kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.Β  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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13 years ago

Ami: I blush to admit I’ve somehow missed the Rodeo Cat information? Could I ask?

And also–the only thing NWO would say that would SRSLY upset me is that he ageed with me, or thought I was doing the right thing. I often judge the worth of my actions by who is hating on them.

(But I did think he was going too far even for him, in personal attacks on you…and some of the others in the Kindergarten from Hell thread, so I’m glad to see David rein him in a bit!).

13 years ago

Hint: It begins with a P.


I have a pretty good idea of how an 11-year-old girl could know she’s a lesbian, since lots of girls start puberty at 9, 10, and 11. Some people say they “know” earlier than that, but after puberty you would definitely be getting clues.

I don’t know when NWO thinks people figure out their sexuality … but as an asexual I know I never felt a sexual interest in anyone and just didn’t know there was a word for it until I was in my 20s. Most people just assume they’re heterosexual, sometimes even when given clues otherwise.

13 years ago

Oh, and a big THANK YOU to ithiliana. Interesting how language can limit/change things, huh? πŸ˜€

13 years ago


That’s the thing, all people are born hetero sexual, so there is nothing to “figure out.” Its the evil state teaching children about evil lesbians that would “force” a girl to say “ooh, that looks fun! I’ma be a lesbian now!” Back in the old days (and I brought this up before), apparently nobody LGBTQ existed, its all a product of modern day brainwashing. (They even manage to brainwash wild animals, who have gay orgies nearly all the time… how diabolical)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Redlocker, I wouldn’t worry about what you identify as, you should identify as how you feel :] I personally dun think what sexual exps you’ve had or not had should not affect how you identify :3 If that was the case I’d have no idea how I should identify as xD *hug* :]

13 years ago

On another topic: I recently made flourless brownies, using black beans instead of flour (duh). The first batch come out good, though it could be a little more chocolate-y.

Maybe I DO have something to do on July 4th.

13 years ago

Here’s the brownie recipe we made:

They are so delicious.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

NWOsilly, if you’re still reading, I’d like to point out that as a fellow white hetero cisdude USian, I am far more likely to destroy the fabric of society than Ami. I am frankly quite hurt that you focus so much of your ire on her and so little on me.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Ithiliana it’s my ability to goad trolls into attacking me and becoming obsessive xD even if I dun address them, my smileys and etc and everything else apparently just makes them need to attack the cat in a barrel xD

I was actually enjoying the NWO going after me thing xD Esp since he was flailing SO much.. xD I am curious about the whole me being vile and hurting real ppl thing, but he got circumspect again xD

Honestly, I HOPE trolls agree w/ me, cuz it means more ppl who want to do good things in the world, who have a sense of humour, who want to have fun (like I love that Zeta male loves my magic cards and put them up on his site :3 ) and who want to help ppl, volunteer, etc :3 I wouldn’t be upset if we were on the same track, I’d be heartened :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Johnny Pez that and your vicious vicious story writing! >:O

13 years ago

“And the more I read the great range of takedowns, the more I began to enjoy it: linking, erudite explication and expert lectures on topics Trolls are ignorant of, the other mockery (I’m saying, the all caps bit had me in tears of helpless laughter–because, it was like he said β€œI dun’t like all caps,”–as if he expected people to pay attention! A Troll who expected people he routinely viciously attacks to pay attention to what he does or does not like!). ”

YES! Exactly!

“It’s not the only purpose of the community, mind you–there’s a lot of bonding and sharing personal information and cats and gendering cards and asking for advice–because this community is more than just the mocking–it’s a community–and I find it very attractive.”

Absolutely! There are a lot of really good people here – that’s why I keep coming back.

13 years ago

@Ami: True, I think I did fall into the trap of “sexuality is defined only by sexual experiences”, that’s probably a big cause of my concerns. Funny thing is, when it comes to sexuality…I’m no expert. No amount of porn and erotica reading will change that for now. Plus, the encounters I had…I regretted them, honestly. So, yeah.

