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Atheist Elevator Redux, Part Deux: The Return of the Nice Guy

You wouldn't want him propositioning you on an elevator at 4 AM either.

So now it’s all about the “nice guys.” It’s not just that mean, mean Rebecca Watson slandered the good name of all men in the world by suggesting that one amongst their number had committed a somewhat creepy act in an elevator at 4 AM. Now some commenters are accusing her of something like a hate crime against the Nice Guys of the world.

According to cranky sometime-Men’s Rights blogger The Damned Olde Man, the woman he refers to only as “Rude Elevator Bitch” has publicly humiliated a man whose only crime was that he was a little bit shy. Embroidering liberally on the scant few facts we know about the case, Olde Man sets forth a brand new narrative of the incident — based largely on his own imagination –with the mysterious man at the center of the story now transformed into a sweet, awkward fellow he calls Nice Elevator Guy:

By all accounts, NEG appears to be a rather shy, somewhat unconfident nerd or geek who appears to be lacking in the social graces.

When Olde says “by all accounts” he actually means “by no accounts.” We have no idea what sort of personality this fellow has, only that he apparently propositioned Walker in an elevator in Dublin at 4 AM.

It was probably not a good idea to ask REB for coffee just after she finished a lecture on how she is offended by men who sexualize her, especially late at night in an isolated elevator. That would be her point of view which she and all of her supporters have stated quite eloquently. So if one only accounts for REB’s feelings, it was the wrong thing to do. But how about looking at the situation from NEG’s point of view?

That is, from the imaginary point of view of the imaginary character Olde has simply superimposed on a real man we know almost nothing about.

A shy, socially awkward nerd who lacks confidence is likely to feel uncomfortable in any situation where he intends to proposition a woman. But he is likely to be terrified of doing it in a public setting with plenty of people around to witness his humiliation when she turns him down. So from his point of view, an isolated elevator in the middle of the night is probably the ideal location, especially since he was probably never going to have this opportunity again.

Note to shy guys of the world: this is not a good idea. It’s not going to work out well for you.

I’m not quite sure if that’s necessary. I’m a shy guy, and I’m pretty sure most of us shy guys already know that propositioning a woman when the two of you are alone in an confined space is a bad idea.  Many of us who sometimes feel awkward in social settings have what is known as “empathy” towards other people and thus are aware when something we do might just make someone else feel awkward. Olde Man continues:

His fear of humiliation is probably not as irrational as her fear of rape and in hindsight, it was definitely more justified. He didn’t rape her, she did reject him. She not only rejected him, she humiliated him, publically, for all the world to see.

Yeah. She “publicly” humiliated a guy she never named.  According to a guy who has just written a long post in which he repeatedly refers to her — a blogger who posts under her real name — as a “bitch.”

It’s bad enough to read this bullshit in MRA blogs, where it’s irritating but hardly surprising.

It’s a bit more troubling to find much of this dumb argument repeated – in somewhat more polite language, admittedly – in Psychology Today.  In a post entitled “What’s a Shy, Geeky, Nice Guy to Do?” cognitive psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman offers a very similar version of events, in which

a nervous, presumably geeky, socially awkward guy gets on [the elevator] ]with her … [his] heart probably beating fast and palms sweety as heck … .

“Presumably,” “probably” – in other words, these details are simply invented.

While Kaufman acknowledges that the mysterious (alleged) Nice Guy’s approach was “lame,” he, like Olde Man, turns the story into one in which Nice Guys are the real victims:

many entitled, narcissistic males have commented to the effect “what an ungrateful bitch, she should be grateful for being complimented!”,  and quite a few feminists have commented “good for Rebecca for scolding men, they need to be put in their place!” All the while, shy, geeky, genuinely nice guys have sat there, reading these extreme comments, no doubt scratching their heads and wondering what in the world they are to do.

What is a shy, geeky, nice guy to do?  

Then Kaufman gives some advice on how the Nice Elevator Guy could have handled the attempted pick-up better:

Don’t be creepy. Asking a girl to your hotel room in an elevator at 4 in the morning when the girl has already announced she is tired shows very poor mating intelligence. …

Well, yeah. He continues:

Look for indicators of interest. Any dating coach will tell you how important it is to look for signals of interest. Pay attention to her state. Does she look exhausted?

