Always hilarious: MRAs deriding feminists as “cretins” in posts riddled with egregious grammatical errors and other indications of less-than-stellar intellect and/or education. Pot, kettle, and all that.
Anyway, here’s the dude behind the blog What Men Are Saying About Women trying to argue that even the MSM (mainstream media) has started to turn against feminism. (I had no idea the MSM had ever been pro-feminist in the first place.) He even throws in a little dig at Ozymandias’ new blog!
For best results, read this aloud in a steady monotone. Insert the word “MONEY” from time to time if you want to interest any ladies within earshot. (Inside joke.)
Well, finally. MSM is finally and slowly seeing things our way. Finally climbing aboard the winning side as they join the ongoing chorus against feminists, feminism and those white knight manginas even though they are busy creating false MRA and Men’s Assistance sites such as the good men project and a few other which I will not list as yet, to try and entrap the unwary and ignorant into joining their anti-male drivel which ofcourse is dying rapidly even though their desperation increases..
Dude, you only need one period at the end of a sentence.
Sadly, those cretins continue their dead end attempts at ridiculing all and sundry because they have the termerity to question their feminist nonsense similar to those same cretins wallowing in the AGW hysteria. [AGW is a reference to global warming, right? –DF] In both cases, those loosers are in for a giant wakeup call but most of them are way too deaf to hear, what!!
How can wake-up calls be “giant?” I guess one could be loud, if you turned up the ringer on your phone, or taped it to your ear, or if whoever made the call yelled at the top of their lungs, but isn’t the idea of the wakeup call that just getting such a call will wake you up?
To you and I, that death knell is on it’s way and nothing will stop that as the MSM will ensure that hate movement wallows into insignificance and irellevancy as the western world finally realises that their hate doctrine is a doctrine of destruction and the funds to that movement have to be cut to ensure that dying, shrivelling, wrinkled carcass is drained of it’s nourishment and that is access to the government trough..
Dude. You know how your computer sometimes puts those little lines under the words you type? This means they’re spelled wrong. You’re supposed to go back and fix them.
Also: The word “wallow,” used as a verb, means “to roll oneself about in a lazy, relaxed, or ungainly manner,” as in pigs wallowing in mud. It can also mean to take delight in, or luxuriate in, something, or to “to become or remain helpless” — to wallow in ignorance, for example. One cannot, in other words, “wallow into insignificance.” The word you are looking for there is “dwindle,” which means “to become steadily less.” I realize it can be difficult to keep track of these different meanings, especially given that both words contain the letter “w.” Pro-tip: Words containing the letter “w” do not all mean the same thing.
To finally kill that beast, thrashing as it will as so many rely on it’s existence for income, that end will be all the more enjoyable as it wallows in it’s own destruction..
So that’s four incorrect uses of “it’s” in the last two paragraphs, two of them in the same sentence. The difference between “its” and “it’s” is really not that difficult to understand. Read and learn.
Once you’ve removed the superfluous periods, gotten your metaphors ironed out, fixed the spelling errors, and learned the proper usage of “it’s” and “its,” we can start in on the rest of the grammatical carnage. That last, er, sentence of yours? All I can say is “wow.”
Let this be a giant, smelly, bad-tasting, itchy, teal-colored wake-up call for you.
I mean, there’s a total parallel one could draw between that whole Garden-of-Eden story with the snake what tempts Eve(slutbitchWHORE ruining it all!), and us being nothing but wallet-snatching…snatches. Trying to tempt mens and whatnots into lives of utter misery and sperm donation.
I done confused myself at the very end of that. I blame FoSB. He’s gone for two months from today, and I’m a little lost.
we ssssshould all talk like that to trollssssss from now on xD
and then carve our face on the moon xD
Alternately, I’m now alone in my house, talking like Gollum. Doggums is looking at me like “MA?! Y u all crazypants?”
my stomach hurts 🙁 it feels.. i dunno.. i guess it’s like a sour stomach? : it feels v “off” like not a sharp pain, but a weird thing where it just feels queasy every so often and I want to throw up but I can’t :
does nebody know how to calm it down? :
Eat ginger something? Pepto or Mylanta maybe. Ginger Ale always helps me :/
Try some flat soda, preferably regular Coke. Sometimes that plus saltines or bland crackers helps.
I’m hearing the “trollsssssss” voice as cross between Gollum and the nihilists from The Big Lebowski.
