Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks. Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.
I’d love to see fireworks over the Charles. Perhaps next year (my intended has SOs in Boston, and I have friends, so we shall be in the area, on occasion).
ami: well intended hugs are always welcome.
I like fireworks, sort of. I used to like them a lot more. I’ve done work on big shows, and there is nothing like lieing on one’s back, friends near to hand, and seeing the work of hours going off. Best seat in the house.
Been reading for a while, and I’m taking the opportunity to de-lurk.
Doctor Whooves is hi-larious. I don’t have many IRL friends to nerd out with about Doctor Who. By the way, does anyone know when Torchwood is coming back?
@Simone, I love the purple streaks suggestion. I tried it once but it only lasted about a week, even after I had it professionally done. But I’m not very knowledgeable about upkeep and stuff, so YMMV.
I’m in the US, and the 4th was kinda meh. Spent a good half of it sleeping, and just ended up puttering around the house. Neighbors are setting off fireworks, which would be cool except that my housemate’s dog freaks out when he hears them. Anyway, hope y’all had a good day, whatever you ended up doing.
Ami, I’m kinda a newbie Magic Player, so I don’t get all the jokes, but I can’t wait to play Magyc: The Gendering.
(I needed Kirby to explain to me what Kino was earlier xD )
(both cards and flavour texts were based off of the Metallic Sliver and Muscle Sliver :3 )
So, I just watched this episode my My Little Pony:
And I was pretty disappointed. I thought you guys might understand. You’d think a show about ponies would manage to be without racism. But no! They still find a way to slip in a Magical Negro. *sigh*
with apologies to the CFL xD
@Sarah yeah : I haven’t seen that ep, but friends have warned me about it : (and one involving stand ins for Native Americans : )
Actually if you’re interested, there was a critique in Ms. magazine of MLP as being racist and homophobic and then a defense from one of the creators :]
(I actually think the criticisms are off base, and she doesn’t mention the episode you did nor the one my friend mentioned xD)
oh god the “magic negro” and the “savage Indian” episodes ugggg I could have spared myself the pain but no, curiosity killed me.
Then there was the atheist/skeptic one… yeah I won’t even talk about it.
On a happier note I am so happy I can squeal about mlp here. Hmm this is a good chance to convert more people to the pony cult.
The author of the ms magazine article didn’t even watch the show (or she only watched the first two episodes). If I remember right she just assumed those things so its more like:
Although its kinda unfortunate the racist part came true. I don’t know why I expect more out of the show. It pisses me off to no end; most mainstream writers don’t know how to write minorities and women without relying on stereotypes. Sometimes wish the world would just catch up.
(I’m going to including smileys in all of my post to ward off NWOslob)
Well, the neighbors didn’t burn the place down, the brownies were great, AND there was a Firefly marathon on the Science Channel! It wasn’t quite like being on a friend’s houseboat for the Seattle fireworks, but still not bad.
Manginas are Hounds? So I control all manginas?
Oh since this is an open thread. I wanted to ask ya’ll something; this is to lurkers as well.
How long have you been a manboobz reader? (Note: site opened in September 2010)
Who introduced you to the site?
Are you mostly a lurker or commenter?
It just something I have been curious about.
my answers
since December 2010
don’t remember it was some female blogger I think
mostly lurker I only started posting recently
@ Jumbofish
April 2011
Not sure — I may have followed a link from Pandagon
Commenter — I just can’t shut up
Over a Barrel was much worse than Bridle Gossip, sadly. Bridle Gossip was *bad* though.
On the plus side, I guess, is that aside from those two and Feeling Pinkie Keen*, the show is completely fabulous. Which I’m told is a much better percentage of good episodes than Firefly, so I guess yayifications even more?
“Plymouth’s influence upon the Beetchs grew even stronger” — I love!
I await my orders, Plymouth.
Also, Jumbofish, this would probably be more on topic (?) on the other thread, but I love your gravitar. Fluffy bunny is fluffy!
Going underground again. See you beetches later!
I’ve been a reader since May 2011
I found it while doing a search about men’s rights or something. I think I came to this site through the MGTOW fourms (which is funny as hell in retrospect)
Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I comment. Depends on whether the topic itself is interesting or if the comments section has an interesting conversation going on.
