
A hard act to wallow

Attention feminist "loosers!" (Who are here represented for some reason by elephants.) It's time for your giant wake-up call!

Always hilarious: MRAs deriding feminists as “cretins” in posts riddled with egregious grammatical errors and other indications of less-than-stellar intellect and/or education.  Pot, kettle, and all that.

Anyway, here’s the dude behind the blog What Men Are Saying About Women trying to argue that even the MSM (mainstream media) has started to turn against feminism. (I had no idea the MSM had ever been pro-feminist in the first place.)  He even throws in a little dig at Ozymandias’ new blog!

For best results, read this aloud in a steady monotone. Insert the word “MONEY” from time to time if you want to interest any ladies within earshot. (Inside joke.)

Well, finally. MSM is finally and slowly seeing things our way. Finally climbing aboard the winning side as they join the ongoing chorus against feminists, feminism and those white knight manginas even though they are busy creating false MRA and Men’s Assistance sites such as the good men project and a few other which I will not list as yet, to try and entrap the unwary and ignorant into joining their anti-male drivel which ofcourse is dying rapidly even though their desperation increases..

Dude, you only need one period at the end of a sentence.

Sadly, those cretins continue their dead end attempts at ridiculing all and sundry because they have the termerity to question their feminist nonsense similar to those same cretins wallowing in the AGW hysteria. [AGW is a reference to global warming, right? –DF] In both cases, those loosers are in for a giant wakeup call but most of them are way too deaf to hear, what!!

How can wake-up calls be “giant?” I guess one could be loud, if you turned up the ringer on your phone, or taped it to your ear, or if whoever made the call yelled at the top of their lungs, but isn’t the idea of the wakeup call that just getting such a call will wake you up?

To you and I, that death knell is on it’s way and nothing will stop that as the MSM will ensure that hate movement wallows into insignificance and irellevancy as the western world finally realises that their hate doctrine is a doctrine of destruction and the funds to that movement have to be cut to ensure that dying, shrivelling, wrinkled carcass is drained of it’s nourishment and that is access to the government trough..

Dude. You know how your computer sometimes puts those little lines under the words you type? This means they’re spelled wrong. You’re supposed to go back and fix them.

Also:  The word “wallow,” used as a verb, means “to roll oneself about in a lazy, relaxed, or ungainly manner,” as in pigs wallowing in mud. It can also mean to take delight in, or luxuriate in, something, or to “to become or remain helpless” — to wallow in ignorance, for example. One cannot, in other words, “wallow into insignificance.” The word you are looking for there is “dwindle,” which means “to become steadily less.”  I realize it can be difficult to keep track of these different meanings, especially given that both words contain the letter “w.” Pro-tip: Words containing the letter “w” do not all mean the same thing.

To finally kill that beast, thrashing as it will as so many rely on it’s existence for income, that end will be all the more enjoyable as it wallows in it’s own destruction..

So that’s four incorrect uses of “it’s” in the last two paragraphs, two of them in the same sentence. The difference between “its” and “it’s” is really not that difficult to understand.  Read and learn.

Once you’ve removed the superfluous periods, gotten your metaphors ironed out, fixed the spelling errors, and learned the proper usage of “it’s” and “its,” we can start in on the rest of the grammatical carnage. That last, er, sentence of yours? All I can say is “wow.”

Let this be a giant, smelly, bad-tasting, itchy, teal-colored wake-up call for you.

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13 years ago

Johnny Pez, your Ami card fanfic is WONDERFUL!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

@ Ami

No worries, I’m a guest in your fantasy world, so you set the guidelines and I follow them. I can always revise the story, so no problem there. I originally intended to make Ozy a member of the High Council, but it slipped my mind. I can swap out Bee and Darksidecat and swap in Ozy and, say, Hellkell. I figure Kristin spends all her time carrying on her one-woman guerilla war in Adanac. Is Darksidecat supposed to be a majordomo to the Darknyss? I can write her in there. Should the Darknyss have her lair in Mount Boobz? Because not even Sauron was crazy enough to set up his HQ in an active volcano.

Do you mean that I made David too important, or not important enough? Because he’s Holly’s chief military commander, though I didn’t specifically say so.

Instead of Patriarchy, I can have Roissy and the other guys call their side the Way of the White Shaft, or the True Way, or the True Order, or something like that.

Julia is a scientist, and Plymouth is an engineer, so OF COURSE they’re going to be rivals!

