kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I agree that NWO has gotten increasingly tiresome. Besides, the awesomeness that is AWS has forever ruined all other trolls for me. It was he who helped me to accept my inner sadist. And for that I thank him.

13 years ago

@MRAL and David:

I think any discussion of video games these days has to mention Minecraft at some point. *fanboy squeeing* I’ve half-followed it since it was a creative-mode building game, its amazing how far its come. Sadly I realized only recently that I’m not very creative -_-;; , so sadly my experience has been a little limited.

13 years ago

Definitely straight myself but I like the androgynous look for women sometimes. Our (wife and I) partner drifts back and forth between butch and femme in appearance on a pretty regular basis and we’ve always found her beautiful either way.

But when they flounce, we can always count on them to come back for more. They don’t have the strength of will to NOT come back. They need to feel hated and attacked, it’s all part of their persecution complex. They can’t very well nail themselves to that cross, they need our help for that. 🙂

@David: Hell yes we can talk video games. Can’t 100% say I’d talk to MRAL about anything though.

13 years ago

Oh gods, not Minecraft, I can’t get sucked into another game like that. I’m all ready trying to split game time between Champions Online and Metro 2033 and failing.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

My system is too old and slow to play recent releases. I can’t even play Dragon Age or Starcraft 2 (though I hear that latter is not all it’s cracked up to be). Sigh! I need a new machine, though I’ll have to wait until my wife gets one, as it’s her turn. 🙁 Until then, I’m stuck playing Half Life 2, Warcraft 3, and the odd game of Neverwinter Nights (if I can find a user mod I haven’t played yet). I can’t even run Bioshock. 🙁

13 years ago


But but but… It has everything! Sandboxy building, first person shootering, adventuring, possibly rpg-esque leveling, acheivements, engineering through redstone mechanisms, what more could you want?

Oh wait, afraid of getting sucked in? … Hmm.. yeah, there is that.

13 years ago


My daughter was playing Minecraft when she was here this weekend to visit and help us out with craft projects for market. It does look fun. But I am busy building two characters for Champions Online which has all ready got me completely hooked. For a free MMO, it has a truly amazing game world and a great array of powers/outfit bits. And it’s fun. 🙂

13 years ago

@kirby, maybe NWOs parents pulled him out of sex ed class when he was a kid because it was EVIL COMMIE BRAINWASHING.

I went to Catholic school (abstinence only! I failed to learn about the urethra until my late teens! What’s a clitoris? I eventually looked up “Blow job” in Sex for Dummies because I had no clue what the phrase meant!) And even there some kids had to leave the room during sex ed because their parents didn’t want them learning about ovaries. o_O

The rest of us sat there, supremely embarassed, while our grade 6 teacher put up a giant slide of the female reproductive system and pointed at bits shouting “FALLOPIAN TUBES! EGG DUCTS! VULVA!” And then we learned that all birth control is unsafe and ineffective and if you have an abortion you’ll probably die. Good times!

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe:

I’m planning on upgrading this machine to handle stuff like Skyrim, Metro: Last Light and whatever the next game in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is going to be. Right now it runs Metro 2033, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Left4Dead 2, Champions Online and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat without a whole lot of problems but it does get bogged down from time to time so I know it can’t handle any of the soon-to-be-released games with making them into slideshows.

13 years ago


“The rest of us sat there, supremely embarassed, while our grade 6 teacher put up a giant slide of the female reproductive system and pointed at bits shouting “FALLOPIAN TUBES! EGG DUCTS! VULVA!””

I am a horrible person because in my mind, I’m hearing that delivered in a voice very much like character actor R. Lee Ermy in one of his many belligerent-drill-instructor roles.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Mine’s a laptop, and it’s old (had it since 2006) so there’s not much I can do to upgrade. I just have to wait 6 months or so to save up the cash. Oh, woe is me! 😛

13 years ago

@Mertvaya, that’s hilarious, but the teacher was female. Still pretty drill-sergeanty.

I also had a history teacher who loved to wear leather pants. Her name was Mrs. Whipp:

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Girl journalist laughing at dead men. She’s brave. No way shes losing her job, probably get more offers now. I hate when men die, it takes attention away from the privileged people with hurt feelings.

I don’t think she’s laughing at them for being men as much as for being rich and privileged.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

@ Kristin,

I also had a history teacher who loved to wear leather pants. Her name was Mrs. Whipp:

Best apropos teacher name evar!

13 years ago

I think I would be more offended at this point to find out that NWO liked me. Being insulted by NWO is like a compliment, because you know if you are irritating him, you must be doing something right.

13 years ago

My godson had two teachers at school: Mrs Savage, and Mrs Tame.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


And were they?

13 years ago

Each was both, when necessary

13 years ago

Wow. I take a nap, eat some delicious hamburgers with my parents, and come to find that Slavie had a meltdown and then got moderated. I am kind of really sorry to have missed that!

I am also kind of glad that he’s being moded, at least for a while. He can be really amusing sometimes, but he just got so tiresome. A break will be good!

And this is *such* a pet peeve of mine! Anal sex is not the same as gay sex! NOT THE SAME! All of the anal sex I’ve had so far has been heterosexual. And I have had quite a lot of it, and have never had any health repercussions as a result. Even the one STI I got was definitely not because of anal. Hooray for condoms!

And the only person I know who has gotten anal fissures and hemorrhoids is a heterosexual man who has never tried any sort of anal sex. (Why yes, my friends tell me about their anal fissures.)

On a happier note, I have started watching My Little Pony, the Magic of Friendship, at the recommendations of some of my friends. It’s actually really good. And surprisingly popular with young men. It’s a great example of a show that is clearly aimed at young girls, but is well written and produced, so lots of people like it. Come on people! Make more good shows with a mostly female cast! (Ponies count!)

And I have just bought Minecraft. A good idea, or the best idea?

13 years ago


The best idea. The very best idea. Now if only we can co-opt more people to play… and start an epic manboobz server… *gazes wistfully into the air*

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, the homophobe crowd loves to go on about anal sex. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

What are the technical requirements for Minecraft?

Simone Lovelace
13 years ago

Redlocker, if you’re still reading, I just wanted to chime in with some queer solidarity. You do not need to “earn” the label bisexual. If it feels right to you, wear it with pride!!

Even if it doesn’t feel quite right, “bisexual” may sometimes be the easiest way to explain your orientation. If so, there’s nothing wrong with using the term when convenient.

But perhaps you will find another term that is a better fit. Examples of terms which might work for you include queer, pansexual, omnisexual, questioning, undecided, heteroflexible, or bicurious.

13 years ago


Basically a decent graphics card. There’s a lot of rendering and data crunching. But I think you should be able to play it on any somewhat recent computer. I’m on a linux box, and unfortunately my good graphics card doesn’t play well with it, so I’m stuck using the integrated one. I do have a decent chip, as well as a SSD, but I don’t think those are necessary.

There should be a way to play a free version online, if you want to test it out. It doesn’t have all of the same features, but it should be a good way to quickly test if it works.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

OK, thanks Kirby.

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