kitties off topic open thread video

Happy Patriotic Kitten Day!

Happy Fourth of July! At least for my readers who live in the US. The rest of you can have a happy day as well, but yours will probably involve fewer fireworks.  Anyway, no misogyny today. Instead, here’s a kitten making its own fireworks with the help of an iPad. Consider this an open thread.

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Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

Hmm, I cut my hair short but I’ve always wanted to dye it too. I even have a coupon for a professional dye job … hmm…

13 years ago

I am back from San Diego and am lying in bed with the cat perched right back on my chest. I have been home for literally a half hour and already she has decided I cannot get up for the night.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Awwwww :3

My cat does that to me too! Esp when I get back from vacation 😀 She always sits in my room and cries all night when I’m gone 🙁 Poor Rinoa : Give your cat a pet for me! 😀

13 years ago

@Molly: OMG. Game of Forever.

13 years ago

*pats Anne for Ami*

She just purred more.

13 years ago

Here’s my Pony. Didn’t have any tie options. I look like a slob.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Spearhafoc: Lol! He’s cute. Has a bit of a Beatles cut going on.

@Ami: The resemblance is uncanny. 😉

13 years ago

Simone, that purple is MONEY. Cha-ching!

Spearhafoc, that suit is fantastic.

Men's Right Activist Lieutenant
Men's Right Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Also, I named my Dragon Age character Buttman69. I’m not the type of person that needs to experience complete immersion in an RPG. Probably another reason I liked ME better.

13 years ago

I really like that purple, Simone!

And I had a really nice pony all made up to show you guys, but then it got deleteded and I was sad. D=

13 years ago

Yay! I remade my pony!

13 years ago

Funny. I actually have a red bow tie.

Men's Right Activist Lieutenant
Men's Right Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Also, a blog is an interesting idea, but I still think I might run out of things to say.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Did you want another kind of tie or colour? 😐 That was just the clipart I found online :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Then you stop blogging xD (look at my blog, some months I have tons of posts, others I have less xD )

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

oh talking about fun games xD

This one I was addicted to for a while xD After all, who HASN’T wanted to kill Ninjas w/ a giant clock hand? xD

13 years ago

Nope. It’s fine. I just thought it was funny you chose a tie that sort of matched one I actually owned.

It’s smaller than the clip art one though – sort of like the 11th Doctor’s, except it’s not pre-tied.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@ Ami & Spearhafoc:

*gasp!* Spearhafoc is DOCTOR WHOOVES! :O

13 years ago

Fireworks! For reals! Soon! Dark happens so late these days. We’re on our way home from tasty BBQ and there will be fireworks across the canal from us.

13 years ago

The game industry has been polarized so that the only viable models right now are AAA games and cheap indies. AAA games have state of the art graphics and sounds and while the technologies themselves are dirt cheap the design pipeline and the assets creation needed to populate these worlds has become way too expensive for midrange titles. Cheap indies arose mostly out of the downloadable title revolution (Xbox Live Arcade and such) and thus have the kind of strict asset limitations that used to be the stuff off old generation consoles. People are willing to pay 5$ for these games if they’re well designed. People are willing to shell 50$ for the latest AAA. Which is still not quite viable financially as a model, hence the rise of Day 1 DLC and such, which is basically a form of price discrimination that allows players willing to shell out more the possibility without having to give a sticker price of 80$ to every game (that would result in an immediate crash of the game industry as many people would just not be willing to shell out that amount for a game).

People are usually not willing to shell out big bucks for unproven concepts, off the wall ideas or niche genres. As for RPGs, the type of assets needed to populate an 80 hours game makes them really risky propositions for a studio. If there was room for midrange games (30$, say), if people weren’t so in need of following the hardcore graphics hamster wheel, if there was actually a market for games like Beyond Good and Evil, say, or other games like that that were great but flopped hard… things might be different.

The only people who understand the inevitable coming crash of the videogame industry seem to be Nintendo, and maybe Maxis (but my opinion is that Will Wright is barking up the wrong tree with the idea of user-generated content, and sales of Spores pretty much back me up on that point). The problem with Nintendo’s vision is that it’s too avant-garde. The hardcore sneer at them because they refuse the premise that the fate of the industry has to be tied into more photorealism and more intense graphics processors ad vitam eternam, and nobody else is doing anything with the Wii (the only games on Wii are awesome innovative games from Nintendo and a bunch of third party shovelware done by companies who don’t understand that ‘casual gamers’ does not mean ‘complete morons who can’t smell a terrible game coming a mile off’).

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Blackbloc what you wrote is pretty much what I’ve believed for a while :3 *claps* Also w/ Nintendo, w/o Nintendo the industry would prolly be in even worse shape… they seem to be the one who does stuff that everybody mocks but then ends up adopting (rumble pack, analog stick, motion sensing, etc) xD

Also it is kinda fitting since Nintendo saved the industry from a crash in the first place in the 80s xD

And i think the focus on high end graphics, and turning all RPGs into necessarily giant high production movies, and etc is def squeezing the innovation and smaller companies out :

13 years ago

In general, if you’re questioning whether or not you’re bisexual? You’re probably bisexual. Although if you wanted to be a real geek about it you could fill out the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid…

I dyed my hair purple once but then my hair slurped up the purple and I decided that I was way too lazy to maintain hair color. I might get it permanently dyed pink for the school year, though.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

MRAL, I second Ami’s suggestion. You should start blogging. And you don’t strike me as the sort of person who is in danger of running out of things to say.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Johnny Pez yeah I was thinking the same thing, but I didn’t want him to think I was being mean or nething xD But I suspect it’ll be a while before he runs out.. and I mean new things are always happening… whether in his life, or online or in the news, that’s after all, most of what I react to in my blog :3

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