Generally speaking, when a woman gives a talk about how she hates being hit on at atheist conferences, then later announces that she’s tired and wants to go to bed, these are what you might call “Indicators of Leave Me the Fuck Alone.”

Kaufman goes on:

Does she cringe when you start talking? That’s probably not the right time to put your arm around her.

Can’t argue with that one, really. Cringing: never a good sign.

Kaufman barrels ahead with this mixture of the obvious and the creepy:

Build some sort of rapport first. The guy in the elevator was a complete stranger. There was zero connection. What could the guy have done to increase his chances of receptivity in this particular situation, when she clearly was not in the mood? It’s hard to imagine he could have done anything, but at the very least he could have tried to make some sort of connection.

Or, here’s a radical notion: he could have just LEFT HER ALONE.  This one tired lady in the elevator is not the only lady in the world. There will be other chances. Stand down, dude.

But Kaufman, who can’t leave well enough alone himself, goes on to imagine a scenario in which Nice Elevator Guy manages to charm Watson utterly.

RUPERT: Oh, hi Rebecca! I’m a huge fan of yours. I really liked your ideas earlier about skepticism…feminism…blah…blah…And I totally hear you about the guys here. They really are creepy, aren’t they? [Insert witty joke here about how if you were a female at this conference you’d become a lifelong skeptic of geeky men]

WATSON: [Laughs] Yea, thanks for understanding. You were really listening to what I said earlier. What do you research?

Ungghhhh. Excuse me, but I have to go lie down for a moment. The stupid here is too much.

After a bit more of this imagined witty banter, the charmed WATSON is inviting HIM to HER room!

It was at this point that I discovered that there was another whole page worth of this shit. I couldn’t bring myself to read it.

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13 years ago

vacuumslayer: Have you played “The Secret of Monkey Island”? Turns out that Trolls have masks that they take off when no one is looking. 😉

13 years ago

One of the sad things about mocking misogyny is that nasty things like Arks come out from under the stone they use to share with George Sodini and say “I coerce and intimidate unwilling women into having sex with me, does that make you maaaaad?”

This must be why MRAs hate PUAs. I’ve always wondered about that. But I begin to see the M’s are insensitive and selfish men who hate women, while the P’s are creeps and abusers who hate women.

The M’s are vigourously protesting, “Nice guys are not predators, just incredibly self-absorbed! Be sorry for them!” which the P’s completely undermine by saying “mwahah, yes, follow her into the elevator and invite her to your room at 4 am: if she accepts, it suggests you’ll have a good chance of raping her!” Not complementary views, at all.

Oh, Arks: when your mother finds out you are claiming to be a rapist, she is going to ban you from the InterNet for at least six months.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“This must be why MRAs hate PUAs. I’ve always wondered about that. But I begin to see the M’s are insensitive and selfish men who hate women, while the P’s are creeps and abusers who hate women.”

You’d think they’d have at least one thing to bond over… >>

Do they really hate each other? Or is that just an opinion of some of the trolls on this forum? I have tried delving into some of their blogs but I usually end up feeling too icky to continue for long.

13 years ago

I’m totally cool with the trolls being gone. I find they add far more annoyance than amusement (though there is definitely some of the latter). And it’s not like I haven’t had disagreements here with non-troll commenters. I find the discussions that come out of that far more enlightening, because we can have actual GOOD FAITH arguments. Sure, sometimes they end with agreeing to disagree, but along the way I learn things. I dig that.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You know what’s gonna happen right? xD In X amount of days, Ion will return… if nobody’s commented much he’ll say “HAH I’M RIGHT YOU NEED US!” and if we comment a lot he’ll be like “EVEN WITHOUT TROLLS YOU JUST CIRCLE JERK, LOSERS WITH NO LIVES” xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

And it’s not like I haven’t had disagreements here with non-troll commenters. I find the discussions that come out of that far more enlightening, because we can have actual GOOD FAITH arguments. Sure, sometimes they end with agreeing to disagree, but along the way I learn things. I dig that.

