misogyny rape rapey scott adams that's not funny!

Rape: Not particularly hilarious

Things that aren't funny: 1) This guy 2) Rape

Rape jokes, not made of comedy gold. The San Diego Reader – attempting, rather ineptly, to channel The Onion – recently ran a bit of “almost factual news” about the recent Slutwalks. The title: “Slut Walk Devolves into Rape Run.” 

Here’s the lede (as they say in the biz):

It was supposed to be a triumph for women eager to reclaim their sexuality from the threat of sexual violence. But sadly, Slut Walk San Diego went horribly awry as some 50 men, many of whom claimed to be unable to control their animal urges when presented with such a plenitude of hot female flesh, plunged into the crowd of over 2000 sluts in a quest for sexual gratification, consensual or otherwise. Dozens of arrests have been made, and police say it may be weeks before all the snatched panties have been returned to their rightful owners.

See, it’s funny because they were being raped!

Amazingly, the one comment that this lovely article managed to inspire was even less hilarious than the article itself.  According to someone calling himself a86d:

Its bs like this that is further going drive culture to FURTHER feminize men and go back to that process of thinking that a man needs to be controlled because hes just a beast. BS we’re not animals, We’ve evolved and people need consequences….in this case …. BURN em. The Dilbert comic writer seems to think that all men need to be castrated because we can’t control our urges, because society forces us men to be a round peg in a square hole…..if you want to live a certain life style….you can find it. Own up, be mature, respectful and if you cross the line EXPECT TO BURN!

I’m not quite sure if all that BURNing is supposed to be directed at rapists or sluts. I’m guessing the latter, but in either case I don’t think I’ll be inviting a86d to my next barbecue.

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13 years ago

“BS we’re not animals, We’ve evolved and people need consequences…”

But if you try to actually *pursue* any kind of “consequences” for a rapist, you’re a lying liar whore who’s just trying to ruin a man’s life. Also, did he mean “PS” as in “post script”? Or “BS” as in, bullshit?

Also, it strikes me that, in apparently trying to make fun of rapacious, beastly men (those panty-snatching, uncontrollable, lusty cads!), they sort of glossed over the fact they were raping, you know, OTHER PEOPLE. They must have just been trying so hard to get that joke about teh he-beasts that they forgot, or something.

13 years ago

Hahah! It’s funny! Because Sluts can’t really be raped, because they like sex! And the real crime here is panty theft! Hahah, those rapacious hooligans!

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

Based on the reactions to and complete missing the points of Slut Walk and Boobquake, I’m left wondering how many people (not just men, a lot of women appear to be clueless about these events too) are serious when they decry the fate of women forced to wear burquas.

13 years ago

You know what’s going to be fun on this thread? *

When NWO shows up frothing at the fingertips about women dressing and acting like whores (Every one has noticed how often NWO references sex workers, right?) and expecting, nay, demanding to be treated with respect they don’t deserve. He’ll go on and on, and endlessly on, about how women love being objectified; how we’re all just waving our pussies around like eating a sandwich in front of a hungry man or whatever ridiculous and inappropriate analogy he likes to use. He’ll be all “What do women expect?! Act like a slut, you’ll be treated like a slut/whore/whatever! And be more careful with yourselves! If you aren’t, you might get raped, and it will be kind of your fault for being all sexy in public and stuff! Whores!”

And he will completely forget that he spent dozens of posts, two-threads ago, chastising women for being wary when approached by strange men, and accusing of us being indoctrinated because we do, on occasion, worry about sexual assault.

Can’t wait.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“Don’t you get it? That’s just the point! It doesn’t matter if we put on thigh-high f–k-me boots with five-inch stiletto heels, slather our naked bodies in baby oil and then teeter and drip our way down SDSU’s fraternity row on a Saturday night! We are not asking to be raped!”

“Oh, sister, you don’t have to ask!” cried out two-time rapist Bruno Bruskewicz as police officers dragged him to the ground and tased him.”

…I don’t get it. I know I’m a humorless feminist, but I don’t get the joke here.

Is the joke that she SHOULD be raped?
Is the joke that she will be raped… and that’s okay? Or at least inevitable?
Is the joke that everything she’s saying is true, but rapists won’t listen so why bother saying it?

I think it’s none of the above, though. I think it’s just really bad comedy. I think it’s not any intellectually deeper than “She didn’t want to be raped… but then she got raped! IRONIC!”

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’ve always wondered why Teh Feminists (and our misandric society) think that rape is the one thing which is simply BEYOND THE PALE and too horrible to joke about. I mean, people make cracks about murder and other violence all the time with little controversy.

My theory: it’s because rape is the one crime which affects women (the privileged class) more than men. Since literally every other crime affects men more, everything else is fair game, because they’re just men.

13 years ago

A quote from the article…
“When this reporter questioned the wisdom of the sluts’ decision to steer their march past both the county jail and the Convention Center during the annual gathering of Sexaholics Anonymous, one of the more vocal sluts replied, “Don’t you get it? That’s just the point! It doesn’t matter if we put on thigh-high f–k-me boots with five-inch stiletto heels, slather our naked bodies in baby oil and then teeter and drip our way down SDSU’s fraternity row on a Saturday night! We are not asking to be raped!”

This priceless.
Would you bring alchohol to an AA meeting?
Would you taunt starving people with a delicious meal and then deny them a taste?
Would you flash wads of cash before the poor then mock their poverty?
Would you bring cocaine to a recovering coke addict?
Oh hell, you’d lecture someone for taunting a dog with a steak and pulling it away.