*hugs back*

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

:] Yus the community thing makes me v happy :3 Honestly, if it was just a big fight and NOBODY had a sense of humour, I’d get bored xD But I like that ppl are fun, and they do like the Magyc cards and participating in stuff (like when everybody talked in all caps) or get jokes or hints w/o it needing to be explained and etc :3 It’s rare I’m in a place that is so friendly and smart and awesome, and where ppl can get into geeky fun things and discussions :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh and b/c it got wiped out in the NWOnslaught, I’ll repeat b/c it made me so amused xD

Since finding out about all this PUA stuff, now I can’t hear certain things w/o laughing xD One thing is today I was listening to a podcast talking about the CFL and they were talking about the “neg list” (negotiation list) and I just cracked up while walking home from the library xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hmm, well if NWO broke the rules he should be moderated… and prolly if other ppl were turned off by it : but he wasn’t bothering ME xD (ty everybody for being concerned tho :3 ) transphobic politicians who make laws or shelter runners or supposed feminist or GLB allies bother me… transphobes who have tried to beat me up IRL bother me… the police officer who harassed me, wouldn’t let me go and grilled me about being trans bothers me.. NWO is just amusing in his flailing xD and I want to know more about my vile awful evilness :3

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

And yet, for some strange reason, the trolls who come here looking for a fight are shocked – SHOCKED! I tell you – when they get one.

Well, that’s because lefties aren’t supposed to fight back. They’re supposed to thoughtfully stroke their chins and say, “You know, these conservatives have got a point.”

When you fight back, it leaves them totally gobsmacked and unable to formulate a coherent response — as the trolls here have amply demonstrated.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh! and to lighten the mood on Go America happy day! πŸ˜€


cutest thing evar xD (also poor Luke πŸ™ )

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

And I would like to add that Ami is beautiful and should go for the modeling gig. πŸ™‚

13 years ago

@Johnny Pez:

“When you fight back, it leaves them totally gobsmacked and unable to formulate a coherent response β€” as the trolls here have amply demonstrated.”

Bullies always get confused when their intended targets don’t cower and instead hit back. And the look they get on their faces is one of the more satisfying sights in this world.

Also, seconding the vote for Ami taking the modeling gig. πŸ˜€

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Also too: save that Super Emo Luke link for the next time Luke Wuntuthri shows up.

13 years ago

I’ve been sick of NWOSlave for a long time, been trying not to read his posts, but a lot of people respond so sometimes I have to to get context. Wouldn’t want to ruin their fun, but I don’t find him entertaining, just tiresome. Some of the responses to him can be entertaining though πŸ™‚

I struggled for a long time about whether to identify as bisexual. Figured out I’m actually androgysexual. Or maybe genderfucksexual. I’m attracted to people who actively ignore standard gender presentation tropes. Most of the people I’ve actually slept with have cock though. I like cock. I like cock a lot. It’s not the beginning and end of sex though πŸ™‚

13 years ago

“Bullies always get confused when their intended targets don’t cower and instead hit back. And the look they get on their faces is one of the more satisfying sights in this world.”

Yeah – it’s a beautiful thing. “You can’t do that! You have to listen to me! I’M IMPORTANT!! Well, you’re stupid and I’ve wasted too much time here and I’m leaving because I’M DONE WITH YOU!!!!!”

I especially love it when they come back after flouncing.

Super Emo Luke is great! But I still say that Luke and not Han Solo should have been captured at tne end of The Empire Strikes Back.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Well, having a life outside this blog does take its toll on my free time. Also has its rewards, though. You should try it sometime.

Yes, I’m sure all the drunken Andrea Dworkin fanfic does eat up one’s spare time. But I’m not talking about quantity so much as substance. NWO, for all his faults, at least has beliefs. Stupid beliefs, yes, but beliefs nevertheless.

But what does Ion believe in? Besides “I’m so clever and above it all,” I couldn’t say. And I can’t say that I really care at this point.

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