I started reading when David guest-posted on Feministe, and that’s how I heard about him.
I mainly follow blogs on Google Reader, and I’m often a few weeks behind, so I’ve mostly been a lurker, but the comment threads are full of lulz, so I’m beginning to jump in with the comments.
@hellkell Ooh Firefly marathon! How’d I look? 😉
Reading and commenting here since, uh, May I think?
Got here through figleaf’s real adult sex, I think. Or maybe figleaf linked to holly at pervocracy who linked here, I forget exactly. (p.s. – figleaf should totally be on the antidotes to boobery roll: http://www.realadultsex.com/)
Yeah, I checked and figleaf’s first mention of it was May 23, so that’s probably when and how I first got here.
I comment a fair bit, I guess.
@KristinMH yup! you do control them! 😀 Or at least the Mangina dogs! :3
I’m here cuz a friend kept linking me here -_- I actually wasn’t particularly impressed and I find obsessing about the extreme MRAs to be kinda.. meaningless… but then I’ve since discovered it’s not about that, nor is this an actual activism/feminist site, and honestly, most of the posts seem more like just places for ppl to talk than nething about the post nemore neways xD We kinda create our own discussion (and then NWO shows up and hilarity ensues xD ) and I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t end up making friends here and finding out ppl here had a sense of humour and a sense of FUN and everything else 😀
My first appearance was on the thread about the Australian guy who blocked up traffic to see his kids. I defended him, and said that I think it’s unfair to assume he’s bad just cuz the cause he was w/ is associated w/ ppl that the site normally mocks, and that I felt ppl were trying to see bad things in him when details were still kinda empty, AND we always say we want MRAs to do something rather than sit on his hands, and that’s what he’s doing :] Honestly, I still dun have a problem w/ it (unless details changed I wasn’t aware of xD cuz i haven’t been following) but I said my piece :] I dun remember how that led into more commenting…
oh right! The apocalypse thread! My magic cards, the star wars quotes.. the wrestling stuff.. xD yus.. well I hadn’t rly interacted w/ the world v much cuz of various PTSD related things, and ED related issues… and honestly, this place gave me a place where I could slowly start to express myself again… and also the trolls actually HELPED, part of me being so closed up is I started to be afraid of being hurt all the time, and the trolls helped me realize, hey.. they WEREN’T hurting me xD I dun CARE what they think actually, I find them amusing, and it helped me start ot feel safe in the world so much again, and you guys, helped so much too, and like, I mean I was alrdy healing so much and getting my job helped me so much too, not just feeling not useless, but also knowing I’m doing REAL work to help real ppl out there puts everything in perspective :] and honestly, part of why I’m so much better now in my life, and in my healing and etc than even winter of last year, is a lot b/c of the great ppl I met here, and how friendly and supportive, nice and everything everybody here is 😀 YAY! :3 (and now I know 3 of you IRL! 😀 )
Uh oh, Casey Anthony found not guilty (not to derail into a discussion about her, I haven’t been following the case, I just know that HLN obsesses over it 24/7 xD ) … what’s the over/under on how many hours before a troll shows up here and brings the case up and accuses us of something? xD
@Ami, an older lady who’s a Facebook friend has been talking about that case. She seems to think that the mom did it, and “if she didn’t, who did?”, which is a basic misunderstanding of our justice system that I don’t have the energy to explain to her. I don’t know as much about it as the people who follow Nancy Grace and things like that, so I take the radical stance that since I’m not part of the jury, I don’t have an opinion on what happened. It’s a terrible tragedy for the child, the family, and the mother–even if she did kill her child, I can only imagine that there was some serious suffering that led her to make that choice, and I have compassion for that pain w/o justifying the actions she might have taken.
Yeah, I guess according to trolls, legal abortion makes mothers kill their children. Or women who abandon their child to be with a partner=feminism. Or maybe this:
1. Have a child and loving care for her for years, with help from family
2. Become a fymynist by, I dunno, making a donation to Planned Parenthood
3. Personal tragedy
4. ???
Kaylee, you looked fabulous!
I started reading in May and came over from Pervocracy. Started commenting then too because I can’t help myself.
Re: The Anthony trial, I wasn’t paying much attention to it, but when I heard that the jury was still deliberating on day 2 I was expecting a not guilty verdict.