Yet women in all their brilliant wisdom decide taunting sex addicts with sex is a grand idea. But of course it’s not the same. Why? Because they’re women of course.

Holy crap, I’ve walked into the poorest part of town flashing rolls of hundred dollar bills and I got robbed I tell ya.

To further illustrate the stupidity of taunting people and expecting not to be held accountable look at it this way. Dave posts this article. He knew I would find it irresistable, and damn it, here I am.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

You know what’s even funnier than rape jokes? Prison rape jokes!

I think I know what the San Diego Reader’s next joke story is going to be about.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

Before the inevitable complaint springs up – also not funny? Prison rape.

Nobinayamu, people are still paying attention to NWOslave? He’s a troll who argues everything, even to the point of taking posts and comments that say one thing then arguing like the person is saying the complete opposite. If people start ignoring him, perhaps he’ll either whither up and blow away or start engaging with others like an actual human being.

13 years ago

Once again, NWOslave proves he’s objectively pro-rape.

13 years ago

Hahha. Oh, Nobinayamu, you didn’t have long to wait!

I am also amused that both FoSF and I both used the word rapacious, without conferring ahead of time. (Though I admit, on reflection that my use of the word was not quite appropriate.)

Mr. Al, it’s not so much that we can’t joke about rape. I think that, in the right context, anything can be joked about. It’s more that the “joke” here seems to solely consist of the fact that women were raped. And that’s hilarious!

Slavie. You know what.


Since I cannot think of any jokes involving murder, not sure if that is a valid point MRAL. Maybe you have friends who make those kinds of jokes but I do not.

Violence as humour though, yes, I have seen and heard those but bashing someone’s head in generally does not get the chuckles rolling through the room.

Andrea Vaughn
13 years ago

“Would you bring alchohol to an AA meeting?”

Women are not objects, and comparing a person to an object as if they are equivalent renders your argument meaningless.

Furthermore, while sex addicts exhibit compulsive behavior, they do not in general run through the streets sexually attacking people. So again, your argument is ridiculous on its face.

13 years ago

And… right on cue.

Tabby, who and what NWO is perfectly obvious and you are, of course, correct. But his predictability and complete lack of intellectual consistency are just so fucking funny. What can I say?

It tickles me.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Oh come on. Rape is clearly taboo in all cases, especially for the feminists. Family Guy makes pretty tame rape jokes on occasion and each time the doodz at Feministing shit their pants.

13 years ago

Oh my god, Fuck MRAs. The lols. I would think he did that on purpose, but I just don’t think he’s that self-aware.

Mr. Al, I’m gonna say that it’s because joking about rape is done with such persistence, such regularity, with the “humor” often instructing people that consent doesn’t matter, that prisoners deserve to be raped, and other rather unfunny ideas.

Idea 2: I typically don’t find jokes about lynching funny either. Or jokes about child murder. Or jokes that generally pit the big guy against the little guy, and the little guy loses out: Racist jokes bother me, jokes that rely on notions of hating LBGQT people, jokes that rely on the idea that all Muslims are terrorists, etc. So, in keeping with that ideology, jokes about rape also disturb me. I really am a humorless feminist –true story.

13 years ago

Oh crap! I meant Nobinayamu, not Fuck MRAs. You’re both pink.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago


As Holly noted in the atheist thread, NWOsilly is very good at eliciting responses with his nonsense, even though he almost certainly doesn’t believe it himself. It’s the mark of an expert troll.

13 years ago

Um. But men can be raped, MRAL. And we see jokes about it in movies. Female on male rape was treated as comedy in ‘Get Him to the Greek’ and female on male sexual harassment is represented as funny in ‘Horrible Bosses.’ Ozy’s NSWATM blog recently discussed this. Instead of dismissing the seriousness of rape we might want to discuss why it’s considered OK to represent rape as funny in popular culture.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

See, I know feminists. I spend pretty much all my free time reading feminist blogs, assimilating your viewpoints. And I know that the a berserk button for feminists is rape jokes, in any form whatsoever.


Simply because one community of feminists gets upset over rape jokes does not=everyone on the planet thinks they are beyond the pale.

I am not a fan of humiliation as humour (that is why I could never watch the Office even though most of the people I know love that show.)

13 years ago

Oh come on. Rape is clearly taboo in all cases, especially for the feminists. Family Guy makes pretty tame rape jokes on occasion and each time the doodz at Feministing shit their pants.

Rape jokes on a prime time network TV show. Yep, sounds pretty taboo to me.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Bee, mi cabeza su cabeza. People often claim to have a bee in their bonnet, but I can prove it!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

MRAL – I don’t think all jokes about rape are the same level of offense.. What I think matters is the underlying premise of the joke.

If the premise is “rape is the worst thing, and this joke should make you uncomfortable because we’re talking about a totally inappropriate bad thing,” it may be in bad taste, but I don’t think it’s offensive. It’s like a dead baby joke–not classy, but not intended to express your hatred of babies.

If the underlying premise is “yeah, he/she should have gotten raped,” “rape is how we keep people in line,” or “rape is no big deal,” then it’s extremely offensive.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

How are rape jokes ubiquitous? I will admit they are used as occasional fodder for “shock” humor these days, but ironically that’s the fault of feminists and/or our misandric society. By making rape such an ultra super special crime that SHOULD NEVER BE JOKED ABOUT!!!!!! you’ve encouraged the gutter comedians to, well, joke about it. I mean, who’s really offended by gay jokes these days? No one. They utilize whatever offends people.

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