kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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13 years ago

I’m sorry NWO, I didn’t get all of that. Are you saying that you really, really hate Ami? 😉

13 years ago

@Ami, you say… “How many times has it been now that NWO’s mentioned nude children, or a desire to be w/ children… or… etc… without being prompted even!”

Nice try princess, it’s your filthy faction that openly promotes pedophelia with pride.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What am I? xD Rodeo cat? 😀 Super bunny angel? xD

I’ve mentioned stuff about me a lot… has he not been paying attn? xD

Why don’t you tell me? :3

He obv didn’t even notice where I’ve talked about working w/ various agencies as my job incl homeless agencies and men’s shelters xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Nice try princess, it’s your filthy faction that openly promotes pedophelia with pride.

oh? o: My “faction”? xD what factions do I belong to? :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO, are you honestly upset w/ me about this? xD I want to know if I’m truly upsetting you.

Like… srsly.. all cards on the table… do you honestly, truly believe I am hurting ppl, directly, if so which ppl, in what real ways? What do you believe *I’ve* done? And should I be stopped if I’m doing real damage? :]

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It’s something I was thinking about yesterday… and I am kinda curious… does he actually believe this, or is it just the usual angry rhetoric cuz I make him look foolish all the time? xD If he actually srsly believes this, that’s a whole other issue :O xD

13 years ago

Why thats feminism dearie. Supporting LGBTQ, correct?
All the organisations that openly promote the mainstreaming of pedophelia are proud LGBTQ. In fact NAMBLAs home base is…. Why don’t you tell me which country is their home base.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I dunno.. I’ve never heard of NAMBLA until you brought it up xD

So you believe that queer rights and pedophilia are intrinsically linked? xD

13 years ago

You’re damn right I’m pissed at you. Your promotion of everything that destroys society is repulsive. Every society in the history of any culture that has embraced this tolerance of YOUR faction collapses. You are the disease.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I love that he’s finally interacting w/ me again xD I can get the NWOslave world fleshed out for everybody here 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWOslave | July 4, 2011 at 2:25 pm
You’re damn right I’m pissed at you. Your promotion of everything that destroys society is repulsive. Every society in the history of any culture that has embraced this tolerance of YOUR faction collapses. You are the disease.

So me personally, I do this? :3 In what ways do I do this? Am I doing actual real harm? What things do you think I personally am responsible for? Are you honestly scared about the damage I can do? 😀 (and if so, should I be stopped/killed?)

13 years ago

And now you’re lying Ami. I know damn well you’ve “heard” of NAMBLA. We’ve had this discussion before.

13 years ago

You tell me Ami. If no society can exist with the things you are promoting, should you be promoting them?

13 years ago

Wait, so human decency and the whole “Live and let die” philosophy are diseases? Must’ve missed the memo. 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I haven’t heard of NAMBLA rly before you brought it up in Manboobz (except that I knew Jon Stewart uses it a lot as that catch all acronym xD “… otherwise known as NAMBLA) but I didn’t know it was an actual organization until you started to bring it up a lot o_o

I didn’t say this thread o_O I said until you brought it up… I’m sry if you misinterpreted it :

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWOslave | July 4, 2011 at 2:28 pm
You tell me Ami. If no society can exist with the things you are promoting, should you be promoting them?

You believe no society can exist with the things I am promoting?

What are the things I’m promoting you believe no society can exist with? o_O I believe societies can exist w/ everything I promote (except hockey xD )

13 years ago

It doesn’t really mean shit to you. It’s all a big joke. Oooo, Ami can flesh out my world view.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You still haven’t answered me if you believe I’m doing actual real harm to real people outside of this nebulous “some day in the future the world will end vaguely cuz of you!” thing xD

I want to know just how terrible you think I am xD and if I’m so terrible, what should be done about me?

13 years ago

I *was* going to go out and watch fireworks, but I think I’ll stay here and watch Slaveboi’s latest meltdown instead. It’s way funner.

13 years ago

Hell, Why should I answer any of your questions? Other than you making a joke out of everything, you haven’t even told me what you are.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO, why ARE you so afraid of just saying what you believe is going on? o_O

And yeah… the way I see it, if I’m right, then there’s no giant end of society cuz of me… if I’m wrong, then you can tell me “I told you so” after the world ends xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I was wondering when you would get back to that? xD BEFORE I answer that, I’m curious about something:

why do is this important to you? :] do you ask ppl if they’re intersex regularly? or if they have STDs? or if they have had cancer?

what do you think will change in our interactions if you knew, vs now? basically, why is this information important to you, given that you’ve been interacting w/ me right now w/o knowing (tho you should know, I’ve been open about it even in threads involving you xD ) xD

like can I ask you personal questions about your life/biology/etc? o: and do you believe these would be relevant? o_O

13 years ago

Ladies you also get all kindsa special diseases for bumpin pussies, strap on fun, lickin assholes and whatever the hell else ya do.

I’m fairly certain lesbians have the lowest rate of STIs out of all other sexual orientations. I guess God hates fags, but loves dykes.

Also, in your list of sexual activities lesbians get up to, you left out what are probably the most common two: cunnilingus and fingering.

I’m certainly no expert in sex – not by a long shot – but it seems that those two acts should be in the standard repertoire for any sexually-active straight guy too.

13 years ago

Holy shit Ami, I think I’ve made myself quite clear.
The STATE promotes a social agenda. They use taxes collected to instill morals. The Stae is your moral authority.

If the church and state are seperate, than how can the State promote what is socially acceptable?

13 years ago

Look at all the questions I’ve answered. You’ve answered…..ZERO.