disgusting women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny we hunted the mammoth

My absolutely, positively last post on that atheist elevator thing.

Going down fast.

You know, sometimes it takes a real man to put things into perspective. So it’s good that we have soMENi over on the MGTOWforums to set us all straight on the real lesson to be drawn from that whole atheist elevator controversy:

Considering MEN invented elevators and the electricity to power them, women should avoid MEN’s elevators and use a fucking rope instead to ascend to their rooms.

Oops! Men invented rope too. Oh well, flap your arms b!tch. Doing that might reduce all that excess energy going to your moaning mouth.

And … cut.

That’s a wrap.

There’s nothing more to say.

No more atheist elevator posts for me.

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13 years ago

MGTOW: still not GTOW.

13 years ago

Lol! Women gave birth to men who invented elevators.

13 years ago

Well, truly, after that there is nothing else to say.

In happier news, the top three winners and overall Grand winner of the Google Science Fair were all young women.

Young women.


Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

What’s a “b!itch”? I can’t figure out which word they mean. “Batch”? “Butch”? Someone help me out here.

13 years ago

That’s ok; the Manosphere will soon have another topic to get hysterical about:

Cue them at once: “ZOMG! This is what ALL feminists EVERYWHERE want to do to us menz!!! Times eleventy!!!”

Ah, Manboobz! Come for the misogyny-mocking, stay for the commentary.

Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

What a tool. Oh, speaking of which… The circular saw used to help make those buildings with elevators? Invented by a woman (Tabitha Babbitt, 1812).
Perhaps he should go take a shower to cool off, and it had better be a cold one. The electric hot water heater? Ida Forbes, 1917.
And if he goes driving off in a huff, I’ve got news about engine mufflers and windshield wipers…

Or this is a stupid argument to be making. Especially after he takes the elevator up and a fire starts on the floors below him, because the fire escape? Anna Connelly, 1887.

13 years ago

Yeah, Joanna, but in their world, giving birth ain’t no thang. They get to take credit for other men’s (and women’s) inventions, but women don’t get to take credit for things they’ve actually done or could do.

It’s a bit like white supremacists touting the accomplishments of the White Race. People who spend all their time talking about the superiority of their group probably have no achievements of their own to speak of.

13 years ago

@ captainbathrobe: Giving birth is a snap! It’s just like putting muffin mix in the oven. You stick it in, and then when the timer beeps you have muffins! It’s not like the oven is actually on or anything, and even if it is, so what, that’s what it’s for so it’s no extra effort there.

13 years ago

A list of women inventors

Any man who has benefited from these in any way, even peripherally, um, shouldn’t have. Considering the scope of that list, that would be MOST MEN.

The fuckface making the elevator argument really should NOT have gone down this road.

As to men who think giving birth is no big thing, I’d like to say as someone who recently gave birth, that the rips BY MY ANUS say something different.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago


zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

I am not at all knowledgeable about pre-history, but it would also not surprise me that women and children in hunter-gatherer societies would be largely responsible for weaving and braiding ropes. So rope might well have been invented by a woman, Tarzan movies notwithstanding.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

I could be mistaken, but I don’t think electricity is an invention.

13 years ago

And if you use a computer you should thank Ada Lovelace (first programmer, woman) and Alan Turing (father of modern computing, broke Nazi codes and helped win WW2, hounded to death for being gay).

Besides, who can say who invented rope? Hasn’t it existed in some form since, like, Paleolithic times?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Or this is a stupid argument to be making

sure. That’s why it’s being made on MGTOW forums. Play to your audience, you know.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Giving birth is the biggest bullshit argument ever. It’s not even worth discussing. It’s a natural bodily function and billions of people do it. It is not special. It is not unique. Get over it.

Inventing something is unique. Albert Einstein is unique. Thomas Edison is unique. Women who shit out babies are not unique. You want to be unique? Do something unique.

13 years ago

MRAL, remember that thing about how saying ‘mangina’ is insulting to women who have never done anything to you? Just so you know, “shit out babies” is also insulting to women who have never done anything to you. Nobody’s saying you can’t use that phrase, but it would be nice if you thought about its connotations a bit more. What are you trying to say by wording it like that?

13 years ago

Were discussing uniqueness or inventions?

Also, can something not be astonishing and commonplace at the same time. My experience tells me it can. But, then, I’m not a moron.

13 years ago

Besides, who can say who invented rope? Hasn’t it existed in some form since, like, Paleolithic times?

Men invented fiber! Men invented atoms!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

What are you trying to say by wording it like that?

He’s trying to say that people are just like shit. It’s a form of projection.

13 years ago

Mr. Al, you’re just jealous that you can’t turn a fertilized egg into a human being. Sure, it’s biological and commonplace, but it takes a tremendous toll on the pregnant person’s body and life.

After you’ve watched your body swell up enormously, gone a ton of pain and discomfort, including haemmerhoids, fallen arches, indigestion, boob soreness, put massive restrictions on what you can eat, drink, and do, drained your body of its stores of calcium, iron, and B12, then topped it all off with GIVING BIRTH, possibly the most painful non-fatal thing ever, then you can talk shit about baby-making.

@vacuumslayer – men also invented wooly mammoths. Which they then hunted for us ungrateful bitches.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Men invented logical fallacies, you’ve got to give them that.

13 years ago

Shhhh, Johnny Pez. Be vewwy vewwy qwiet. We’re hunting em-aw-ays.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Inventing something is unique. Albert Einstein is unique. Thomas Edison is unique.

The stupid thing about this line of argument is that inventing things is not a singular event; all the inventions and innovations that occurred before contribute to being able to take the next steps in technological development. Einstein used prior work to make his discoveries (I would also dispute that he “invented” anything, in the strict sense of that word, but whatever) Edison used prior, and contemporaneous, inventions to make his advances.

The person might be unique, but to say inventing something is? The act of invention is about as universal as it gets; all of humanity feels the urge toward invention, at some level.

Specific inventions are all part of a continuum, nothing comes wholly formed out of someone’s head without that person standing on someone else’s shoulders, no matter how much jerks like Frank Lloyd Wright would like you to believe that.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Men invented pink bunny ears!

13 years ago

Seriously, Mr. AL, shut up. It’s always one step forward and two steps back with you. You may think pregnancy is no big, but I doubt you could even handle a period.

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