@ Hippodemeia, glad you liked it. And you got to take the Pervocracy off the gold standard, like a true villain would.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I can just see Lord Roissy making his last stand in the Holy City of Poon.

13 years ago

Oh no! I’m gonna get swapped out?

As long as I get to sting someone at some point, I’m good. I’m loving the fanfic and the cards. Soooo many laffs. It’s hard to explain to, say, my boyfriend. Cards? Barad Pitt what?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Don’t worry, Bee, you’ll get plenty of screen time during the epic battle scenes.

13 years ago

Hahaha, I have released the divorce lawyers…that is funny.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yeah Bee is kinda part of Plymouth’s own little cabal/army… as Johnny guessed, the major baddies aren’t all on the same page :3

@Johnny Yeah I saw Darksidecat as the “majordomo” of the Darknyss… she wouldn’t be IN Mt. Boobz prolly… you’re right abut that :] I’m trying to think of what to CALL where she is tho xD

I’m making Ithiliana’s card as we speak,not every char necessarily is on the “council”.. I need a name for them -_- That’s not “The Forsaken” cuz that’s who I based them on (WoT readers will get it xD ) I saw David as more important than just serving Holly, and he may have his own interests as well :3

Where Sarah fits btw is an interesting question… Sarah’s alrdy developed the idea that there were 7 “sins” in the first gender war (including Andrea Dworkin) and she’s the only one to have survived (or perhaps not)… and I always thought she’d be one of the “big 13” and the only one who lived thru both wars (nebody have a more feminist number than 13 btw? xD ) but that’s also something I’m ttlly flexible w/ :3 I like having ppl help me make the world and stuff and Johnny, you’ve given me a lot of ideas :3 (also you’re an awesome writer) :3

13 years ago

Feminist number… how about 19? The 19th amendment established women’s suffrage. And it was all downhill from there, right?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

there’s ithiliana! 😀 the living dark ritual/drain life combo xD

13 years ago

I am such a nerd because now I really really want a card of me.

If I may, I would like to request something Phyrexian-ish. Always been a big fan of biomech stuff. It suits me. 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh, the Poon, Holy City of Pua card? the flavour text is actually something Roissy has said xD

13 years ago


Okay, one, you work fast. Two, that is awesome. I am honored. 😀

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Oh, of course. The skyship has to be called the Andrea Dworkin.

tofu nutloaf
tofu nutloaf
13 years ago

I like commas. Commas are good.

One reason I tend to skip over long, incoherent rants is the general lack of even remotely correct punctuation. Drives my brain and eyeballs nuts trying to parse what’s going on, so I don’t even bother. If you really want people to read your rant, you have to make some kind of concessions in order to make yourself understood.

Also, I prefer wake-up calls in earth tones. Teal gives me the heebie-jeebies.

13 years ago

“Let this be a giant, smelly, bad-tasting, itchy, teal-colored wake-up call for you.”

Well, I’ve got some, er, science experiments underway in my refrigerator. They’re in teal-ish colored cling wrap. Some are big. I guarantee you they’re smelly and bad tasting. I bet they’d make you itchy.

13 years ago

I mentioned wanting a card in another thread, something like ‘Amnesia the Forgotten.’ Maybe I could be a nomad or traveler with invisibility powers or something like that.

13 years ago

@Johnny Pez–the stories are great, and I really don’t like flying. Too funny!

13 years ago



That’s so fucking incredible–I LURVE IT!

Thank you!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Amnesia kk, I think I have an idea for that :3

@MertvayaRuka if I have an idea, and can find a pic it usually goes pretty quickly 🙂 sometimes I get stumped tho xD

@Ithiliana yay! I’m glad you like it! 😀

13 years ago

Wow, AZ made it on the news without it involving the words “illegal” “Russell Pearce” “unconstitutional” “shooting” and “strange.”

I drove home in the storm and it was actually fun.

13 years ago

“@ Hippodemeia, glad you liked it. And you got to take the Pervocracy off the gold standard, like a true villain would.”

*cackles in glee*

I LOVE it!

And after we win the war, I have a few ideas about how to handle Excessive Executive Compensation . . . .

13 years ago

MRAs, like most whiny people with no actual grounds for complaint…

katz, I formerly thought that the MRA’s did have some grounds for complaint, such as in the area of family law. That was mainly because of my ignorance in such matters, as it turns out. In that way this site has been quite educational: I heard from people who did know about such things as custody and child support, and now think that the MRA’s are 100% full of shit. 😀