Me too… and when trolls are around ppl are afraid to speak truthfully lest the trolls quote them out of context, or etc .and ironically, the trolls end up w/ opinions that aren’t nuanced at all (b/c nuance gets pounced on) xD

13 years ago

What does any of this have to do with being shy? I’m pretty shy a lot of the time, and it’s really hard for me to imagine myself propositioning a complete stranger for sex. That actually sounds like the opposite of shyness.

13 years ago

Wait a minute…where is Ion?


13 years ago

I am having trouble understanding a bit of nuance myself.

On the one hand, we see “listen to women and what they tell you.”

On the other hand, we also see “women are often afraid to be rude or say no.”

This sounds contradictory to me, as well as a recipe for miscommunications.

If I am missing something here, would you please explain it to me?

13 years ago

Casey, I think the former is supposed to be an antidote to the latter.

13 years ago

“captainbathrobe says:
July 12, 2011 at 9:18 pm
Wait a minute…where is Ion?


Well, we were boring him. Then we weren’t. He was totally into us for awhile. Then it was all “he’s just not that into you” and we hazzed a collective sad. But I think we’re over it now.

13 years ago


Well, language is far from just verbal, and verbal language often carries a tone, so “women are often afraid to be rude or say no”, thus ““listen to women and what they tell you”, not just by the words we speak – which could well be dictated by society – but also by the tone with which we speak them, and by our body language (for example, if a woman is curled up on her bus seat away from a man who is beside her, there’s a good chance her “yes” was given out of fear).

13 years ago

I’m pretty sure you’re a Poe, caseymordred. Because you came in here making a whole point about being so! very! feminist! and! totally! checking! your! privilege! and yet here you are tripping on the 101 issues. If you are a Poe, please consider being more entertaining. If you are a troll, please consider being more entertaining.
On the off chance that you’re actually just a newbie arguing in good faith: Many women are afraid of being rude or saying no, for fear of being seen as bitches. Women who aren’t afraid of being seen as bitches, eg. feminists, feel free to speak out about things like… women being intimidated into silence for fear of being seen as bitches. Feel free to listen to women. And if you are confused, ask them honest questions and listen to them some more.
This isn’t a feminist dictate for men to STFU. Just a reminder that if you want more women to talk, you might want to listen to what they have to say.

13 years ago

Ion left? Oh noes!

I laid out this whole situation (especially the scaled cat response from the “nice guys”) for Awesome Husband, and his response was, “Have any of these guys ever talked to an actual woman? Yes, at 4am that is creepy.”

Also, something Ami said earlier about these guys getting upset at Watson saying no for the wrong reason (I’m paraphrasing–bear with me, had some major dental work today). What is the “right” reason for a woman to say no? Never? Maybe it’s the drugs, but I wanna know.

13 years ago

Ha, that should be “scalded” cat.

13 years ago


I forgot to add: If you are actually Ami, well played.

13 years ago

Well, with Ion gone there’s no point in even being here. It’s back to 4chan for me!

(Captain Bathrobe exits left, flouncing)

13 years ago

Bell, my guess is that they object to anything that implies that women are afraid of talking to strange men, because that would mean they would have to actually get to know people properly, without any promise of ‘endgame’ fulfillment, if you get what I mean.

13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe, stick that flounce!

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Zombies don’t flounce.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Have any of these guys ever talked to an actual woman?

My sources say no.

13 years ago

Do they really hate each other? Or is that just an opinion of some of the trolls on this forum? I have tried delving into some of their blogs but I usually end up feeling too icky to continue for long.

MGTOW claim to hate PUAs because, in wanting to have sex with women, they are paying attention to women and thereby expressing dependence on women.

13 years ago

They sort of shamble, don’t they?

13 years ago

Genuinely shy people don’t corner other people in elevators and invite them back to their bedroom (we’re done with the fiction that “come back to my hotel bedroom for coffee” is about coffee and not sex, right?).

Isolating someone from a crowd, waiting until you’re in an enclosed space with hir from which there is no immediate egress, and making a proposition that will force the other person to either be rude or put hir personal safety at risk is an act of social aggression, not social awkwardness.

13 years ago

There are always more trolls. Trolls are a renewable resource.

Unfortunately, however, they consume a lot of other resources which are much more vital, and leave toxic waste that fucks up the mental environment everywhere they go.

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