Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks. Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.
Hello all, just got back from massive explosions of light and sound. Happy blowing-shit-up day, everyone!
Also, I made a pony.
Well poo, that didn’t work. Try this.
Awww cute Kirby pony is cute :3
And smexy! 😀
My blog has mostly been dry spells for the last year. Just recently, though, I’ve started writing these stories . . .
These awesome wonderful stories 😀
MRAL: Get a blog. 🙂
I’ve been writing for public consumption for 29 years. I started writing for newspapers when I was 15. I started writing columns when I was 16. I started blogging when I was 36.
Blogging is easier. No editors demanding copy. No need to find something new to say on demand. Will there be times you have nothing to say? Yes. Look at my blog… there are some chunks of time when I have no entries, There are others when I can’t seem to stop.
Starting is hard. Livejournal/Dreamwidth are nice platforms in that they (sort of) come with readerships.
If you have readers, and they are able to get you, when you do publish (RSS, or Lj sort of feed), then a hiatus isn’t a big deal. Just remember to write when something moves you. Don’t think it has to be “meaningful”. I write about food, politics, photography, my day to day life, silly shit I find on the internet.
The egoboo is nice too.
In my experience, blogging a lot tends to lead to having more stuff to blog about. (Says the woman with two blogs…) Content generates itself.
I made a pony too! I had to get wings AND a horn, because I’m fancy like that. 😀
And remember! Negative attn can be positive! 😀 The reason I became a semi “major” feminist comic blogger (and why I’m in a book! 😀 ) is b/c a major blogger wrote a post about the way I write and how stupid I must be and suddenly everybody discovered who I was and a lot of ppl decided I was actually somebody they thought was smart and worth reading after all! 😀
Awww that is a very cool pony Molly 😀 Yours looks brainier than mine xD
@Ami My hair is a lot like that too. I am the Velma of ponies.
Though, to the people in my neighborhood: Stop using cherrybombs so much, I mean GODDAMN.
Also, having some tasty Carne Asada and green salad right now, with a chocolate pie for dessert.
redlocker: My neighborhood sounds like a couple of semi-distant fire fights. They are fond of things which have concussive effects. It is.. strange. I know there isn’t someplace I need to be; no one I have to grab some sqauddies and go help, but damn it it doesn’t sound like that.
Which is a bit problematic.
*gives Pecunium hugs if it’s okay*
Count me as one of those who isn’t a big fan of neighborhood fireworks. Scares hell out of our dog and cats and sometimes sounds a bit too close to gunshots for my tastes. Right now envious of good friend who lives out in the sticks and only has to hear that when she’s firing her Mosin off the back patio right now.
I’m a brony and PROUD!
I’m queer and PROUD!
oh thx for the pony generator ami <3. On the topic of ponies and games I have some news some of you might be interested in. Did you know some people are planning to make a fangame? Normally I scoff at the idea because most fangames are never completed but they seem pretty serious and they have most of the art and basic game mechanics complete.
They give an update every week and if anyone knows who yamino is she is aiding the game *squeals*.
oh and happy fourth everyone 😀
You should have come over to my house…there is no fireworks going on here.
And I could have made brownies.
Sure thing Elizabeth, but I have not the slightest idea where you live and I would have an entourage with me (wife, partner and son). I’ll take a rain check on the brownies though. 😀
@Jumbofish the pony generator was from Molly Ren :3
New card! Do ppl like it better w/ or w/o the “Womanless”? (cuz the quote might be kinda vague (since it’s actually what he rly said) I worry that w/o the womanless it’s not as clear) xD
Fortunately my neighbors seem to have packed it in for the night. You can come sleep on my couch, Pecunium!
Today was, indeed, lovely. Boyfriend and co-girlfriend and I got a big group of our pervert friends together and had a barbecue, then went down to the Charles River and camped out on a big blanket under the trees playing games and talking pervert talk, had a picnic dinner (with rather too much spiked punch) and watched the fireworks over the Charles. There was a lot of laughter and cuddling and all that happy horseshit, and the joy and shininess of the fireworks just capped it off.
Then the train coming home was a little slice of hell (way over capacity with strangers’ elbows in my face, full of drunks, and stuck for 15 minutes), but, you know, can’t win ’em all.
You’re female Holly, you CAN win ’em all xD (and you SHOULD, otherwise you’re weakening the feminist cause >:| )
also I’m glad you had a great day 😀
You missed a hilarious NWO explosion xD (and that he’s confirmed he does truly hate me the most xD)
er wow sorry, that’s embarrasing. I was kinda distracted and sliped up.
Thx molly ren
I live in AZ…I came back from San Diego today
Ah, Oregon here. AZ might be a bit too warm for me. Did you have a nice trip though?