Ami, if I did, I’d be using it myself.
My good friends Indica and Sativa are always down for some stomach soothing. 😉
I like mint to help my stomach (more than a little ginger makes me puke, I think I might be mildly allergic to ginger, but it does not make me feel all hot and dizzy like my shell fish allergy, so maybe not) if I feel queazy.
You could try some antacids, like Tums or Rolaids.
I often get an upset stomach, Ami; eating an active bacterial culture, like yogurt, usually helps me.
I thought MRAs were usually busy complaining about feminism not leaving any voice for men, along with the “feminization” of government, education, etc. Now they’re acting like they’ve won a war, all of a sudden. Doesn’t fighting the “matriarchy” take time? I don’t even see how the “MSM” (I don’t know why they can’t just put “mainstream media”) is siding with them. I don’t recall a single time the MRM or MRAs were ever mentioned in the news.
I think they’re just scared– scared that their bullshit is irrelevant (yay for spelling “irrelevant” correctly!) and that their group is either unheard of or thought of as a bunch of crazy, misogynist assholes by the average (sane) person.
I find it hilarious that they consider feminism a “hate movement,” when all they do is talk smack about women. Apparently, to MRAs, it’s okay to belittle the sex that’s been oppressed for centuries, yet even the slightest criticism of men is seen as “anti-male” or “an attack on all men.” Yes, men deal with sexism, too. But why fight sexism with, well, more sexism? Then again, that’ll push away any potential listeners, so that’s their loss.
MRAs, like most whiny people with no actual grounds for complaint, can never decide whether they want to cast themselves as the put-upon minority or the common-sense majority.
Fundamentalists also do this: They want to be the “moral majority” who represent the opinions of the majority of Americans (ie, “nobody wants gay marriage to be legal!”), but they also want to claim they’re constantly oppressed by the government, Hollywood, gays, etc.
Period. Ellipsis… FUCKING PICK ONE.
Sorry. Shit like that bothers me…
Elephant picture of elephants being adorable is ELEPHANT MONEY!
I too hate the “lose/loose” thing.
A teal-colored wake-up call is the worst kind of wake-up call.
Yeah, I keep trying to figure out what would actually add up to a “giant, smelly, bad-tasting, itchy, teal-colored wake-up call”. The answers scare me. >>
Something about this post speaks to me. I can’t quite put my finger on it, though.
For fellow lovers of Grammar Nazism, I highly recommend Reasoning With Vampires, which corrects the grammar mistakes in Twilight (and also makes fun of everything else in the books, for good measure).
Also, too, sorry for the attention whoring (or a sex worker-positive variation of the phrase, which I can’t think of at present), but I got a Twitter account. Yay me! I’m conforming!
and then carve our face on the moon
Jack Vance ref or Tick ref?
Also too: moar Ami card fanfic.
Cobra Commander! XD
@Johnny Pez I liked this instlalment xD Mostly cuz of the sniping going on by the various evil villains.. xD a couple notes: Bee isn’t a humanoid nor a member of the council, she’s a queen creature being manipulated by Plymouth but doesn’t realize it…. the Barad Pitt is interesting xD i am considering it as the home of the Darknyss :3 I actually had Darksidecat as being IN Mount Boobz w/ the Darknyss… so she would def have been there at least once.. I rly liked the Rivalry between Plymouth and Julia, I had that in mind, and I’m impressed you were able to intuit that 😀 I wasn’t sure about the “Patriarchy” b/c since the MRAs don’t BELIEVE in it, I dun think that it would exist… but I suppose the bad guys might call them that… I would call them the “forces of the White Shaft” :3 (at least that’s what they would call themselves)… David not talking a lot is perfect xD But I did think he was more important in the hierarchy than was implied… I hadn’t thought of a name for the Darknyss skyship, but NWO certainly could work…maybe THAT should be called the Barad Pitt xD
Neways, I hope that dosn’t sound v critical, just some things that I didn’t intend (like Bee), but I also like a lot of your ideas and I LOVE the interaction between the evil chars, cuz that’s always rly fun and I think you did a rly great job, and I could rly visualize what was going on too 😀
I still have more of the villains to come!
I also notice Ozymandias wasn’t among them o: not that she MUST be, I mean Kristin wasn’t either, is it just cuz they’re not black cards? o: