evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny penises sex

Female troubles

Truly, they is.

JayJet of Happy Bachelors has a few wise words for men who think it’s even possible to have a “friendship” with a female of the species:

The reason friendships are so tough to maintain with women is that women are conditioned to “use” you. Meaning, if they don’t see you as a romantic partner, they will consider you platonic-friend/cuddle-bitch/money-tool/emotional tampon so you can meet their needs at your expense. …

You’re better off not having friendships with women for these reasons. Your purpose for being with a female is simple: Sex. I’m sorry but anything beyond that is a road filled with pain.

But it could be worse. They could be alien females. And we all know what they do.

That’s right. They inhale your gonads. And not in a sexy way, either.

Let’s let Eddie Murphy explain, in this clip from Bowfinger (which for some reason won’t embed here properly).

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13 years ago

I a so boggled at the phrase “emotional tampon” that I am unable to process any of the rest of this dickbiscuitry.


Johnny Pez
13 years ago


Wasn’t that a Rolling Stones song?

13 years ago

*looks over bifocals at Johnny Pez*

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Or am I thinking of something else?

13 years ago

I now have Stone songs playing in my head.

It is all your fault!!!!!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

You have students who are just like me, don’t you?

13 years ago

This is the type of guy that should not be friends with anyone. My best friend purchased all my maternity clothes when I was pregnant the first time. I did not ask her to; she just did it because she knew I had no money. When she needed a place to stay, she stayed with me until she got on her feet. We have talked to each other about relationship problems. If my friend was male instead of female, I’d be using them? This makes no sense at all. It seems to me a guy friend should be treated no differently than a female friend.

13 years ago

Friendship: he’s doing it rong.

13 years ago

Great. Now Mick Jagger’s falsetto will haunt my dreams.

13 years ago

Johnny: I wish!

13 years ago

CB: I quite like some of the Stones songs, esp. from their earlier years, but I cannot ever watch them perform without thinking Jagger looks exactly like a rooster on cocaine.


Wanders off humming “You can’t always get what you want….”

13 years ago

So, this sort of thing just makes me sad. The “men and women can’t really be friends” thing runs pretty deep in popular culture, MGTOWs are just taking it to its “logical” extreme.

I’m glad I’m part of several subcultures that recognize that this is bullshit, but a lot of I feel like we’re still in the minority. It wasn’t so long ago that male-female friendships really WERE rare.


Would you have sex with a ninety year old woman? No. But you can be friends.

Of course then you turn into Harold and Maude.

13 years ago

Male relationships are based on the concern of “am I better than this person?”, female relationships are based on the concern of “what does this person offer me?”. This fundamental difference in interaction has existed since time immemorial.

What is fascinating is how this small aspect of the human experience, social interaction, can illustrate a wider truth about the human race. When you realise that men are competitors and women are passive parasites, is it really a surprise that men so overwhelmingly dominate the great achievements in science, art, literature, music, philosophy, etc, while also building the greatest civilisations and businesses?

13 years ago

But… Harold and Maude had sex!!!

13 years ago

When you realise that men didn’t let women vote or enter higher education until recently, is it really a surprise that men so overwhelmingly dominate blah blah blah?

Men are capable of supportive friendship, as are women. As I’ve wondered before – if you’re going to live in a make-believe world, why choose such a nasty one? Is the possibility of making a genuine human connection really that frightening?

13 years ago

You know, my brother always used to cheat at Monopoly. We had to watch him like a hawk, and he was not allowed to touch or be left unsupervised near the bank. He would try to flip his dice over when no one was looking, steal property titles, scoot extra houses onto his properties, you name it. So, of course, he was the one who always accused everyone else of cheating constantly. That’s what Jayjet is doing. He outright admits that he only seeks to use women for sex, but then berates women because he thinks they only want to use people. Not everyone is as much of an a-hole as you, Jayjet.

13 years ago

um yeah men are the wonder gender blah blah blah and women totally have cooties! Grow up. I always find it a bit of a red flag when people don’t have friends of the other gender…that goes for women too.

BTW is Arks a Poe or is he really part of the misogynists brigade?

13 years ago

Male relationships are based on the concern of “am I better than this person?”, female relationships are based on the concern of “what does this person offer me?”.

By this logic not only can’t mutually beneficial man-woman relationships exist, man-man and woman-woman ones can’t exist either – the men will be in constant competition with each other and the women will be constantly trying to suck more resources out of the other. While I don’t doubt that plenty of relationships of those types do exist, it’s utter misanthropy to assume that describes ALL relationships.

13 years ago

Debbie, I agree! And when people don’t have friends of their own gender it’s a red flag too – I’m thinking of the “girls are so boring!” girls you meet from time to time, I’m sure there’s a male equivalent of those but haven’t met any.

13 years ago

Darksidecat: Do we have the same brother? Mine would also cheat when we played board games and would be a sour loser when he was beat. He is also a theif and an all around bully, and would most defently sympathise with MRA’s. Don’t get me wrontg there are extremely sucky women out there too…but it always makes me roll my eyes when people go on about how wonderful men are and how awful women are…I mean men have shitty people in there gender too…can’t we just admit that?

Also MEn and women can be friends, although probably not as close as friends of the same sex for various reasons….And I truelly beleive that well rounded and mature people can be friends with both.

13 years ago

Miss PRism: Yep! I want to smack women who say that womeon are just back stabbing, catty and humorless! You are just shooting yourself and other women in the foot!

I have occasionally heard men say that men are all pigs….but I think they are more joking.

13 years ago

You know, if I’m using someone as a cuddle-bitch, I probably want to have sex with them but feel they aren’t amenable to having sex with me. This true of other women?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Debbie Arks is a poe. xD but I still ask him for dating advice cuz there’s obv a real person behind it xD

Meaning, if they don’t see you as a romantic partner, they will consider you platonic-friend

Oh.. no? o_O

I mean the rest of it aside.. what’s wrong w/ that part? If men don’t see ppl as romantic partners, they become friends too. xD Also how come, again, every woman is like some stereotype taken from MTV or something xD

I’m w/ Plymouth, I hate this idea that men and women can’t just be friends -_-;; Actually I had the opposite problem when I was younger (pre-trans during repressing/denial days) which is i had a LOT of female friends, or I liked being around them, but they all ended up wanting to date me : and I just wanted to be like BFF!!! but if I said no, they’d stop talking to me and drift off : if I said yes I ended up in a relationship I didn’t want to be in just to keep the close friendship 🙁

13 years ago

What the fuck is wrong with being someone’s platonic friend, and why is that the same as “using” them? If you’re complaining that women aren’t good friends, because if they don’t want to fuck you they’ll only be your platonic friend … maybe the women aren’t really the problem.

“Emotional tampon,” I believe, was something Prince Charles expressed a desire to be for his lady love, back in the day. Worked out for them.

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