men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misandry misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids sex

The Regender Challenge

The other day Darksidecat introduced me to what I now consider to be the Greatest Webpage Ever (this week): Regender, a handy tool that will take any web page and, well, regender it, turning male pronouns and references into female and vice versa. It even works with names.

Following Darksidecat’s lead, I have started plugging the writings of some of my favorite manosphere misogynists into the magical regendering machine. The results are, well, instructive.  And frequently hilarious. As DSC noted, Roissy and MarkyMark are perfect for this sort of treatment.  As is, I discovered, MarkyMark’s longtime pal Christopher in Oregon.  Here’s what happens when Christopher of Oregon becomes Christine of Oregon with the help of regender, and all the horrible shit he wrote about women becomes the horrible shit she wrote about men:

Men are whores. They are far more likely to have STD’s than women. Be aware of this. Handle with extreme care. Men are filthy, and they will lie about their infections. Condoms will NOT protect you. …

Men are walking cesspools of filth! Most of them have or will have a permanent STD infection. It is unavoidable. These are FACTS, and not the rantings of an unstable misandrist.

(I’m a very STABLE misandrist, thank you kindly)

Men are DIRTY creatures, pure and simple. Be dignified, and don’t lower yourself to engaging in any filthy behavior with them. You WILL be infected with the diseases they are carrying. A moral, dignified woman does NOT rut like an animal with one of these creatures. Sexual intercourse and oral sex are filthy, disgusting activities, and ruin a woman morally. They spread disease.

Elevate yourself above such filth of the flesh. …

Do not lust after men in your mind. Masturbate only as a last result to relieve tension. Do not lust after men sexually. It weakens you.

Goddess made woman in Her image, and men was made in the image of Satan. Squeal all you want, but history proves me right. A man is a test; a stumbling block for woman. Our life is an adventure. A journey. A pursuit of our creator, and a pursuit of excellence in our personal lives. A man and his filth is part of the obstacle course set before us. If we are wise, and avoid them, we will grow stronger as a result. We will finish the race successfully.

Men was not put here to support us as such, and we will only grow stronger if we AVOID his snares. ..

Christine in Oregon

Woah. Critics of Man Boobz often say that feminists are “just as bad” as the guys I quote. Well, if they were, the posts on their blogs would look a lot like this regendered post.  I ask all of you: have you ever seen something so grotesquely misandrist on any feminist web site? I thought not.

Here’s a challenge for all of you: See if you can come up with a regendered post that tops this one from “Christine in Oregon.” You can draw from old posts of mine, or go poking about in the manosphere yourself. Post your results in the thread below, along with a link to the regendered web page you got them from. I’ll highlight the best in a future post.

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13 years ago

NWO: Actually, I’m just trying to hammer a few cracks in the pedastal that you, the State, the MSM/corporations place all women upon.

By Lying. I notice that (once again) I have followed your links, and answered your questions, but you ignore me.

Which is a lie by omission. You are pretending your previous lies weren’t displayed to the world. Very Christian of you, giving false testimony, by way of publicly bearing false witness.

13 years ago

“Would you also like praise for shitting after being constipated for a few days?”

Gee, you caught me. I want to be praised for shitting. Also, shitting = pregnancy. You would restrict women’s right to an abortion, because ejaculating into a vagina is hard labor, and that vile woman stole your spermal property, and also pregnancy is pretty much exactly the same as shitting. Glad you cleared all that up for us.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I admit it, I was the one who started calling him NWOsub, or Subbie for short, because, yeah, he seems to come here just to be dominated by us. And I agree with Holly that calling him Slavey is an insult to actual slaves. So . . .

How about if we start calling him NWOsilly? Because he is really very silly.

13 years ago

Slavey still hasn’t told me his thoughts on the child-free. Bad slave, very bad.

Which biological function would I like praise for? How about dealing with you, you dishonest motherfucker?*

*I know, not really a function, unless quelling stupidity induced rage counts.

13 years ago

Hey, NWOfuckwit, women can DIE from a pregnancy.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Hey, Ozy, did you know that 90% of men die from constipation?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Kinda gives a new meaning to the expression “ass-pull”, doesn’t it?

13 years ago


You’ve answered no questions or have contributed anything of value. You simply “agree” that it’s okay dokey that , “women don’t need any corroboration of their claims, but men and boys are arrested based solely on even the far-fetched say-so of any woman or girl…eliminated the requirement of force…legally forbade naming rape accusers…lengthened and even eliminated statutes of limitations for rape, ect, ect, ect.”

This is all just fine be you.

How anyone in their right minds can’t see…
1) two 35 packages = more packaging
2) two 35 packages = more labeling
3) two 35 packages = more handling over and over
4) two 35 packages = more paperwork
5) two 35 packages = more storage
6) two 35 packages = more cost
7) two 35 packages = more employees

This “law” was enacted in the early 80s to accomodate women who wanted employment as delivery personel. Also a Guv agency, (more taxes) to enforce this policy. A Guv agency, (more taxes) to police and fine/shut down any who fail to meet the quota.

How anyone can see the massive cost transferred to the general population as being a “good” thing is beyond me. This “law” that supposedly benefits womens employment has effectively doubled the price of shipping. How can that be something good, when the general population pays double? Now extend these “equality laws” into every realm of employment. I fail to see the “good” that comes from every product being 4 or 5 times the price as opposed to a free market. Communism is expensive.

mind control beams
mind control beams
13 years ago

I strongly suspect that NWOSlave comes here whenever he feels the need to vent emotionally. Which is often, since everything about the world-as-he-percieves-it fills him with anger and resentment. And this is one of the few places on the net that hasn’t banned him in short order.

