kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

“I’m certainly no expert in sex – not by a long shot – but it seems that those two acts should be in the standard repertoire for any sexually-active straight guy too.”

I’m pretty sure that when it comes to sex, NWO is on par with MRAL in terms of experience, which is sad given how old he says he is.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Holy shit Ami, I think I’ve made myself quite clear.
The STATE promotes a social agenda. They use taxes collected to instill morals. The Stae is your moral authority.

Yus I know that’s what you believe xD I know what you hate and etc… but I want to know the mechanisms behind this… what do you consider “instilling morals”? Have they instilled those morals in you? If you believe that homosexuality is a “moral” is heterosexuality a moral? :]

13 years ago

So, how ’bout it, NWOslave, are you interested in having your partner (or hypothetical partner, as the case may be) experience orgasm during sex?

Chances are, you’ll need to use your tongue and fingers – just like those filthy Daughters of Sappho. Most women can’t orgasm from penetration alone.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh no? What is w/ your weird Q&A game? xD What questions outside of the one I asked you to clarify your reasons behind (and has alrdy been answered all over this place but you weren’t paying attn xD ) have you asked that you desperately want an answer to? o:

Why is it important to you to know “what” I am, I haven’t yet seen you ask this of nebody else here :3 How do you believe this will change our interactions or change things? If I’m cis or trans or intersex or genderqueer, would that change the fact that you believe I am destroying society?

I just want to know how serious you think the harm I personally do is, b/c you are v angry w/ me and I’m curious how real this anger is 😀

13 years ago

Ami, I think you should go for it.

NWO, you are a hate filled jackass. I’ll be glad when and if the banhammer ever gets dropped on you.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

And yet Ami probably has far more friends-and more fun- than NWO. She certainly brings more joy to more people.

13 years ago

And unicorns run after the evil misogynists and chase them away, giving frist strike +2 power to the feminist brigade.

Oh I’m sorry, I thought we were playing the nonsensical mockery game.
Thats right were playing the game where I answer questions, as can be seen and you answer none.

I don’t like that game. Make it go away Big Daddy.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I would prefer him not be banned xD It’s kinda like keeping Mulder around while the conspiracy is happening, you need the 1 person to discredit the ppl who know the truth xD

Talking of that, NWO, do you believe I’m merely NAIVE about what is going on, the harm I’m doing, etc, or that I’m fully knowledgable, but I’m lying? xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

If you don’t want to answer my questions NWO, or even if you dun want to interact w/ me, you can just say so xD Nobody’s forcing you to xD I’m sorry I’m upsetting you, but you don’t have to read this blog xD OR if you think I’m doing ACTUAL harm, then I should be stopped right? Killed? o_O You say “trampling” a lot and I’m trying to clarify if you mean that in a hyperbolic sense, or if you believe I’m actually like… killing straight cis men (trans men can be straight btw, just a FYI for future reference :3 )..and if so then I should be killed/stopped right?

13 years ago

I was ignored, so I’ll ask this again.

So, how ’bout it, NWOslave, are you interested in having your partner (or hypothetical partner, as the case may be) experience orgasm during sex?

Chances are, you’ll need to use your tongue and fingers – just like those filthy Daughters of Sappho. Most women can’t orgasm from penetration alone.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Am I the worst person you’ve ever met online? o_O The vilest most harmful person, who does real actual damage? What kinds of ppl would you compare me w/? o_o

13 years ago


From now on when addressing me Ami, any emotes negates any response.
Futher I’ll answer none of your question with you answering one of mine XDXDXDXDXD

13 years ago

Why are you apologizing for upsetting him? He comes here willingly enough.

13 years ago

Good lord. I’ve seen slaveman be deeply stupid, incredibly dim, impossibly eager to grasp onto the most unlikely explanations, and actually really offensive, but this is fucking beyond the pale.

What an angry bitter scared little man. How gross.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Your very existence causes instability in the force, Ami. You ruin NWOSlave’s life just by *being*.

13 years ago

You could make a “unicorns kill misogynists” card for Magyc: The Gendering, Ami.

I lean towards the theory that NWO is a group of CIA agents running a false flag op to discredit conspiracy theorists and keep THE TRUTH from being exposed. Or he’s some kind of malfunctioning chatbot.


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe aww ty! :3 and that’s what I’m wondering about…. I’m making ppl happy, but maybe that means nothing in the long run if I end the world, so I want to know more about how I’m personally harming ppl and ending the world xD What is NWO doing to try to stop me? Outside of coming on here and yelling at us xD

13 years ago

SO you gameXD……Oo….Or wil you you you youXD, insist on onyl askingXD questions and answering nONe OOOOOooooo!!!!/////XDXDXD

13 years ago

Bee, I know, right? He doesn’t realize he is more disgusting than he claims Ami is.

Well, there’s no fireworks for the 4th since TX is pretty much entirely under a burn ban, so the husband and I just made brownies and will probably grill later.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Well we’ll see how long that lasts xD I remember him claiming he doesn’t read a thing I say, then I remember him claiming he doesn’t read a thing I say that’s not directly addressed at him…

I’m just curious what you believe, but if you hate me so much and the way I write, and what I do, and etc.. then it’s no skin off my back xD You’re the one who believes I’m HURTING ppl, I don’t… so basically, you’re the one sacrificing all the ppl you claim I’m harming b/c of your little fear of my smileys xD (which I’m glad I got you using now :3 )

13 years ago

Maybe I’ll rephrase the question.

NWOslave, if a 16-year-old beauty queen asks you for sex, would you be willing go down on her?

Let’s just say you’re visiting us here in Canada, where she’d be legal.

13 years ago

Also I am celebrating the 4th of July by being profoundly grateful that my mother moved to Canada when she was 19 instead of staying in the US. I almost feel like consuming some socialized medicine just because I can.

And I’m going to the beach once it cools off a bit.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Have you noticed how dodgy he is? He engages me, then just goes right back into “YADDA YADDA ITS JUST A GAME TO YOU BLAH BLAH” as a way to pull out when he realizes he’s handling ANOTHER interaction w/ me RLY BADLY xD

13 years ago

I think NWOaf is cranky because he got stomped so badly in the last thread.

Ami, you should totally go for the Bisexual Anti-Stigma Campaign! You’d be wonderful for the campaign.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@KristinMH ooh! which beach? 😀 I wish we had a beach here, I haven’t been able to wear my watermelon bikini yet this summer xD