kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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13 years ago

“Like I think NWO would be able to get his msg out better w/ a blog than coming here and engaging me, then getting upset, blowing up, etc… :3”

But that would be WORK!

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

To be fair, last week a kid asked me if I’m a boy or a girl. What do you think, NWOslave? Since you can tell I’m trans, am I a trans man or a trans woman?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I dunno, ppl know about heterosexuality at that age.. or even age 4 when they’re read prince and princess stories xD

Damn heterosexual agenda! >:O

13 years ago

hellkell: Texas! Brownies (check, partner made them yesterday), and grilling (check, I’ll grill some steaks later on our brand new charcoal grill). We’re also nomming down on potato salad I made yesterday (it’s always better the second day). Some people around us were setting off fireworks, and I expect more tonight whch is scary because it’s way dry here.

13 years ago

I wonder if right now there someone of the privileged/protected class whose feelings are being hurt? Oh well kittens.

13 years ago

Sounds good!

NWOaf, you’re a whining, lying twit.


Molly Ren
13 years ago

NWOslave: “The prom was cancelled due to one spoiled little girl.”

She was spoiled because she wanted to be open about being a lesbian? Why wasn’t the school all for it, then?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

But that would be WORK!

So would actually trying to stop the gay agenda, or stop ME. xD If he thinks I’m really doing so much harm, or that the gay agenda is raping little children, or etc… how come he doesn’t do nething except just shout on this forum? xD

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

And NWOslave, when did you realize you were attracted to women?

If you are attracted to women. There’s so much hate in there, maybe you aren’t into women at all.

I was 9 when I noticed that I was attracted to girls. AND boys. Ami, you should definitely audition to represent us bi/pan sexuals. I’d be proud to be represented by someone so awesome!

13 years ago

Mmm, brownies. A close family member is allergic to chocolate, so I have to sneak brownies if I want any.

I hope you don’t get any wildfires!

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

NO misogyny ALL day? David, are you promising us? Oh, I hope it’s true… I’m going to bike over to Monona’s 4th of July fest (Winnequah Park) this evening to see some fireworks, but mainly to go on some carnival rides! It’s as close as I ever got to being a test pilot… I’m thinking the Tilt-a Whirl and what I call the Squirrel Cages but is actually called something else. It’s like a Ferris wheel, but it goes kinda fast and there’s a lever you can pull to make the cage stick on the axle! Ooh, I’m stoked… maybe I’ll test the No Misogyny Today thing, and wear really short cutoffs (with tear gas in my pocket, lol) and a half- shirt. 😀

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

Oh, yeah: Happy America Fuck Yeah Day! 😉

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Molly Ren

it’s like the whole feminist conspiracy thing xD If we’re so all powerful and control everything, then why are the laws so half-assed? why isn’t NWO in jail (or executed? o_O ) why do we have to do the whole song and dance of false accusations and fake trials and fake investigations? o_O Or divorce courts? why not just TAKE the money? xD

if the gay agenda controls everything, why are there ANY books or stories or nething taught that show hetero couples? Why are there movies w/ hetero couples or tv shows? Why aren’t gay heroes EVERYWHERE? xD Why do we have Barbie and Ken, or Superman and Lois Lane for kids toys? Why not Barbie and Ami (that’d be awesome) or Superman and Luke Lane? xD

We’re rly bad at this controlling the world thing xD

13 years ago

Girl journalist laughing at dead men. She’s brave. No way shes losing her job, probably get more offers now. I hate when men die, it takes attention away from the privileged people with hurt feelings.

13 years ago

Then piss off and leave us to enjoy our feline utopia. If we’re all so smug, why do you come here?

For amusement. If you don’t like it, make a private forum for members only. We both know that’s not gonna happen though, because you like arguing too much.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Say what you want about Slavey, but he does pull his weight as a troll. I mean, seriously, who would even notice if Ion stopped commenting?

13 years ago

“If he thinks I’m really doing so much harm, or that the gay agenda is raping little children, or etc… how come he doesn’t do nething except just shout on this forum? xD”

Well, you’ve got me there. 🙂 XD Although I suspect his answer would be something along the lines of “they also serve who throw shit fits on the internet.”

13 years ago

Re: NWO and modding.

I’d vote modding. It’s one when when he’s just noddling on about world conspiracies and evil feminists and dodgy statistics and ranting about all women–but when he starts on the personal attacks, as he’s increasingly doing, I’d like to see those not posted.

Ion: took me a while to realize this, had to read a lot, but that’s one thing the participants at this site enjoy–taking down trolls. So yes, they respond, and it can be a hoot (like I said, the all caps pervy kindergarten rampage the other night was PRICELESS).

But David has set limits–and I think NWO is going over them into some nastier personal attacks and really vicious commentary. So, it might make sense to mod him until he returns to his earlier Troll discourses.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Comrade Svilova ty! I think I should now… I wonder if I have nebody who can help me take headshots and stuff :3

Nebody here that’s in Toronto that’s also a good photographer? 😀

as far as I can figure b/c as usual he becomes v circumspect when directly asked, NWO believes heterosexuality is the default of everything. So he doesn’t see all of the hetero romantic msgs in society as being conditioning of heterosexuality as the norm or nething else like that (or his hetero privilege, that the relationships he likes are portrayed everywhere) xD

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

OK, I read the thread now.

Ami: Yes! Do it, I think you should! And, I think you’re awful pretty (blushes and runs away)…

13 years ago

NWO: Wow, that sucks. Also sounds like she apologized more because of the angry response, than because she actually felt any remorse. How much would you bet that the feminist blogs are gonna stay mysteriously quiet on this one, though?

13 years ago

“Ion: took me a while to realize this, had to read a lot, but that’s one thing the participants at this site enjoy–taking down trolls. So yes, they respond, and it can be a hoot (like I said, the all caps pervy kindergarten rampage the other night was PRICELESS).”

And yet, for some strange reason, the trolls who come here looking for a fight are shocked – SHOCKED! I tell you – when they get one.

13 years ago

Ion: took me a while to realize this, had to read a lot, but that’s one thing the participants at this site enjoy–taking down trolls. So yes, they respond, and it can be a hoot.

Thank you, finally someone who’s honest.

13 years ago

Slaveman: Which State? Not the U.S. government certainly. Tennessee’s state senate passed a bill prohibiting the word “gay” from use in public schools, you know. Only six U.S. states have passed laws legalizing marriage between people of the same sex. DOMA is still federal law. DADT was repealed, but people are still getting kicked out of the military under it.

I’m having a really hard time finding anything that the government has done to “promote LGBTQ as a social norm.” Like, ANYTHING. It’s really sad when people mistake efforts to keep groups of people from being beaten to death at worst and discriminated against at best with OMG preferential treatment for [group] is going to drive all us Normals to extinction!

Why am I responding to this like it’s worth responding to?

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