So we get to be his emotional punching bag to spew invective at.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I’d love to stay here and knock all you feminist women off your State-mandated pedestals, but I’ve got a couple of dogs to walk, which is very hard work and proof that being a white hetero cisdude makes me an oppressed minority.


13 years ago

Oh ozy… Men can die from drinking bad beer. A severe case of bloat/food poisoning and one can have a prolapsed colon and develop sepsis.

I mean, really, since it’s happened, a few times, it’s not as if a woman dying from pregnancy was all that bad. It’s not like men, who might be injured, or even killed, when a pipe comes loose from the pasteurising equipment in a dairy breaks loose.

Oh wait, that happens to women in dairy work too (true story, my former fiancée spent the evening of 11 Sep, 2001, in the hospital because we went to the dairy to milk the cows, and (after I got called into the Armory to make sure no one blew up Glendale, Calif.) a pipe came loose, and clubbed her to the ground when it smashed into her skull.

So maybe it’s not all the important. Could happen to anybody.

But pregnancy…it’s natural, so all that stuff I linked to, all the risks… unimportant… God meant it to be that way.

Just like unpasteurised milk is natural.

Hey, NWO… why are you working against nature?

13 years ago


Yes women can die from pregnancy. And you want praise for your risk.
Men die are maimed from dangerous work/military to protect YOU in far greater numbers, (nearing 100% compared to women). Yet if I bring that up it’ll be met with mockery, not praise. Probably ramble on about mamouth hunting. Right?

So if a womans life is at risk, or she feels discomfort praise must be heaped upon her. If a mans life is at risk or he feels discomfort mockery must be heaped upon him.

Doesn’t that sum up you pedestal nicely?

13 years ago

Regulations about the weight of packages = common ownership of the means of production, the end of wage labor and private property, and free access to the necessities of life from each according to his ability to each according to his need.

I’m learning so much!

13 years ago

NWO, I have objections to the lack of women in the military and the incredible sexism of the draft; I actually regard the high rate of men in every dangerous profession except prostitution to be one of the biggest masculist issues.

13 years ago

NWDipshit, 100% of those men off hunting mammoth came from women, so I would say pregnancy is still the greater risk.

13 years ago

NWO: You lie. I linked to a list of health problems and risk associated with pregnancy.

I listed actual laws on the admission of “prior bad acts” and cited court cases where non-rape cases were decided (with a guilty verdict; upheld on appeal) .

So, just what would you consider an answer? (BTW, why don’t you want to live in Iceland, the women are white, the age of consent is 15 and the divorce rate is 1.7 per 1,000?)?

Because you are 1: making shit up, 2: refusing to admit that people are responding to you (which false witness), and 3: lying about what was said, when you do deign to acknowledge a response.

I can only describe it as cowardly.

13 years ago

NWO: If you’ll remember, no one (here, anyway) has asked (seriously) for any praise for anything. Acknowledgment of the facts might be nice, but initially I believe you were saying that one sperm + one egg = men should have the right to allow or disallow a woman’s abortion, since the contributions were exactly the same.

I ask not for praise for any potential (unlikely) pregnanting I might do. I do, however, think that the fact that the egg + sperm combination is housed within the woman’s body makes for a powerful argument that she should get the deciding vote.

13 years ago

Hey, pulling shit out of your ass is FUN!

13 years ago

Just like pregnancy, hellkell.

13 years ago

Nice try ozymandias42, you want praise. Well you better damn well offer some. Don’t give me this against the draft bullshit. You garnish the bennies of your faction, reguardless if they’re so-cons, libs, radicals, ect. Then you pick and choose which delicious morsel to nibble on all the while claiming innocense. In the end, you’ve got all the power. Right? And you fucking love and you’ll use any portion of it at you whim. Liar.

13 years ago

NWO: You silly, ignorant ,twit: Women die in pregnancy to bring people into the world. You compare that to killing people, and say that it’s less important (or at least that killing people ought to be praised). You also lie about ozymandias, and Bee, and Holly, etc. wanting praise for it women getting pregnant.

They merely want you to stop lying about it being no worse than having the sniffles or passing a dry-lumpy turd.

13 years ago

No Bee, equality for abortion would be men could terminate the pregnancy.
Remember, it’s not a seperate life that’s being terminated it’s the prgnancy that’s being terminated.

Some animals on the farm are more equal than others.

13 years ago

You say pregnancy, he says papercut.

13 years ago


I say dead men in a mine, you say miners.

13 years ago

Where is spearhafoc when we need him?


It’s not “garnish” in they way you use it.

garnish [ˈgɑːnɪʃ]
vb (tr)
1. to decorate; trim
2. (Cookery) to add something to (food) in order to improve its appearance or flavour
3. (Law) Law
a. to serve with notice of proceedings; warn
b. Obsolete to summon to proceedings already in progress
c. to attach (a debt)
4. Slang to extort money from
1. a decoration; trimming
2. (Cookery) something, such as parsley, added to a dish for its flavour or decorative effect
3. Obsolete slang a payment illegally extorted, as from a prisoner by his jailer

Even the fourth verb, or third noun don’t apply, since you say they are exploiting the law.

English, it’s not that hard, when you don’t understand a word (like honesty), you look it up.

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