
Every single damn person on this planet is here because a woman carried them and then gave birth. Men do not spring fully grown out of their father’s brow, you know, and then leap into action inventing things.
Plus, you know, women can invent, discover and create things too. Because that’s what PEOPLE do and have done since time out of mind.
MRAL , and other MRAs, sex is totally banal, millions of people do it every day. So why make such a big deal about it? Just like birth, it’s really not worth fussing over. Actually, sex is more common than birth. So there you have it!
go and invent instead of bemoaning the fact that you’re not having luck with the ladies.
Just not with you.
Men invented Reardon Metal!
Well, technically, Ayn Rand invented Reardon Metal. Also Reardon. But I suppose you could argue that she actually “gave birth” to them, and therefore played no actual role in their creation.
Well, I was reading that Rebecca Watson will be doing some interview somewhere soon, perhaps that will fuel the controversy anew.
But a woman invented Reardon!
Plus, almost certainly it was a woman who gave birth to Ayn Rand, who invented (or “gave birth to”) Reardon Metal, so women doubly have nothing to do with the matter.
But a woman invented Reardon!
As pointed out upthread, when a woman creates something, it doesn’t count.
That was pretty disgusting MRAL and you know it.
How about, as an experiment since I am fairly sure you will come back later and say “I am sorry, I was not thinking” or something similar that you actually think “will this be something I will need to say I am sorry for” first. If it is, hit delete. If not, then hit post comment.
Heh, people have beaten me to the punch again. Folks here are quick!
(FSM help us all if the mainstream news media report on this story… )
As usual, Cracked has a timely article about this very thing:
MRAL, from one guy to another: I know you can’t give birth. Neither can I. But, until you’ve lived with a woman through her entire pregnancy and been with her for the birth, I’d appreciate it if you’d kindly shut the fuck up about childbirth, because you just have no clue. None at all. Thanks.
Also, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you think giving birth is comparable to taking a shit, then you really need more fiber in your diet.
Well, I was reading that Rebecca Watson will be doing some interview somewhere soon, perhaps that will fuel the controversy anew.
Oh, Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ on a Cracker, please just shoot me in the face now!
I don’t know man, internet riots can be quite fun.
MRAL, may I suggest you put Connections in your NetFlix queue?
possibly the most painful non-fatal thing ever
I don’t buy this shit. Since women are the only people who give birth, all we have to go on is them constantly bitching about how hard it is. Since men have a higher tolerance for pain and (as the non-privileged class) and are less likely to complain about things, I think childbirth is probably way overblown. I bet it feels like getting lightly kicked in the balls. I’m so impressed.
Hmm. Internet riots can be fun if you’re watching from a safe distance… if the bricks and bottles are aimed at you, it’s not so much fun.
By that I mean, if this controversy hits the big time, it’ll be an occasion for even more scary misogynists to come out of the woodwork. More woman-bashing and feminist-bashing will ensue… and probably atheist-bashing too (which I think we haven’t seen yet).
Elizabeth, looks like you’re going to have to recalibrate your MRALmeter. Not only is there no apology, he’s doubling down on the douchebaggery.
Why is that so offensive? You all love to bring down the achievements of others, like how Einstein apparently was an idiot because he built on other people’s stuff.
Childbirth isn’t special. Oh, sue me. What’s the big deal?