kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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13 years ago

Ami, I’ll go with 8pm CST in the over/under.

13 years ago

It is beyond a reasonable doubt and apparently there was not a lot of evidence to directly tie Ms Anthony to a murder of her child. Or a cause of death.

They heard the evidence and I did not so I trust their verdict.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ok so 8pm CST (4.5 hours from now) is the over/under for when a troll shows up to talk to us about Casey Anthony…

who takes the over and who takes the under? :3 Place your bets now!

13 years ago

@Kaylee-Torchwood, this Friday at 10.

@jumbofish, I think I started reading manboobz almost as soon as it started. I don’t remember how I found it, it might have been linked somewhere. Of course I am a commenter, because I am a hard person to get to shut up.

13 years ago

@Jumbofish I’ve been a reader since, erg, I dunno? A few months? Whenever Holly linked to it, so April 2011, according to my google-fu. Huh, totally not very long. And, naturally, via The Pervocracy. I’m somewhat in between, I vary between lurking and commenting depending on how I’m feeling.

And you can tell I’m not a real commenter because Ami won’t respond to me about a card! D-:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What? no! I’ll give you a card! I can’t keep track of all the ppl who’ve asked me for one 🙁 what did you want for your card Nobby? 😀

(also does nebody know a way to settle a sour stomach? my stomach is feeling SO weird right now and it hurts 🙁 )

13 years ago

Ginger Ale, I’ve heard? Never tried that, though. And there’s always pepto bismol or the sort. Do you know or think you know what caused it?

And as for the card (when, you know you’re not in pain, I can wait :-p), I’d prefer to leave it up to you since your other stuff is awesome. But if you’re not sure (since my posting is kinda erratic), I have some things you can base it on. Let me know. And thanks! I think i just kept posting when you were away and my requests got lost in the shuffle >.<.

13 years ago

@People talking about Casey Anthony: Thank you all for being good people. I mean that. I just saw and took part in a huge argument between my fiancee and her mom about this whole thing (with her mom wishing death and torture on the woman. erg), and seeing facebook fill up with ‘What, that slut got off!?” and “This is the new OJ!” and shit like that, to just come here and see people saying “Well, we weren’t on the jury” is a breath of fresh air. Thank you.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yeah, I’m getting a lot of that going on in my netspace atm too -_- My handy catchphrase I always pull up is “I’m not required to have an opinion on everything”

Sometimes, esp in controversial topics or ones with strong ideologies involved, ppl take ppl not having opinions as tacit agreement w/ the other side, or proof that they don’t care -_- the truth is there’s so much going on out there everywhere, sometimes I just dunno nething about it… and I have no opinion… and in this case we weren’t in the courtroom..

13 years ago

So, I took FoSB to the airport a few hours ago. I can tell the next two months are going to be Very Boring. I know literally no one here in Madison, and I don’t have a ton of money, so spending weekends back in Chicago isn’t gonna happen. Also, I will miss FoSB. So *this* was why I didn’t want to take on dating another dude with heavy duty commitments (the military this time).

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh, Kristin, Brett, Spear, nebody else in Toronto, xD I’m going to be downtown for a therapist appt tmrw, and was wondering if nebody wanted to hang out later in the afternoon or something? I have tmrw off, and I need to use 2 Garage clothing coupons before they expire (and get that shirt I’ve been talking about xD ) and wouldn’t mind some company if nebody’s free :3

13 years ago

Ami, try dissolving about a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drinking it. It tastes awful but usually helps. I don’t think ginger ale contains enough real ginger to do much for your stomach, but you could try fresh ginger tea – just grate some ginger and steep it in boiling water for a while. Hope you’re feeling better!

Now to answer Jumbofish’s questions!

– I think I started reading Manboobz in Dec 2010. It was still a very new blog, so I read the whole archives over a few days during the Christmas vacation.
– I believe I followed a link from Pandagon.
– Lurked only for a while, then started to wade in. Right now am really enjoying commenting because I have time to follow the looooooong threads, may go back to mostly lurking when I get busier.

No matter how much or how little I post, however, I am still Mistress of Hounds and expect Manginas to obey me. *puts David in Cesar Milan-esque alpha roll*

13 years ago

Sorry, Ami, I have plans with another friend tomorrow afternoon and a meeting tomorrow night, so I can’t make it. Have fun!

13 years ago

I’ve been reading since about December 2010, found the blog through Pandagon. I mostly just lurk, due to timezones and self-consciousness :]

13 years ago

I came in with the first Scott Adams post, which was in mid-March. I want to say it was a link from Shakesville, probably from a blogaround. I split more or less evenly with commenting and lurking.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Kristin, I did the baking soda/water thing and it worked! My tummy feels ok now :3 ty so much! :3

13 years ago

I started reading off and on in about February or so. I didn’t start reading a lot until probably March or April. I lurked my ass off until about mid-June. And even still- I get busy and don’t post a ton.

Also, here are my flowers:

13 years ago

Nobby-it is really hard for people to understand this until they are actually confronted with the job of being a juror.

It is as if it is not real to them or something the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the beyond a reasonable doubt and so on.

13 years ago

@Beth Yeah, I guess a lot of it is not going through that. I also just find it strange that they’re so convinced they know better then the jury. It’s just strange, and rather sad. And really off-putting when your future mother in law says “Who wants to get duct tape and show this bitch how it feels to be in a swamp for 6 months?”

13 years ago

Little children tug at our heart strings because otherwise the human race would have died out a long time ago. So it is easy to see why so many people would be furious that someone apparently got away with murdering the defenseless. And of course they always know better then the jury who heard all of the evidence because well just cuz!

The twit o sphere (and Nancy Grace) are having absolute meltdowns. That would be funny but for the terrible tragedy that lies at the center of this-a little girl is dead. 🙁

13 years ago

Yeah, i suppose it’s mostly just anger at having no one to be angry at. Or, rather, if they didn’t blame her they don’t have anyone to be angry at, so they blame her. It’s all just sad :-/

And these are the days I’m so very glad I’d not part of the twitness. Facebook is enough for me, thanks.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Also I think it’s cuz of how she was portrayed a lot, at least from what I saw on HLN where they constantly had her party photos floating in the background… it adds to the conclusions ppl have drawn and also adds to the hatred… cuz it adds the whole layer of “hot pretty white slut got away w/ it” thing I think… (and this is not me saying she was innocent, or guilty… I’m merely talking about another factor I think is playing into the reaction Nobby and others are seeing : )

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

I followed fairly closely and watched a lot of the case. Danger/benefit of working from home. Anyway, I definitely think she is guilty, or at the very minimum knows exactly what happened to Caylee Anthony, however, I don’t think I would have been able to convict if I were on the jury. They did not successfully prove the case, bottom line.

13 years ago

I just looked up the various Florida statutes, I think based on what little I know about the case, Ms Anthony might have bee overcharged.

Florida’s manslaughter code and this seems to match the little I know about the case. But I do not know and so have to go with what the jury decided since I was not watching the trial.

13 years ago

Might have been, not bee. Sorry Bee!

And I think the prosecution was pushed into charging higher then they would have normally since going just above the manslaughter (without possibility of the death penalty) they could have gotten a plea agreement with decades of prison.